How to implement a simple search engine?

Keywords: C

Description: an English text search engine, currently supports Boolean query, phrase query, free text query.

C language implementation only uses some common data structures, such as binary tree, hash table, etc. the following document is the lecture report (not as a tutorial), which may not be very clear. It is suggested to use it as a reference~

Author: a dish of chicken in Huake soft hospital

Reference: introduction to information retrieval (people's post and Telecommunications Press)

English text search engine development document

Document material

Ten txt files in the static directory, from 0.txt to 9.txt, are from BBC English reports.

Program flow

  1. Build inverted index: use hash table to store word items, inverted table, document frequency, word frequency and other information
  2. Provide retrieval services
    • Boolean query
    • Phrase query: build inverted index with location information
    • Free text query: sorting retrieval results based on vector space model

Build inverted index - hash table

  1. Read the entries of the document in turn. If an entry already exists in the inverted index, only update its information. If it does not exist, insert and initialize the information

  2. Repeat 1 until all documents are traversed and inverted index is established

     * Build inverted index
     * return: Built inverted index (hash table)
     * */
    HashTable BuildIndex() {
        int length, wordCounts = 0, TableSize = 3000, wordOrder = 1;
        char *word = NULL;
        FILE *fp;
        char fileID[10], buffer[100];
        Position p;
        HashTable HT = InitHashTable(TableSize);    //Initializing a hash table
        for (int i = 0; i < IDLength; i++) {
            //String of the file path at the splice, such as ".. / static/0.txt"
            char txt[50] = "../static/";
            itoa(fileIDs[i], fileID, 10);
            strcat(txt, fileID);
            strcat(txt, ".txt");
            wordOrder = 1;
            if ((fp = fopen(txt, "r")) == NULL) {
                //Failed to open file successfully
                printf("Open failed: %s\n", txt);
            while (!feof(fp)) {
                length = ReadAWord(fp, &word);      //Read a word from text
                if (length >= 3) {
                    //If the read string is longer than or equal to 3, we treat it as a word
                    wordCounts++;               //Words read plus 1
                    InsertOrCount(HT, word, fileIDs[i], wordOrder++);    //If the word appears for the first time, insert it into the table; if it already exists in the table, add one word frequency. wordOrder is used to record where the entry appears
                } else {
                    //Otherwise, abandon it and release space
        return HT;
     * Insert the word item into the hash table or increase the corresponding record
     * HT: Inserted hash table
     * E: Inserted term
     * docID: Document ID
     * */
    void InsertOrCount(HashTable HT, ElementType E, int docID, int termPosition) {
        Position p = Find(HT, E);       //First, check whether E exists in table HT
        if (HT->Cells[p].info != Legitimate) {
            //If the location is not occupied, insert
            HT->Cells[p].info = Legitimate;
            HT->Cells[p].wordTerm = E;
            HT->Cells[p].docFrequency = 1;
            HT->Cells[p].table = (InvertedTable) malloc(sizeof(struct InvertedTable));
            HT->Cells[p].table->docID = docID;      //Record docID
            HT->Cells[p].table->frequency = 1;  //Record the frequency of occurrences in this document
            HT->Cells[p].table->positions = (TermPositions) malloc(sizeof(struct TermPosition));
            HT->Cells[p].table->positions->p = termPosition;
            HT->Cells[p].table->positions->next = NULL;
            HT->Cells[p].table->next = NULL;    //Tag next is NULL
        } else {
            //This word item already exists in the dictionary. Judge whether there is a record of this document in the corresponding inverted list
            InvertedTable move = HT->Cells[p].table;  //For traversing linked list
            int order = 0;  //Used to record node location
            while (move != NULL && docID > move->docID) {
                //If the corresponding document ID is not found and the backward table traversal is not finished, the loop continues
                move = move->next;
            if (move != NULL && move->docID == docID) {
                //There are records of this document in the corresponding inverted table
                move->frequency++;  //Word frequency plus one corresponding to inverted list node
                //Insert the location information, because the location is getting larger and larger, so just insert it directly to the end. And because of the existing records of this document, all cases in which the management link list is empty are not needed
                TermPositions positionMove = move->positions;
                while (positionMove->next != NULL) {
                    positionMove = positionMove->next;
                positionMove->next = (TermPosition) malloc(sizeof(struct TermPosition));
                positionMove->next->p = termPosition;
                positionMove->next->next = NULL;
            } else {
                //There is no record of this document in the corresponding inverted table
                InvertedTable newNode = (InvertedTable) malloc(sizeof(struct InvertedTable));  //New inverted table node
                newNode->docID = docID;  //Record document ID
                newNode->frequency = 1;  //Initialize word frequency
                newNode->positions = NULL;
                AddNodeToTermP(&newNode->positions, termPosition);
                InsertNode(HT->Cells[p].table, newNode, order);
                HT->Cells[p].docFrequency++;  //Document frequency of word item plus 1

