go netpoll source code analysis


Network has always been an old topic. When talking about network programming, it is always inseparable from the five models of network programming: blocking IO, non blocking IO, multiplexing IO, signal driven IO and asynchronous io. The construction of a high-performance network library is basically based on Multiplexing (epoll, kqueue) or asynchronous io. After IO, IO data processing is realized through thread pool. Netpoll, the built-in network library of go language, also adopts such a mode in the overall framework. In io transceiver, the bottom layer encapsulates multiplexing and asynchronous IO at the operating system level such as epoll, kqueue and IOCP. In io data processing, thanks to goroutine's lightweight and efficient concurrent scheduling mode, it does not adopt the idea of thread pool, but its unique one goroutine per connection (each connection enables one goroutine for processing). This paper mainly analyzes the design and packaging of go netpoll from the perspective of source code (taking epoll as an example), explains its working principle and advantages and disadvantages of one goroutine per connection, and then summarizes the more suitable master-slave reactor mode according to the shortcomings of go netpoll. During this period, relevant knowledge of network programming (mainly multiplexing IO) and the basic principles of go language use and runtime scheduling will be involved. Readers need to have some background knowledge.

1. Basic programming mode and data structure

First, compare the similarities and differences between go net network programming and epoll. For epoll foundation and IO processing mode, refer to [1] [2]. Go net network programming is used, and the process is as follows:

package main

import (

func main() {
    Listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:9000")
    if err != nil {
        log.Println("Listen err: ", err)
    for {
        conn, err := Listener.Accept()
        if err != nil {
            log.Println("Accept err: ", err)
        go HandleConn(conn)

func HandleConn(conn net.Conn) {
    // Processing function, call Read()->Processing business logic->call Write Write back

It can be seen that the network programming of go is extremely simple. In just a few lines, the bottom layer encapsulates all the operations required by epoll, mainly including:

  1. Call socket() to create a socket on the server and bind();
  2. Call epoll_create creates an epfd, binds the server socket to the epfd, and listens;
  3. Whenever a new connection arrives, call accept to bind the client socket and register with epfd.

All operations are inseparable from two important components: socket descriptor and epoll descriptor epfd. go netpoll encapsulates these contents and mainly forms the following structures:

// netFD, It can be considered go net Network descriptor for
type netFD struct {
   pfd poll.FD // The bottom layer is encapsulated socket descriptor 

   // immutable until Close
   family      int 
   sotype      int
   isConnected bool // handshake completed or use of association with peer
   net         string
   laddr       Addr
   raddr       Addr

type FD struct {
   // Lock sysfd and serialize access to Read and Write methods.
   fdmu fdMutex

   // System file descriptor. Immutable until Close.
   Sysfd int  // preservation linux of fd

   // I/O poller.
   pd pollDesc // pollDesc Variable, with the pointer of the variable, all socket Encapsulated into a linked list, each socket Corresponding goroutine,Also encapsulated in pollDesc Yes, it can be said go net The soul part of

   // Writev cache.
   iovecs *[]syscall.Iovec 

   // Semaphore signaled when file is closed.
   csema uint32

   // Non-zero if this file has been set to blocking mode.
   isBlocking uint32

   // Whether this is a streaming descriptor, as opposed to a
   // packet-based descriptor like a UDP socket. Immutable.
   IsStream bool

   // Whether a zero byte read indicates EOF. This is false for a
   // message based socket connection.
   ZeroReadIsEOF bool

   // Whether this is a file rather than a network socket.
   isFile bool

type pollDesc struct {
   link *pollDesc // in pollcache, protected by pollcache.lock. pollDesc Is a linked list whenever 1 has a new one socket When connected, there will be a new one pollDesc

