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This article was originally created by Wang Zhiwu and first published in the CSDN blog!
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This article is about Learning Guide for Big Data Specialists from Zero (Full Upgrade) Part of HIV supplement.
4. Handwritten HQL Issue 4
A table STG.ORDER is known with the following fields: Date, Order_id, User_id, amount. Please give sql for statistics: sample data: 2017-01-01, 10029028, 1000003251, 33.57.
1) Give the number of orders, users and total transaction amount for each month in 2017.
2) Give the number of new customers in November 2017 (i.e. the first order is in November)
Building tables
create table order_tab(dt string,order_id string,user_id string,amount decimal(10,2)) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
1) Give the number of orders, users and total transaction amount for each month in 2017.
select date_format(dt,'yyyy-MM'), count(order_id), count(distinct user_id), sum(amount) from order_tab where date_format(dt,'yyyy')='2017' group by date_format(dt,'yyyy-MM');
2) Give the number of new customers in November 2017 (i.e. the first order is in November)
select count(user_id) from order_tab group by user_id having date_format(min(dt),'yyyy-MM')='2017-11';
5. Handwritten HQL Question 5
There are logs below. Write a code to find the total and average age of all users and active users. (Active users refer to users who have access records for two consecutive days) Date User Age
data set
2019-02-11,test_1,23 2019-02-11,test_2,19 2019-02-11,test_3,39 2019-02-11,test_1,23 2019-02-11,test_3,39 2019-02-11,test_1,23 2019-02-12,test_2,19 2019-02-13,test_1,23 2019-02-15,test_2,19 2019-02-16,test_2,19
1) Table building
create table user_age(dt string,user_id string,age int)row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
2) Grouped by date and user, sorted by date and ranked
select dt, user_id, min(age) age, rank() over(partition by user_id order by dt) rk from user_age group by dt,user_id;t1
3) Calculate the difference between date and rank
select user_id, age, date_sub(dt,rk) flag from t1;t2
4) Filter traveling values greater than or equal to 2, i.e. active users for two consecutive days
select user_id, min(age) age from t2 group by user_id,flag having count(*)>=2;t3
5) De-process the data (a user can log in continuously at two different times), for example, user a logs in on January 11, 10, and on January 20 and 24, 21.
select user_id, min(age) age from t3 group by user_id;t4
6)Calculate the number of active users (two consecutive days of visits) and average age
select count(*) ct, cast(sum(age)/count(*) as decimal(10,2)) from t4;
7) Weighting the entire dataset by user
select user_id, min(age) age from user_age group by user_id;t5
8) Calculate the number and average age of all users
select count(*) user_count, cast((sum(age)/count(*)) as decimal(10,1)) from t5;
9) union all operation on step 5 and step 7 datasets
select 0 user_total_count, 0 user_total_avg_age, count(*) twice_count, cast(sum(age)/count(*) as decimal(10,2)) twice_count_avg_age from ( select user_id, min(age) age from (select user_id, min(age) age from ( select user_id, age, date_sub(dt,rk) flag from ( select dt, user_id, min(age) age, rank() over(partition by user_id order by dt) rk from user_age group by dt,user_id )t1 )t2 group by user_id,flag having count(*)>=2)t3 group by user_id )t4 union all select count(*) user_total_count, cast((sum(age)/count(*)) as decimal(10,1)), 0 twice_count, 0 twice_count_avg_age from ( select user_id, min(age) age from user_age group by user_id )t5;t6
10) Sum and stitch into final SQL
select sum(user_total_count), sum(user_total_avg_age), sum(twice_count), sum(twice_count_avg_age) from (select 0 user_total_count, 0 user_total_avg_age, count(*) twice_count, cast(sum(age)/count(*) as decimal(10,2)) twice_count_avg_age from ( select user_id, min(age) age from (select user_id, min(age) age from ( select user_id, age, date_sub(dt,rk) flag from ( select dt, user_id, min(age) age, rank() over(partition by user_id order by dt) rk from user_age group by dt,user_id )t1 )t2 group by user_id,flag having count(*)>=2)t3 group by user_id )t4 union all select count(*) user_total_count, cast((sum(age)/count(*)) as decimal(10,1)), 0 twice_count, 0 twice_count_avg_age from ( select user_id, min(age) age from user_age group by user_id )t5)t6;
6. Handwritten HQL Title 6
Please use sql to write down the amount of goods that all users first purchased in October this year, in the order table field (purchasing user: userid, amount: money, purchasing time: paymenttime (format: 2017-10-01), order id:orderid)
1) Table building
create table ordertable( userid string, money int, paymenttime string, orderid string) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
2) Query out
select userid, min(paymenttime) paymenttime from ordertable where date_format(paymenttime,'yyyy-MM')='2017-10' group by userid;t1
select t1.userid, t1.paymenttime, od.money from t1 join ordertable od on t1.userid=od.userid and t1.paymenttime=od.paymenttime;
select t1.userid, t1.paymenttime, od.money from (select userid, min(paymenttime) paymenttime from ordertable where date_format(paymenttime,'yyyy-MM')='2017-10' group by userid)t1 join ordertable od on t1.userid=od.userid and t1.paymenttime=od.paymenttime;