Inverted index data structure

  • List of word position

    typedef struct TermPosition {
        int p;
        struct TermPosition *next;
    } *TermPosition;
    typedef TermPosition TermPositions;
  • Inverted record table: single chain table

    //Inverted record form
    typedef struct InvertedTable{
        int docID;  //Document ID
        int frequency;  //Frequency of occurrence in this document
        struct InvertedTable * next;  //Point to next node
    } * InvertedTable;
  • Inverted index: hash table

    typedef unsigned int Position;
    typedef char *ElementType;
    //Used to mark the status of a node
    typedef enum Info {
        Legitimate, Empty, Deleted
    } Info;
    //Node of hash table, inverted index corresponding to a word item
    struct TblNode {
        ElementType wordTerm;   //Lexical entry
        int docFrequency;       //Document frequency
        InvertedTable table;    //Inverted record of a word
        Info info;              //state
    typedef struct TblNode *Cell;
    typedef struct HashTable {
        int TableSize;             //Table size
        Cell Cells;              //Node array
    } *HashTable;

Boolean query

And operation: merge inverted table

 * Take intersection of two inverted tables, i.e. parallel operation
 * t1, t2: Two inverted tables
 * return: Intersection of two tables
 * */
InvertedTable Intersect(InvertedTable t1, InvertedTable t2) {
    InvertedTable answer = NULL;

    while (t1 != NULL && t2 != NULL) {
        if (t1->docID == t2->docID) {  //Same document ID
            AddNode(&answer, t1);
            t1 = t1->next;
            t2 = t2->next;
        } else if (t1->docID < t2->docID) {
            //Because the docids in the inverted table are sorted in order, all can be postponed directly
            t1 = t1->next;
        } else {
            t2 = t2->next;

    return answer;

Or operation: the union of two inverted tables, similar to the above

Non operation: fetching complement from inverted table, similar to above

Parse the Boolean query instruction and calculate the result:

Several key functions used (stack parentheses and double quotes (phrases)):

//Data structure: used to store expressions, in which the inverted record table is the operand
typedef struct ExpItem{
    int type;  //0 for the head of the list, 1 for the operation value, 2 for the operator
    InvertedTable table;
    char operator;
    struct ExpItem *next;
} *ExpItem;
typedef struct ExpItem *Exp;

 * Analyze infix expression and calculate result
 * midExp: Infix expression
 * return: Calculated inverted index table
 * */
InvertedTable ComPuteMidExp(char *midExp) {
    char buffer[100], *sub, ch;  //buffer is used to temporarily store entries, and move is used to traverse expressions
    int chIndex = 0, expIndex = 0, qufanFlag = 0, cizuFlag = 0;
    InvertedTable expItem;
    Position p;
    Stack S = CreateStack(100);  //Create a stack

    //Create expression
    Exp exp = (Exp) malloc(sizeof(struct ExpItem));  //Use to store expressions that remove parentheses and
    exp->type = 0;
    exp->next = NULL;

