HTML individual instance

Keywords: less Java PHP Python

1. Use HTML for the first time

<title>First use HTML</title>

2. Text processing

<title>text processing </title>
<!-- Title -->
   <h1>First level title</h1>
   <h2>Secondary title</h2>
   <h3>Third level title</h3>
<!-- paragraph -->
<p> Hello,HTML</p>
<!-- Ordered list -->
<!-- Unordered list -->
<!-- List nesting    -->
<!-- Order nesting disorder -->
     <li>WEB summary</li>
     <li>WEB Three elements: browser, server APP</li>
     <li>Common browsers</li>
     <li>HTML working principle</li>

3. Partition elements

<title>Partition element</title>
     <h1>Block elements</h1>
<div  style="color: red;">
       <p>Content of the first paragraph</p>
       <p>Content of the second paragraph</p>
       <p>Content of the third paragraph</p>
         <p>Copyright logo</p>

4. In line elements

< title > in line elements < / Title >
    <!-- span -->
        Floor 5, block B, Communication Industrial Park, No.28, Jingkai Fifth Avenue
    <!-- i/em -->
         No.26, 15th Street, South 3rd Ring Road
    <!-- b/strong -->
    <b>Floor 2 and 3, block a, Zhiyou group, No.26, 15th Street, South 3rd Ring Road
    <!-- del/u -->
    Floor 2 and 3, block a, Zhiyou group, No.26, 15th Street, South 3rd Ring Road
    <! -- space collapse -- >
    <p>No.26, 15th Street, South 3rd Ring Road, Henan Province;
         Floor 2 and 3, block A, Zhiyou group
    <! -- line feed br -- >
    Floor 2 and 3, block A, Zhiyou group, 26 < br > 15th Street, South 3rd Ring Road, Henan Province</br>
    <! -- Entity replacement & lt greater than sign & gt less than sign -- >
    Floor 2 and 3, block a, Zhiyou group, No.26, 15th Street, South 3rd Ring Road, Henan Province

5. Images and hyperlinks

<title>Images and hyperlinks</title>
   <!-- Connect to anchor -->
   <a href="#Button "> to bottom</a>
   <!-- picture -->
  <img    alt="The picture is hanging"  src="E:\Duty\3.jpg"    width="500">
  <!-- Hyperlinks    target="_blank"Another page   self oneself-->
  <p><a   href=" "target =" _blank "> Baidu</a></p>
   <p><a   href=" "target =" \\\\\\\\</a></p>
   <!-- Virtual some data, scroll bar appears for the page -->
   <!-- Defining anchors -->
     <a  name="button">bottom</a>
   <!-- Anchor at top of document by default -->
   <p><a   href="#"> back to top</a></p>

6. Form

   <!-- form -->
   <table border="1"   >
            <td>First row first column</td>
            <td>First row second column</td>
            <td>Second row first column</td>
            <td>Second row second column</td>
   <!-- enjambment -->
   <table   border="1"   width="20%">
        <td   rowspan="2">aaa</td>
   <!--Cross column -->
   <table   border="1" width="20%">
   <td   colspan="2">aaa</td>
   <!-- Row grouping -->
   <table   border="1"   width="30px">
         <th>number</th><th>name</th><th>amount of money</th>
   <tbody   style="color: red;">
   <td    colspan="2">total</td><td>150</td>

7. Form

<title>form </title>
   <!-- Text box, password box, radio box, check box, button, file selection box
        Hidden box, other elements: label, text field, drop-down -->
        <form >
           <h1>form </h1>
           <!-- Text box, password box -->
              <label    for="user_name">account number:</label>
               <input    type="text"   id="user_name"/>
              <label    for="password">Password:</label>
               <input    type="password"   id="password"/>
        <!-- Radio -->
       			 <label  for="male">male</label>
       			 	<input    type="radio"   name="sex" id="male"/>
         		<label  for="female">female</label>
       			     <input    type="radio"   name="sex" id="female"/>
      <!-- check box -->
      	    <label for="basketball">Basketball</label>              
               <input   type="checkbox"  name="favorites"   id="basketball">
            <label for="football">Football</label>              
               <input   type="checkbox"  name="favorites"   id="football">
           <label for="pingpang">Table Tennis</label>              
               <input   type="checkbox"  name="favorites"   id="pingpang">
         <!-- Button -->
         		<input   type="submit"   value="Submit">
         		<input   type="reset"   value="Reset">
        		 <input   type="button"   value="cancel">
         <!-- Hide fields and file selection boxes -->
         <input  type="hidden"    value="9">
         <label  type="file"   >Upload:</label>
         <input  type="file"    id="file">
         <!-- Text field -->
         <label   for="address">address</label>
         <textarea rows="5" cols="30"   id="address">
         .'xdfycuvbuonipomp[l[f ;ml;fhg]]
         <!-- Drop down -->
         <label   for="course">curriculum</label>
         <option   value="1">Java</option>
         <option   value="2">PHP</option>
         <option   value="3">Python</option>


Posted by jasonX on Tue, 17 Dec 2019 14:51:00 -0800