   // The lock protects pollOpen, pollSetDeadline, pollUnblock and deadlineimpl operations.
   // This fully covers seq, rt and wt variables. fd is constant throughout the PollDesc lifetime.
   // pollReset, pollWait, pollWaitCanceled and runtime·netpollready (IO readiness notification)
   // proceed w/o taking the lock. So closing, everr, rg, rd, wg and wd are manipulated
   // in a lock-free way by all operations.
   // TODO(golang.org/issue/49008): audit these lock-free fields for continued correctness.
   // NOTE(dvyukov): the following code uses uintptr to store *g (rg/wg),
   // that will blow up when GC starts moving objects.
   lock    mutex // protects the following fields,Used for pd Lock protection
   fd      uintptr // Save network file descriptor
   closing bool    
   everr   bool      // marks event scanning error happened
   user    uint32    // user settable cookie
   rseq    uintptr   // protects from stale read timers
   rg      uintptr   // pdReady, pdWait, G waiting for read or nil. Accessed atomically. Used to indicate listening fd Ready, only pdReady, pdWait,Waiting to read G,nil Value
   rt      timer     // read deadline timer (set if rt.f != nil)
   rd      int64     // read deadline
   wseq    uintptr   // protects from stale write timers
   wg      uintptr   // pdReady, pdWait, G waiting for write or nil. Accessed atomically. Same function rg
   wt      timer     // write deadline timer
   wd      int64     // write deadline
   self    *pollDesc // storage for indirect interface. See (*pollDesc).makeArg. 

netFD can be regarded as the network descriptor of go net, including the corresponding socket; pollDesc is a lower level structure. All sockets are linked together through a linked list composed of pollDesc, and the goroutine bound to each socket is encapsulated in pollDesc.wg and pollDesc.rg (when a goroutine is waiting for IO readiness, pollDesc.rg and WG are used to save the structure g of the goroutine corresponding to the socket). Then, the Listener returned by net.Listen and the net.Conn returned by net.Accept contain the netFD structure:

// TCPListener is a TCP network listener. Clients should typically
// use variables of type Listener instead of assuming TCP.
type TCPListener struct {
    fd *netFD
    lc ListenConfig

// TCPConn is an implementation of the Conn interface for TCP network
// connections.
type TCPConn struct {

type conn struct {
    fd *netFD

Next, focus on how go net implements all the above operations through net.Listen and net.Accept.

2. Waiting end (plug end)

The waiting end blocks the current goroutine before the read-write event monitored by epoll arrives; When the read-write event arrives, the corresponding handler functions (Accept, Read, Write) are called. This process covers the following in epoll programming:

  1. Server socket creation and binding; Epoll initialization; Add the server socket to the listening queue of epoll. All through net.Listen.
  2. By calling the accept function, the server goroutine is blocked until the client connection arrives. Then add the new client connection to the epoll listening queue (this process is the same as adding the server socket to the epoll listening queue, and the bottom layer also reuses the same function pollDesc.init).
  3. Call the Read and Write functions to block the client goroutine until the client Read / Write event arrives and execute the business logic (this process is consistent with the accept logic of the socket on the server, and the bottom layer also reuses the same functions pollDesc.WaitRead and pollDesc.waitWrite).

The corresponding go net implementations are analyzed below.

2.1 net.Listen

The Listen function first creates the server listening descriptor servlock, and initializes its own netFD with this servlock; Then implement servlock binding in listenStream(); Call netFD.init(). In netFD.init(), first create the epoll listening descriptor epfd, and create a pipeline to communicate with epfd (the pipeline is mainly used to interrupt the blocking process of epoll_wait); Then, Listen to servlock in netFD.init() and initialize the pollDesc structure return.
The above steps basically encapsulate the epoll use process. Compared with the epoll use process, the specific implementation of each stage is as follows:

2.1.1 create servsocket

// linux in
servsock=socket(PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0) // establish socket