    //China & ! (public | ! (country | you))

    while (midExp[expIndex] != '\0') {  //Read each character of the command in turn and make a judgment
        ch = midExp[expIndex];
        if (!(IsOperator(ch) || ch == '(' || ch == ')' || ch == ' ' || ch == '"') && IsEmpty(S)) {
            //The character is not an operator and is not in parentheses
            buffer[chIndex++] = ch;  //Buffering
        } else {
            if (chIndex != 0 && IsEmpty(S)) {
                buffer[chIndex] = 0;  //Add 0 at the end of the term
                p = Find(HT, buffer);  //Get the position of the inverted index table of terms
//              printf("item: %s   position: %d\n", buffer, p);
                expItem = HT->Cells[p].table;
                if(qufanFlag == 1){
                    expItem = Complement(expItem);
                    qufanFlag = 0;
                InsertItem(exp, expItem);  //Add operands to expressions
                chIndex = 0;

            if (IsOperator(ch) && IsEmpty(S)) {  //If the character is an operation symbol and is not in parentheses
                if(ch == '!'){
                    qufanFlag = 1;
                } else {
                    InsertOperator(exp, ch);  //Add operator to expression
            } else if (midExp[expIndex] == '(') {
                Push(S, expIndex);  //The position of the left bracket is pushed
            } else if (midExp[expIndex] == ')') {
                int left = Pop(S) + 1;  //Left is the position of the first character to the right of the left bracket, and endIndex is the position of the right bracket
                    char temExp[100];
                    strncpy(temExp, midExp + left, expIndex - left);
                    temExp[expIndex - left] = '\0';
                    expItem = ComPuteMidExp(temExp);
                    if(qufanFlag == 1){
                        expItem = Complement(expItem);
                        qufanFlag = 0;
                    InsertItem(exp, expItem);  //Add operands to expressions
            } else if (midExp[expIndex] == '\"'){
                if(cizuFlag == 0){
                    Push(S, expIndex);  //Stack the position of the opening quotation mark
                    cizuFlag = 1;
                } else {
                    int left = Pop(S) + 1;  //left is the position of the first character to the right of the opening quotation mark, and endIndex is the position of the closing quotation mark
                    if (IsEmpty(S)){
                        char temExp[100];
                        strncpy(temExp, midExp + left, expIndex - left);
                        temExp[expIndex - left] = '\0';
                        expItem = ComputeCiZuExp(temExp);
                        if(qufanFlag == 1){
                            expItem = Complement(expItem);
                            qufanFlag = 0;
                        InsertItem(exp, expItem);  //Add operands to expressions
                    cizuFlag = 0;


    if (chIndex != 0) {
        //If there is a word at the end of the command
        buffer[chIndex] = 0;  //Add 0 at the end of the term
        p = Find(HT, buffer);  //Get the position of the inverted index table of terms
        expItem = HT->Cells[p].table;
        if(qufanFlag == 1){
            expItem = Complement(expItem);
            qufanFlag = 0;
        InsertItem(exp, expItem);  //Add operands to expressions

    return ComPuteSimpleExp(exp);

 * Computes a simple expression of & and |
 * */
InvertedTable ComPuteSimpleExp(Exp exp) {
    char operator;
    ExpItem expMove = exp->next;
    InvertedTable item1 = NULL, item2 = NULL;

    if(expMove->type == 1 && expMove->next == NULL){
        return expMove->table;

    while (expMove != NULL) {
        if (expMove->type == 1) {
            if (item1 == NULL) {  //The first term of binary operation
                item1 = expMove->table;
            } else {  //Second term of binary operation, calculated value
                item2 = expMove->table;
                switch (operator) {
                    case '&':
                        item1 = Intersect(item1, item2);
                    case '|':
                        item1 = Union(item1, item2);
        } else if (expMove->type == 2) {
            operator = expMove->operator;
        expMove = expMove->next;

    return item1;

test case

Input string on the left and retrieved document on the right ID

China: 1 2 6 8
public: 2 5
country: 0 2 4 5 6 8
you: 0 1 2 3 4 8
China | public & country: 2 5 6 8
China & (public | (country | you)): 1 2 6 8

Phrase query

**Principle: * * stores the position of the words in the document in the inverted index, and merges the inverted table based on the position information during the query.

