Session object
1. Introduction
- Session object is the object of database session, which provides the method of interaction with database
- session object is thread unsafe, so it cannot be used as a global variable
2. Obtaining and closing the session object
How to get / create and close:
//Get new session object (not commonly used)
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
//Get the current session object (common)
Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
//Close session (not commonly used)
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Where to create and close:
-In order to prevent the problem of uninstantiated objects caused by delayed loading (error no session), session should be created at request time and closed at response time
-The pring framework provides the listener, ContextLoaderListener
In web.xml
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3.Session method
1. Add, delete and modify (o represents an object)
//delete object
//Save object;//Return the id value of the object. Execute immediately, no transaction required
//Update object; must be within a transaction
//Update with id, save without id
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//The standard of JPA, for saving, should be in the transaction
//To update
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2. check
Check single object
Session. Get (object. getClass,id); / / execute immediately Session. Load (object. getClass,id); / / delay loading (return proxy object, never null; instantiate when using non primary key attribute)
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Query multiple objects
- Using hql mode
//Employee representative class
String hql="select e from Employee e";
//Generate query object
Query query = session.createQuery(hql);
List<Employee> list = query.list();//Directly return the encapsulated object
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- Using sql
//Employee stands for table name
String sql="select * from Employee e";
//Generate query object
Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sql);
List<Object[]> list = query.list(); //Object [], you want to repackage it as an object
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- Use criteria mode (no need for hql and sql statements)
//Generate query object
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Employee.class);
List<Employee> list = criteria.list();
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- Use NamedQuery method
//Declare the hql statement in the mapping file, and`<class>`after,to`<class>`Same level
<query name="SELECT_ALL_EMPLOYEE">
select e from Employee
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Query objects and HQL
Query object
Query objects can process query results in advance, as can Criteria objects
query.list(); //Get query results
query.uniqueResult(); //Get unique results
query.setFirstResult(0).setMaxResults(10);//From the first, select ten objects;
query.setParamter("0","1L");//Set parameters
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Query combined with HQL
- Total number of queries
//HQL=select count(e) from Employee e;
int count =query.uniqueResult();
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- Set parameters
//Mode 1, use index
//HQL= select e from Employee e where like ?;
List<Employee> list = query.setParameter(0,"%Armo%").list();
//Method 2, use name placeholder
//hql=select e from Employee e where like :name;
//hql=select e from Employee e where in (:ids);
query.setParameter("ids",new Long[]{1L,2L,3L}).list();
//hql=select e from Employee e where e.dept =:dept;
query.setParameter("dept",Department object).list();
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- Result set processing
//Receive with list < Object >
//HQL=select ( from Employee e
List<String> list=query.list();
//HQL=select new List(,,e.dept) from Employee e;
List<List<Object>> list=query.list();
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//Receive with list < map < Stirng, Object > >
//HQL=select new Map( as name, as id,e.dept as dept) from Employee e;
list<Map<Stirng,Object>> = query.list
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//Receive with list < instance object >
//HQL=select new Employee2 (,,e.dept) from Employee1 e;
List<Employee2> list=query.list();
Employee1 :Class corresponding to mapping file
Employee2 :Another class,You can use full names here,Or alias.
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<! -- set alias in mapping file -- > < hibernate mapping package = "domain" auto import = "false" > / / cancel auto alias generation < import class = "class full name" rename = "alias" / > </hibernate-mapping>