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Many good-looking novels can only be read but not downloaded, which can teach you how to crawl all novels of a website
Knowledge points:
- requests
- xpath
- The whole station novel crawls the thought
Development environment:
- Version: Anaconda 5.2.0 (Python 3.6.5)
- Editor: pycharm
Third party Library:
- requests
- parsel
Perform web page analysis
Target site:
- Use of developer tools networkelement
Crawl a chapter of a novel
- Use of requests Library (request web page data)
- Encapsulate the request web page data steps
- Use of css selector (parsing web page data)
- Operation file (data persistence)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import requests import parsel """Crawl a chapter of a novel""" # Request web data headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.142 Safari/537.36' } response = requests.get('', headers=headers) response.encoding = response.apparent_encoding html = response.text print(html) # Extract content from web pages sel = parsel.Selector(html) title = sel.css('.content h1::text').extract_first() contents = sel.css('#content::text').extract() contents2 = [] for content in contents: contents2.append(content.strip()) print(contents) print(contents2) print("\n".join(contents2)) # Write content to text with open(title+'.txt', mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write("\n".join(contents2))
Crawling through a novel
- To reconstruct a crawler requires crawling through many chapters. The stupidest way is to use the for loop directly.
- To access the index page, you need to access all the chapters, as long as you get the URL of each chapter.
import requests import parsel """Get page source code""" # Send request by simulated browser headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.142 Safari/537.36' } def download_one_chapter(target_url): # URL to request # target_url = '' # Content object returned by response service # pycharm ctrl + left mouse button response = requests.get(target_url, headers=headers) # Decoding universal decoding response.encoding = response.apparent_encoding # Text method to get the text content of web page # print(response.text) # Character string html = response.text """Get information from the source code of the web page""" # Using Parse to change a string into an object sel = parsel.Selector(html) # scrapy # extract extracts the contents of a label # Pseudo class selector (select attribute) css selector (select label) # Extract first content title = sel.css('.content h1::text').extract_first() # Extract everything contents = sel.css('#content::text').extract() print(title) print(contents) """ Data clear clear empty string """ # contents1 = [] # for content in contents: # # Remove whitespace at both ends # # Operation of string operation list # contents1.append(content.strip()) # # print(contents1) # List derivation contents1 = [content.strip() for content in contents] print(contents1) # Program list string text = '\n'.join(contents1) print(text) """Preserve the content of the novel""" # open operation file (write, read) file = open(title + '.txt', mode='w', encoding='utf-8') # Only strings can be written file.write(title) file.write(text) # Close file file.close() # A catalogue of a novel was introduced def get_book_links(book_url): response = requests.get(book_url) response.encoding = response.apparent_encoding html = response.text sel = parsel.Selector(html) links = sel.css('dd a::attr(href)').extract() return links # Download a novel def get_one_book(book_url): links = get_book_links(book_url) for link in links: print('' + link) download_one_chapter('' + link) if __name__ == '__main__': # target_url = '' # # Keyword parameters and location parameters # download_one_chapter(target_url=target_url) # Download other novels and change the url directly book_url = '' get_one_book(book_url)
Crawling the whole station novel
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