H5 audio object, do you know this knowledge?

Keywords: JSON Database Attribute github

An audio object is an ordinary dom object which has more unique attribute methods and events than other dom objects. Here are some of his commonly used attributes, methods and events.

Initial contact with HTML 5 new attribute audio object, do a simple music player If you are interested in it, you can check it out and discuss it together. Some functions are not yet perfect. Please forgive me!

//Audio Code Format
<audio id="audio">  
  <source src="music/only.mp3"/>  
</audio  >
  //Getting audio objects
  var audio =  $('audio').get(0);

Attributes of Audio Objects

attribute describe
audio.volume (Read/Write) Volume
audio.src (Read/Write) Song Address
audio.currentTime (Read/Write) How long the song is currently playing
audio.duration (Read) The total length of the song
audio.paused (Read) Whether the Boolean type is paused
audio.ended (Read) Has the Boolean song been played?

Method of Audio Object

Method describe
audio.play() Let the song start playing
audio.pause() Let the song begin to pause
audio.load() Reloading Audio Elements
audio.getStartDate() Returns a new Date object representing the current timeline offset
audio.canPlayType() Check whether the browser can play the specified audio type
audio.fastSeek() Specify Play Time in Audio Player

Events of Audio Objects

Event describe
audio.oncanplay = fn() Call fn when the song is downloaded
audio.onvolumechange = fn() Call fn when audio.volume changes
audio.onplay = fn() Call fn after the song starts playing
audio.onpause = fn() Call fn after the song pauses
audio.ontimeupdate = fn() The song always calls fn during playing.
audio.onended = fn() Call fn after a song is played

Event-driven programming mode

// Only data is set here.
  $('volume div').on('click',function(e){
    audio.volume = e.offsetX / e.offsetWidth;
  // Here's the interface
    let width = (this.currentTime/this.duration).toFixed(2)*100 + '%';
    $('volume div').find('.inner').width(width);

Start project

General steps for using an HTML 5 module or other js plug-in

  1. Consult API
  2. Rapid stereotyping API
  3. Identify an example and start making

In the example, if you depend on some public libraries.

Note: Do not download to local and then reference

If we want to share code with others, we need to copy all the files we downloaded to others. Especially when there are many public libraries to rely on, the project will become very large and the upload to version control system will become very large.

We solve it in other ways.

  1. Using cdn
  2. Use the front-end automation tool bower
bower init
bower install jquery --save

A. bower file will be generated so that anyone who gets the project and runs the bower install will download all the dependency libraries.


var fs = require('fs');
var minglinghang = require('child_process');
var files = fs.readdirSync('./musics/');
var result = [];

var format_duration = function(str){
  var num = Number(str);
  var fen = parseInt( num/60 );
  var miao = Math.round(num%60);
  miao = (miao < 10)?( '0' + miao):miao;
  fen = '0' + fen;
  return  fen + ':' + miao;

  var data = JSON.parse( minglinghang.execSync('ffprobe -v quiet -print_format json   -show_format  "./musics/'+ v +'"'));

  var duration = format_duration(data.format.duration);

  var r = {
    filename: data.format.filename,
    duration: duration,
    title: data.format.tags.title,
    album: data.format.tags.album,
    artist: data.format.tags.artist
  result.push( r );

fs.writeFile('./database.json',JSON.stringify(result, null, 2) );

Recursive traversal of folders

var fs   = require('fs');
var childProcess = require('child_process');

// Recursive traversal of folders callback each of them
var walk = function(path, callback){
  var files  = fs.readdirSync(path);
  for( var i = 0; i< files.length; i++ ){
    var newpath = path + files[i];
    if ( fs.statSync(newpath).isFile() ){
    }else if(fs.statSync(newpath).isDirectory() ){
      walk( newpath+'/' ) ;

// Traverse. / Music folder to call ffprobe to parse music data
var fileExtension = ['mp3', 'wav'];
var database = [];
walk('./musics/', function(name, path){
  var extName = name.split('.').pop();
  if( fileExtension.indexOf(extName) !== -1 ){
    // This doesn't work under windows.
    var path = path.trim().replace(/\s/g,'\\ ');
    var data = childProcess.execSync('ffprobe -v quiet -print_format json -show_format  ' + path);
    database.push( JSON.parse(data).format );

// Write to js file
var js =  'var database = ' + JSON.stringify(database, null, 4);
fs.writeFile('./scripts/database.js', js, function (err) {
  if (err){
    throw err;

Posted by quartney on Sun, 24 Mar 2019 00:48:27 -0700