Metal Series II: GPU Devices -- Creating Textures and Samplers for Texture and Samplers

Keywords: Mobile

Create texture objects using private storage containing texture states.

func makeTexture(descriptor: MTLTextureDescriptor) -> MTLTexture?
Creates a texture object with privately owned storage that contains texture state.


IOSurface creates texture objects using private storage containing texture states.

func makeTexture(descriptor: MTLTextureDescriptor, iosurface: IOSurfaceRef, plane: Int) -> MTLTexture?
Creates a texture object, from an IOSurface, with privately owned storage that contains texture state.


Create new textures that can be shared across process boundaries.

func makeSharedTexture(descriptor: MTLTextureDescriptor) -> MTLTexture?
Create a new texture that can be shared across process boundaries.


Create texture objects that reference existing shared textures.

func makeSharedTexture(handle: MTLSharedTextureHandle) -> MTLTexture?
Creates a texture object referencing an existing shared texture.

func makeSamplerState(descriptor: MTLSamplerDescriptor) -> MTLSamplerState?
Creates a sampler state object that contains the sampler state.


Create a sampler state object that contains the sampler state.

func supportsTextureSampleCount(Int) -> Bool
Determines whether a device supports a given texture sample count.


Determine whether the device supports a given texture sample count.

func minimumLinearTextureAlignment(for: MTLPixelFormat) -> Int
Returns the minimum alignment required for creating a linear texture with a given pixel format.


Returns the minimum alignment required to create a linear texture with a given pixel format.

func minimumTextureBufferAlignment(for: MTLPixelFormat) -> Int
Returns the minimum alignment required when creating a texture buffer from a buffer.


Returns the minimum alignment required to create a texture buffer from the buffer.

var readWriteTextureSupport: MTLReadWriteTextureTier
The device's read-write texture support tier.


Posted by symantec on Tue, 22 Jan 2019 20:39:13 -0800