 * nearest neighbor search
 * t1, t2: Inverted record of two words
 * return: Consolidated inverted record
 * */
InvertedTable PositionalIntersect(InvertedTable t1, InvertedTable t2){
    InvertedTable answer = NULL;

    while(t1 != NULL && t2 != NULL){
        if(t1->docID == t2->docID){
            TermPosition p1 = t1->positions, p2 = t2->positions, p0 = NULL;
            int pNum = 0;

            while(p1 != NULL && p2 != NULL){
                if(p2->p == p1->p + 1){
                    AddNodeToTermP(&p0, p2->p);
                    p1 = p1->next;
                    p2 = p2->next;
                } else if (p2->p <= p1->p){
                    p2 = p2->next;
                } else {
                    p1 = p1->next;

            if(p0 != NULL){
                InvertedTable newNode = (InvertedTable) malloc(sizeof(struct InvertedTable));
                newNode->docID = t2->docID;
                newNode->positions = p0;
                newNode->frequency = pNum;
                newNode->next = NULL;
                if (answer == NULL) {  //answer inserts the node for the first time
                    answer = newNode;  //Get the node of deep copy directly with the header
                } else {
                    InvertedTable tail = answer;
                    while (tail->next != NULL) {
                        tail = tail->next;
                    tail->next = newNode;
            t1 = t1->next;
            t2 = t2->next;
        } else if (t1->docID < t2->docID){
            t1 = t1->next;
        } else {
            t2 = t2->next;

    return answer;

test case

Input string on the left and retrieved document ID on the right

"father she had been raped": 5
"Accelerating deforestation and rampant": 3
China & (public | "father she had been raped") | "Accelerating deforestation and rampant": 3

Free text query based on vector space model


  • Let tf be the word frequency of a word item in a document,
  • df is the document frequency of a word item in the document set, idf is the inverse document frequency, and the expression is log(N / df), where N is the number of copies of all documents
  • The weight w of a word item in a document can be expressed as: tf * idf
  • The weight between a document and all terms in the dictionary constitutes a vector, which is called document vector
  • The similarity between two documents can be expressed by the cosine of the included angle of their document vectors, and the expression is (V1 * V2) / (әә* әv2|)
  • If a free text query is regarded as a document, its query vector can be obtained. Then the correlation degree between a query and a document can be expressed by the similarity between the query vector and the document vector
  • Calculate the similarity between query vector and all document vectors, and output the K document ID S with the highest similarity (which can be realized by the maximum heap)
code implementation
//data structure
//Nodes of query vector
typedef struct QueryNode{
    char * item;  //Lexical entry
    int frequency;  //Frequency of occurrence in free text, i.e. tf value
    //The idf value is directly used as the data in the inverted index
    struct QueryNode * next;
} * QueryNode;
//Query vector
typedef struct QueryVector{
    QueryNode first;
    int length;
} * QueryVector;

//Algorithm implementation
 * A free text query
 * */
void FreeTextSearch() {
    char query[100];  //command is used to store commands and buffer is used to temporarily store entries
    int k = 3;
        printf("please enter the query (enter q to return):\n");
        if(strcmp(query, "q") == 0){
        QueryVector queryVector = GetQueryVector(query);  //Calculate query vector
        OutputTopKDocs(queryVector, k);  //Output the top five document ID S with the highest correlation

 * Based on the vector space model, the first k document ID S with the highest relevance are output
 * */
void OutputTopKDocs(QueryVector queryVector, int k) {
    int *docIDs = (int *) malloc(k * sizeof(int));
    float *lengths, *Scores = (float *) malloc(IDLength * sizeof(float));
    InvertedTable move;
    QueryNode queryMove = queryVector->first;
    Position p;

    for(int i = 0; i < IDLength; i++){  //Initialization
        Scores[i] = 0;

    lengths = ComputeVectorLength();  //Get the length of all document vectors

    //Traverse the query vector and accumulate the inner product of the query vector and each document vector
    for(int i = 0; i < queryVector->length; i++){
        p = Find(HT, queryMove->item);
        float idf = log10f((float)IDLength / (float)HT->Cells[p].docFrequency);  //Inverted document frequency, only one value for each term
        float queryWf = (float)queryMove->frequency * idf;  //The weight of the term in the query vector
        //Traversing the inverted record table of the term
        move = HT->Cells[p].table;
        while(move != NULL){
            float docWf = (float)move->frequency * idf;  //The weight of a word item in a document
            Scores[move->docID] += queryWf * docWf;
            move = move->next;
        queryMove = queryMove->next;

    //Divide each inner product by the length of the corresponding document vector
    for(int i = 0; i < IDLength; i++){  //Initialization
        Scores[i] = Scores[i] / lengths[i];

    for(int i = 0; i < IDLength; i++){
        printf("doc%d's scores:  %f\n", i, Scores[i]);
    HeapSort(Scores, IDLength, k);  //Output k documents with the highest score


