hasOwnProperty and in attribute operations in JavaScript

Keywords: Attribute

1.in operator:

Used to check whether an attribute exists in an object (without distinguishing between instance attributes and prototype attributes)


    //01 Provides a constructor
    function Person(name) {
        this.name = name;

    //02 Sets the properties of the prototype object of the constructor
    Person.prototype.sayHello = function () {

    //03 Create Objects
    var p1 = new Person();

    //04 Use the in keyword to determine whether there are the following attributes in the object: name age sayHello
    console.log("age" in p1);       //false
    console.log("name" in p1);      //true
    console.log("sayHello" in p1);  //true


2.hasOwnProperty Method


    //01 Provides a constructor
    function Person(name) {
        this.name = name;

    //02 Sets the properties of the prototype object of the constructor
    Person.prototype.sayHello = function () {

    Person.prototype.des = "Default description information";

    //03 Create Objects
    var p1 = new Person();

    //hasOwnProperty method is used to determine whether the attribute is an instance attribute of an object.
    console.log(p1.hasOwnProperty("age"));       //false
    console.log(p1.hasOwnProperty("name"));      //true
    console.log(p1.hasOwnProperty("sayHello"));  //false
    console.log(p1.hasOwnProperty("des"));       //false


Description: In keyword is used to check whether there are specified attributes (including instance attributes and prototype attributes) in the object.
The hasOwnProperty method of an object is used to check whether a specified attribute exists in the object (only instance attributes are checked)

3. Whether an attribute exists and only exists in prototype attributes

Attributes exist in objects
Attributes are not instance attributes


    //01 Provides a constructor
    function Person(name) {
        this.name = name;

    //02 Sets the properties of the prototype object of the constructor
    Person.prototype.sayHello = function () {

    Person.prototype.des = "Default description information";

    //03 Create Objects
    var p1 = new Person();

    function isProperty(obj, property) {
        return !obj.hasOwnProperty(property) && (property in obj);

    console.log(isProperty(p1, "constructor"));    //true
    console.log(isProperty(p1, "age"));            //false
    console.log(isProperty(p1, "name"));           //false
    console.log(isProperty(p1, "des"));            //true
    console.log(isProperty(p1, "sayHello"));        //true



By using the delete operator, instance attributes can be completely deleted, thus enabling us to consolidate the re-access of attributes in the prototype.

function Person() {
  this.name = 'koewas';
// Person.prototype.name = "Nicholas";
Person.prototype.age = 29;
Person.prototype.job = "Software Engineer";
Person.prototype.sayName = function() {

let person1 = new Person();
let person2 = new Person();

console.log(person1.hasOwnProperty("name"));    // true
console.log("name" in person1);    // true

person1.name = "Greg";

console.log(person1.name);    // "Greg"
console.log(person1.hasOwnProperty("name"));    // true
console.log("name" in person1);    // true

delete person1.name;

console.log(person1.name);    // undefined
console.log(person1.hasOwnProperty("name"));    // false
console.log("name" in person1);    // false

The name of the above code is an instance attribute, not a prototype. But it is not a private property and can be accessed by instances.

Reference article:

Posted by Stuph on Sun, 31 Mar 2019 14:12:29 -0700