golang: function & array & slice & lock

Keywords: PHP

Built-in function

// 1. close: mainly used to turn off channel
// 2. len: For length, such as string, array, slice, map, channel
// 3. new: Used to allocate memory, mainly for value types, such as int, struct.Return is pointer
// 4. make: Used to allocate memory, mainly to allocate reference types such as chan, map, slice
// 5. append: used to append elements to arrays, slice s

Examples are as follows:

// new Example:
package main

import "fmt"

func main(){
    var i int

    j := new(int)
    *j = 100

// The results are as follows: 
[root@NEO example01_new]# go run main/main.go 
[root@NEO example01_new]#

// append Example:
package main

import "fmt"

func main(){
    var a []int    // [] Writing no numbers means a slice slice
    a = append(a,1,2)    // append Medium is also a variable parameter

    a = append(a,a...)    // Add a slice; a...Represents a slice a All elements in

// The results are as follows:
[root@NEO example01_append]# go run main/main.go
[1 2]
[1 2 1 2]
[root@NEO example01_append]# 

// recover Example:
package main

import "fmt"

func test(){
    defer func(){   // func(){} Is an anonymous function; func(){...}()  Execute anonymous functions
    if err := recover(); err != nil{    // recover()  Is Catching Exceptions

    a := 0
    b := 1/a

func main(){
    fmt.Println("hello world")

// The results are as follows:
[root@NEO example01_recover]# go run main/main.go
runtime error: integer divide by zero
hello world
[root@NEO example01_recover]# 

Recursive function

A function that calls itself is called recursion.The sample code is as follows:

// Example code 1:
package main

import (

func calc(n int) int {
    if n == 1 {
        return 1

    return calc(n-1) * n

func main() {
    n := calc(5)

// Example 2: Fibonacci number
package main

import "fmt"

func fab(n int) int {
    if n <= 1 {
    return 1
    return fab(n-1)+fab(n-2)

func main(){
    n := fab(10)

Recursive design principles

1) A large problem can be broken down into similar small problems
2) Define Export Conditions


Closure: An entity that is a combination of a function and its associated reference environment.Examples are as follows:

// Sample code:
package main

import "fmt"

func Adder() func(int) int {    // function Adder The return value of is also a function
    var x int
    return func(d int) int {    // Where return To the return value type defined above return Same function as
    x += d
    return x

func main() {
    f := Adder()   // f Is a function
    fmt.Println("f(1)",f(1))         // here x The default value is 0
    fmt.Println("f(10)",f(10))    // here x The value becomes 1
    fmt.Println("f(100)",f(100))    // here x The value becomes 10

// The results are as follows:
[root@NEO example03_closure]# go run main/main.go
f(1) 1
f(10) 11
f(100) 111
[root@NEO example03_closure]#

Arrays and Slices

// 1. Array: A fixed-length sequence of the same data type.
// 2. Array definition: var a [len]int,For example: var a[5]int,Once defined, the length cannot be changed; the element defaults to 0
// 3. Length is part of the array type, so, var a[5] int and var a[10]int Different types
// 4. Arrays can be accessed through subscripts, which start with 0 and end with: len-1
       for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
       for index, v := range a {

// 5. Access beyond bounds, if subscripts are outside the bounds of combinatorial methods, trigger access beyond bounds, and panic
// 6. Arrays are value types, so changing the value of a copy does not change its own value
    arr2 := arr1
    arr2[2] = 100

Initialization of arrays

1. var age0 [5]int = [5]int{1,2,3}        // Initialize when defined
2. var age1 = [5]int{1,2,3,4,5}
3. var age2 = [...]int{1,2,3,4,5,6}        // ... What it does: The compiler will automatically help you count the number of elements, then the length of the array
4. var str = [5]string{3:"hello world", 4:"tom"}    // Specify the element corresponding to the subscript when defining

Multidimensional Array

1. var age [5][3]int        // Two-dimensional array: 5 rows and 3 columns
2. var f [2][3]int = [...][3]int{{1, 2, 3}, {7, 8, 9}}        // ... Indicates how many lines the compiler counts itself

Multidimensional Array Traversal

// Sample code:
package main

import "fmt"

func test(){
    var arr [2][5]int = [...][5]int{{1,2,3,4,5},{6,7,8,9,10}}

    for row,v_row := range arr{
    for col,v_col := range v_row {
        fmt.Printf("(%d,%d)=%d ",row,col,v_col)

func main(){

// The results are as follows:
[root@NEO example04_multi_dim_arr]# go run main/main.go
(0,0)=1 (0,1)=2 (0,2)=3 (0,3)=4 (0,4)=5 
(1,0)=6 (1,1)=7 (1,2)=8 (1,3)=9 (1,4)=10 
[root@NEO example04_multi_dim_arr]#


// 1.Slice: A slice is a reference to an array, so the slice is a reference type; if you pass a slice into a function to modify the value of an element in the slice, the value of the slice outside the function will change, and the array will not.
// 2. The length of the slice can change, so the slice is a variable array
// 3. Slices are traversed in the same way as arrays and can be len() for length
// 4. cap can find the maximum slice capacity, 0 <= len (slice) <= cap (array), where array is the array referenced by slice
// 5. Definition of slices: var variable name [] type, such as var str []string and var arr []int (this way slices are defined, but slices are not initialized, so arr[0]=1 cannot be assigned directly at this time)

Examples are as follows:

// Slices are examples of reference types 1:
package main

import "fmt"

func modifySlice(a []int){    // The parameter to be passed in for this function is the slice type; slice map and chan Type parameters pass in the address
    a[1] = 100        // Modify Slices a After the value of the element, outside the function a The value of will also change

func testSlice(){
    var s []int = []int{1,2,3}
    modifySlice(s)    // A slice is a reference type and is a reference to an array (which can be interpreted as a slice being an address); this function passes a reference (the reference contains a pointer); and this function passes an address

func main(){

// The results are as follows:
[root@NEO example05_slice_ref_type]# go run main/main.go
[1 100 3]        // The value of the out-of-function slice also changes
[root@NEO example05_slice_ref_type]#

// Slices are examples of reference types 2:
package main

import "fmt"

func testSliceRefArr(){
    var a = [10]int{1,2,3}    // Declare and initialize an array
    b := a[1:4]        // Declare and initialize a slice

    fmt.Printf("%p\n",b)    // %p Represents a hexadecimal representation that can be used to print an address
    fmt.Printf("%p\n",&a[1])    // array a Address of the first element

func main(){

// The results are as follows:
[root@NEO example05_slice_ref_arr]# go run main/main.go
0xc000064008    // Section b  Addresses and Arrays a The address of the first element is the same; therefore, the slice is an address
[root@NEO example05_slice_ref_arr]# 

// Sample code:
package main

import "fmt"

func testSlice(){
    var slice []int    // Declare an array; simply define the array, but do not initialize the slice, so it cannot be directly done at this time arr[0]=1 This assignment
    var arr [5]int = [...]int{1,2,3,4,5}    // Declare and initialize an array

    slice = arr[2:5]    // Initialization of slices; careless; abbreviated as arr[2:]

    slice = slice[0:1]

func main(){
// slice,map,channel All available make To initialize

// The results are as follows:
[root@NEO example05_slice01]# go run main/main.go
[3 4 5]
len: 3
cap: 3
len: 1
cap: 3
[root@NEO example05_slice01]#

Slice creation method 1: creating from an array

// 1. Slice initialization: var slice []int = arr[start:end] ;Contain start reach end Between elements, but without end 
// 2. var slice []int = arr[0:end]Can be abbreviated as var slice []int=arr[:end]
// 3. var slice []int = arr[start:len(arr)] Can be abbreviated as var slice[]int = arr[start:]
// 4. Var slice []int = arr[0, len(arr)] Can be abbreviated as var slice[]int = arr[:]
// 5. If you want to remove the last element of the slice, you can write as follows: 
       Slice = slice[:len(slice)-1]

Slice creation method 2: Create slices by making

var slice []type = make([]type, len)
slice  := make([]type, len)
slice  := make([]type, len, cap)

Using append built-in function to manipulate slices

// Example:
slice = append(slice, 10)
var a = []int{1,2,3}
var b = []int{4,5,6}
a = append(a, b...)    // b... Represents a slice b All elements in

// append Example:
package main

import "fmt"

func testSlice(){
    var a [5]int = [...]int{1,2,3,4,5}
    b := a[1:]

    fmt.Printf("b=%p a[1]=%p\n",b,&a[1])   // Slice at this time b Addresses and Arrays a The address of the first element is the same

    b[1] = 100
    fmt.Println("before a:",a)    // Change slice at this time b Array of values for a Will also change

    b = append(b,10)
    b = append(b,10)
    b = append(b,10)
    b = append(b,10)
    b = append(b,10)
    b = append(b,10)    // After adding five elements, you've exceeded the slice b Capacity of

    fmt.Printf("b=%p a[1]=%p\n",b,&a[1])    // Slice at this time b Addresses and Arrays a The address of the first element is no longer the same; because the slice is declared and defined b No more than b Capacity, at this time b Points to the original array when more than b After capacity of, the system will reclaim a piece of memory and slice b Place the original value in the newly opened memory, then put the appended content in
    b[1] = 1000
    fmt.Println("after a:",a)    // Change at this time b Value, a The value of will not change because the slice b The memory address pointed to is no longer a Yes

func main(){
    testSlice()       // Slices are variable because internal memory is reallocated according to capacity

// The results are as follows:
[root@NEO example05_slice_beyond_cap]# go run main/main.go
b=0xc000014158 a[1]=0xc000014158
before a: [1 2 100 4 5]                // a The corresponding values have also changed
[2 100 4 5 10 10 10 10 10 10]
b=0xc000062080 a[1]=0xc000014158
after a: [1 2 100 4 5]                // here a The value in does not change
[root@NEO example05_slice_beyond_cap]# 

Slice resize

var a = []int {1,3,4,5}
b := a[1:2]
b = b[0:3]

Slice copy: copy()

s1 := []int{1,2,3,4,5}
s2 := make([]int, 10)
copy(s2, s1)    // Slice s1 Copy to Slice s2 Medium; copies will not be expanded

// Sample code:
package main

import "fmt"

func testCopy(){
    var a []int = []int{1,2,3,4,5}
    b := make([]int,10)
    c := make([]int,1)

    copy(b,a)    // hold a copy to b in
    copy(c,a)    // hold a copy to c in

    fmt.Println(c)    // Copies will not be expanded

func main(){

// The results are as follows:
[root@NEO example05_slice_copy]# go run main/main.go
[1 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 0]
[root@NEO example05_slice_copy]# 

An example of a slice: a non-recursive implementation of the Fibonacci series, printing the first 10 numbers.

// The sample code is as follows:
package main

import "fmt"

func fab(n int){
    var a []int           // Declare a slice;[]There are no numbers in it, so it's a slice
    a = make([]int,n)    // For slicing a Allocate memory

    a[0] = 1
    a[1] = 1

    for i := 2; i < len(a); i++ {
    a[i] = a[i-1] + a[i-2]
    for _,v := range a{

func main() {

// The results are as follows:
[root@NEO example04_fab_slice]# go run main/main.go
[root@NEO example04_fab_slice]#

Posted by chris270 on Tue, 23 Jul 2019 09:40:41 -0700