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Topic: Give a, b, c. If there is a*10^x + b*10^y = c*10^z output x y z, there is no output - 1.
Idea: First remove all the zeros behind a b c, and now a b c length is la lb lc.
If LC > La + lb, there are only two cases: a is 0 in the front, b is 0 in the back, or b is 0 in the front, a is 0 in the back, direct violent comparison, if not equal to c is - 1.
If lc<=la+lb, we must make sure that every bit of the result equals C equals the corresponding value in C. So we can compare a with C first. There are x-phases at the end, which can't be changed. If the end of b is aligned with the front of x, the value of X-Y-Z at this time will be calculated if it equals C. Unequal reproduction is compared with b and c, and the same treatment is done as above. If not, then - 1;
When this question is struck, it's really about explosion and extreme self-closure. Fortunately, it finally came out.
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; const int N=200005; char a[N],b[N],c[N]; int d[N],ca[N],cb[N]; int main() { int t; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--) { memset(d,0,sizeof(d)); scanf("%s%s%s",a+1,b+1,c+1); int la=strlen(a+1),lb=strlen(b+1),lc=strlen(c+1); int aa=0,bb=0,cc=0,dd=0; while(a[la]=='0') la--,aa++; while(b[lb]=='0') lb--,bb++; while(c[lc]=='0') lc--,cc++; int ma=max(la,lb); if(la+lb<lc) { int flag=0; for(int i=1; i<=lc; i++) { if(i<=la&&a[i]!=c[i]) flag=1; else if(i>=la+1&&i<=lc-lb&&c[i]!='0') flag=1; else if(i>lc-lb&&c[i]!=b[i-(lc-lb)]) flag=1; } if(flag==0) { int maa=max(aa,max(bb,cc)); printf("%d %d %d\n",(lc-la)+maa-aa,maa-bb,maa-cc); } else { flag=0; for(int i=1; i<=lc; i++) { if(i<=lb&&b[i]!=c[i]) flag=1; else if(i>=lb+1&&i<=lc-la&&c[i]!='0') flag=1; else if(i>lc-la&&c[i]!=a[i-(lc-la)]) flag=1; } if(flag) printf("-1\n"); else { int maa=max(aa,max(bb,cc)); printf("%d %d %d\n",maa-aa,maa+lc-lb-bb,maa-cc); } } } else { memset(ca,0,sizeof(ca)); memset(cb,0,sizeof(cb)); int i=lb,j=lc,cnt=0,flag=1; for(; i>0; i--,j--) if(b[i]==c[j]) cnt++; else break; if(cnt==lc) { printf("-1\n"); continue; } for(i=0,j=la; j>0; i++,j--) ca[i]=a[j]-'0'; for(i=0,j=lb-cnt; j>0; i++,j--) cb[i]=b[j]-'0'; int ll=max(la,lb-cnt); for(i=0; i<ll; i++) { int x=ca[i]+cb[i]+d[i]; d[i+1]+=x/10; d[i]=x%10; } int dd=0; if(cnt==0) { i=0; while(d[i]==0) { dd++; i++; } } for(i=lc-cnt,j=dd; i>0; j++,i--) if(c[i]!=d[j]+'0') { flag=0; break; } if(flag!=0) { int maa=max(aa,max(bb,cc)); printf("%d %d %d\n",maa+cnt-aa,maa-bb,maa-cc+dd); } else { memset(ca,0,sizeof(ca)); memset(cb,0,sizeof(cb)); memset(d,0,sizeof(d)); int i=la,j=lc,cnt=0,flag=1; for(; i>0; i--,j--) if(a[i]==c[j]) cnt++; else break; if(cnt==lc) { printf("-1\n"); continue; } i=0,j=la-cnt; for(; j>0; i++,j--) ca[i]=a[j]-'0'; i=0,j=lb; for(; j>0; i++,j--) cb[i]=b[j]-'0'; int ll=max(la-cnt,lb); for(i=0; i<ll; i++) { int x=ca[i]+cb[i]+d[i]; d[i+1]+=x/10; d[i]=x%10; } int dd=0; if(cnt==0) { i=0; while(d[i]==0) { dd++; i++; } } for(i=lc-cnt,j=dd; i>0; j++,i--) if(c[i]!=d[j]+'0') { flag=0; break; } if(flag!=0) { int maa=max(aa,max(bb,cc)); printf("%d %d %d\n",maa-aa,maa+cnt-bb,maa-cc+dd); } else printf("-1\n"); } } } return 0; }