How to center the contents of the header in layui

Determine which way you choose to render the data table

(1) The automatic rendering mode, i.e. code form, is adopted as follows:

<table id="workTicketFinishTable" class="layui-table"
        <th lay-data="{field:'numberOfGroundLineDone', width:'20%',event:'setNumberOfGroundLineDone',style:'cursor:pointer;'}">
            Ground wire No. removed
        <th lay-data="{field:'numberOfGroundKnifeGateDone', width:'20%', event: 'setNumberOfGroundKnifeGateDone', style:'cursor: pointer;'}">
            No. of opened grounding switch
        <th lay-data="{field:'numberOfGroundLineNotDone', width:'20%',event:'setNumberOfGroundLineNotDone',style:'cursor:pointer;'}">
            No. of earth wire not removed
        <th lay-data="{field:'numberOfGroundKnifeGateNotDone', width:'20%', event: 'setNumberOfGroundKnifeGateNotDone', style:'cursor: pointer;'}">
            No. of grounding switch not opened
        <th lay-data="{field:'workTicketFinishPermiterSign', width:'10%', event: 'setWorkFinishPermiterSign', style:'cursor: pointer;'}">
            Signature of work permit
        <th lay-data="{field:'workTicketFinishPermiterSignDate', width:'10%', event: 'setWorkFinishPermiterSign', style:'cursor: pointer;'}">
           Signature time

At this time, you can center the header content in the css file. The content of a new css file is as follows

/*Set data table header font*/
.layui-table th{
    /*Center header content*/
    text-align: center;

(2) If you use the method of rendering, the code form is as follows:

var table = layui.table;
//Execution rendering
  elem: '#demo' //Specify the original table element selector (recommended id selector)
  ,height: 315 //Vessel height
  ,cols: [{}] //Set the header
  //... //Refer to the table of contents on the right for more parameters: basic parameter options

At this time, you can not only use the above methods, but also use the following methods:

layui.use('table', function () {
        var table = layui.table;
            elem: '#desTable'
            , url: '${ctx}/alarm/queryEventShowScatter'
            , even: true
            , page: { //Supports all parameters passed in to the laypage component (except some parameters, such as: jump/elem) - see documentation for details
                layout: ['limit', 'count', 'prev', 'page', 'next', 'skip'] //Custom paging layout
                //, curr: 5 / / the setting is initially on page 5
                , groups: 1 //Show only 1 consecutive page number
                , first: false //Do not show first page
                , last: false //Don't show end page
            , cols: [[
                {field: 'id', align:'right',width: '15%', title: '1', style: 'background-color: #5FB878; color: #fff'}
                , {field: 'srcip', width: '15%', title: '2', style: 'background-color: #5FB878; color: #fff'}
                , {field: 'logtime', width: '20%', title: '3', style: 'background-color: #5FB878; color: #fff'}
                , {field: 'lasttime', width: '20%', title: '4', style: 'background-color: #5FB878; color: #fff'}
                , {field: 'count', width: '15%', title: '5', style: 'background-color: #5FB878; color: #fff'}
                , {field: 'percent', width: '15%', title: '6', style: 'background-color: #5FB878; color: #fff'}
            done: function (res, curr, count) {
                $('tr').css({'background-color': '#009688', 'color': '#fff'});

{field: 'id', align: 'right', width: '15%', title: '1', style: 'background color:' 5fb878; color: 'FFF'}, this header can be centered, so you only need to add this sentence: align: 'right'

This method is used for individual setting, and the first method is better for global setting.

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Posted by geroido on Sun, 12 Jan 2020 07:06:18 -0800