 * Calculate query vector of query text
 * query: User entered free text
 * return Query vector corresponding to free text
 * */
QueryVector GetQueryVector(char *query) {
    char buffer[21], ch;     //Buffer, up to 20 words read
    int queryIndex = 0, bufferIndex = 0;
    QueryVector queryVector = InitQueryVector();

    while (query[queryIndex] != '\0') {
        ch = query[queryIndex];
        if ((ch < 48 || (ch >= 58 && ch <= 64) || (ch >= 91 && ch <= 96 && ch != 95) || ch > 122) && bufferIndex != 0) {
            //If the character read is a separator and the entry has been read
            if (bufferIndex >= 3) {
                // If the length of the entry is greater than or equal to 3, stop reading and insert the information into the query vector. Otherwise, discard the entry
                buffer[bufferIndex] = '\0';
                InsertOrCountToQuery(queryVector, buffer);
            bufferIndex = 0;
        } else {
            //If the read character is not a separator, it will be stored in the buffer
            buffer[bufferIndex++] = ch;

    if (bufferIndex >= 3) {
        // If there is an entry with length greater than or equal to 3 at the end of the string, insert its information into the query vector
        buffer[bufferIndex] = '\0';
        InsertOrCountToQuery(queryVector, buffer);

    return queryVector;

 * Initialize a query vector
 * */
QueryVector InitQueryVector() {
    QueryVector queryVector = (QueryVector) malloc(sizeof(struct QueryVector));
    queryVector->first = NULL;
    queryVector->length = 0;

    return queryVector;

 * Insert a word item and its information into the query vector. If it already exists, increase the corresponding word frequency
 * */
void InsertOrCountToQuery(QueryVector queryVector, char *item) {
    QueryNode move = queryVector->first;
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < queryVector->length; i++) {
        if (strcmp(move->item, item) == 0) {
            //If the term already exists in the query vector, increase the word frequency
        move = move->next;

    if (i == queryVector->length) {  //If there is no such term in the query vector, it will be directly inserted into the header
        //Newly build
        QueryNode newNode = (QueryNode) malloc(sizeof(struct QueryNode));
        newNode->item = (char *) malloc((strlen(item) + 1) * sizeof(char));
        strcpy(newNode->item, item);
        newNode->frequency = 1;

        newNode->next = queryVector->first;
        queryVector->first = newNode;

 * Calculate the length of all document vectors
 * HT: Inverted index
 * return: Length of all document vectors, array
 * */
float *ComputeVectorLength() {
    float *lengths = (float *) malloc(IDLength * sizeof(int));
    InvertedTable move;

    for(int i = 0; i < IDLength; i++){  //Initialization
        lengths[i] = 0;

    //Traversing the dictionary and accumulating the length of the document vector
    for(int i = 0; i < HT->TableSize; i++){
        if(HT->Cells[i].info == Legitimate){  //If there is a word item in this position
            float idf = log10f((float)IDLength / (float)HT->Cells[i].docFrequency);  //Reverse document frequency
            move = HT->Cells[i].table;
            while(move != NULL){
                float wf = (float)move->frequency * idf;  //The weight of a word item in a document
                lengths[move->docID] += wf * wf;
                move = move->next;

    for(int i = 0; i < IDLength; i++){  //Square root
        lengths[i] = sqrtf(lengths[i]);

    return lengths;

test case

From document 7.txt Copy a paragraph from

//Input: further action will be taken against

doc0's scores:  0.028482
doc1's scores:  0.003112
doc2's scores:  0.035071
doc3's scores:  0.008099
doc4's scores:  0.010380
doc5's scores:  0.000000
doc6's scores:  0.005722
doc7's scores:  0.124365
doc8's scores:  0.016283
doc9's scores:  0.014555
Top K:
docId: 7  scores: 0.124365
docId: 2  scores: 0.035071
docId: 0  scores: 0.028482

Some ways to optimize the program

  1. Preprocessing entries
  2. Set the sequence of Boolean query operations (merge the small inverted table first)
  3. Index compression
Published 15 original articles, won praise 2, visited 1900
Private letter follow

Posted by berbbrown on Sun, 16 Feb 2020 03:25:11 -0800