<table id="workTicketFinishTable" class="layui-table"
<th lay-data="{field:'numberOfGroundLineDone', width:'20%',event:'setNumberOfGroundLineDone',style:'cursor:pointer;'}">
Ground wire No. removed
<th lay-data="{field:'numberOfGroundKnifeGateDone', width:'20%', event: 'setNumberOfGroundKnifeGateDone', style:'cursor: pointer;'}">
No. of opened grounding switch
<th lay-data="{field:'numberOfGroundLineNotDone', width:'20%',event:'setNumberOfGroundLineNotDone',style:'cursor:pointer;'}">
No. of earth wire not removed
<th lay-data="{field:'numberOfGroundKnifeGateNotDone', width:'20%', event: 'setNumberOfGroundKnifeGateNotDone', style:'cursor: pointer;'}">
No. of grounding switch not opened
<th lay-data="{field:'workTicketFinishPermiterSign', width:'10%', event: 'setWorkFinishPermiterSign', style:'cursor: pointer;'}">
Signature of work permit
<th lay-data="{field:'workTicketFinishPermiterSignDate', width:'10%', event: 'setWorkFinishPermiterSign', style:'cursor: pointer;'}">
Signature time
layui.use('table', function () {
var table = layui.table;
elem: '#desTable'
, url: '${ctx}/alarm/queryEventShowScatter'
, even: true
, page: {
layout: ['limit', 'count', 'prev', 'page', 'next', 'skip']
, groups: 1
, first: false
, last: false
, cols: [[
{field: 'id', align:'right',width: '15%', title: '1', style: 'background-color: #5FB878; color: #fff'}
, {field: 'srcip', width: '15%', title: '2', style: 'background-color: #5FB878; color: #fff'}
, {field: 'logtime', width: '20%', title: '3', style: 'background-color: #5FB878; color: #fff'}
, {field: 'lasttime', width: '20%', title: '4', style: 'background-color: #5FB878; color: #fff'}
, {field: 'count', width: '15%', title: '5', style: 'background-color: #5FB878; color: #fff'}
, {field: 'percent', width: '15%', title: '6', style: 'background-color: #5FB878; color: #fff'}
done: function (res, curr, count) {
$('tr').css({'background-color': '#009688', 'color': '#fff'});