/* go netpoll in
* Call chain:Listen() -> ListenConfig.Listen() -> listenTCP() -> internetSocket() -> socket() 
* socket()The function is as follows
func socket(ctx context.Context, net string, family, sotype, proto int, ipv6only bool, laddr, raddr sockaddr, ctrlFn func(string, string, syscall.RawConn) error) (fd *netFD, err error) {
   s, err := sysSocket(family, sotype, proto) //establish servsock
   if err != nil {
      return nil, err
   if err = setDefaultSockopts(s, family, sotype, ipv6only); err != nil {
      return nil, err
   // initialization netFD
   if fd, err = newFD(s, family, sotype, net); err != nil {
      return nil, err
   // call listenStream()
    if laddr != nil && raddr == nil {
       switch sotype {
       case syscall.SOCK_STREAM, syscall.SOCK_SEQPACKET:
          if err := fd.listenStream(laddr, listenerBacklog(), ctrlFn); err != nil {
             return nil, err
          return fd, nil
       case syscall.SOCK_DGRAM:
          if err := fd.listenDatagram(laddr, ctrlFn); err != nil {
             return nil, err
          return fd, nil

2.1.2 binding servsocket

// Linux in
bind(servsock,(struct sockaddr*)&servaddr,sizeof(servaddr) // take servsock With one sockaddr Structure binding for

/* go netpoll in
func (fd *netFD) listenStream(laddr sockaddr, backlog int, ctrlFn func(string, string, syscall.RawConn) error) error {
   var err error
   if err = setDefaultListenerSockopts(fd.pfd.Sysfd); err != nil {
      return err
   var lsa syscall.Sockaddr
   if lsa, err = laddr.sockaddr(fd.family); err != nil {
      return err
   if ctrlFn != nil {
      c, err := newRawConn(fd)
      if err != nil {
         return err
      if err := ctrlFn(fd.ctrlNetwork(), laddr.String(), c); err != nil {
         return err
   if err = syscall.Bind(fd.pfd.Sysfd, lsa); err != nil {
      return os.NewSyscallError("bind", err)
   if err = listenFunc(fd.pfd.Sysfd, backlog); err != nil {
      return os.NewSyscallError("listen", err)
   // stay fd.init Implementation creation in epfd,monitor servsock
   if err = fd.init(); err != nil {
      return err
   lsa, _ = syscall.Getsockname(fd.pfd.Sysfd)
   fd.setAddr(fd.addrFunc()(lsa), nil)
   return nil

2.1.3   Create epoll instance epfd

// linux in
epoll_event event
event.events=EPOLLIN //input monitoring 
epfd=epoll_create(20) //establish epoll example

/* go netpoll in
* Call chain:netFD.init()->pollDesc.init()-> runtime_pollServerInit()->netpollinit()

// pollDesc.init()
func (pd *pollDesc) init(fd *FD) error {
    // serverInit Defined as var serverInit sync.Once,Guarantee in init In function runtime_pollServerInit Execute only once; Subsequent net.Accpet Also called pollDesc.init,The main purpose is to call runtime_pollOpen Add client connections to epfd in
   serverInit.Do(runtime_pollServerInit) // establish epfd,The bottom layer is called according to the operating system netpollinit()
   ctx, errno := runtime_pollOpen(uintptr(fd.Sysfd)) // stay epfd Medium monitoring servsock
   if errno != 0 {
      if ctx != 0 {
      return errnoErr(syscall.Errno(errno))
   pd.runtimeCtx = ctx
   return nil

// establish epfd And create a pipe epfd signal communication, Equivalent to Linux of epoll_create
func netpollinit() {
   epfd = epollcreate1(_EPOLL_CLOEXEC) // establish epfd example
   if epfd < 0 {
      epfd = epollcreate(1024)
      if epfd < 0 {
         println("runtime: epollcreate failed with", -epfd)
         throw("runtime: netpollinit failed")
   r, w, errno := nonblockingPipe() // Create pipes to break epoll_wait Listening waiting for
   if errno != 0 {
      println("runtime: pipe failed with", -errno)
      throw("runtime: pipe failed")
   ev := epollevent{
      events: _EPOLLIN,
   *(**uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&ev.data)) = &netpollBreakRd
   errno = epollctl(epfd, _EPOLL_CTL_ADD, r, &ev) // The pipeline is used to listen for read events
   if errno != 0 {
      println("runtime: epollctl failed with", -errno)
      throw("runtime: epollctl failed")
   netpollBreakRd = uintptr(r)
   netpollBreakWr = uintptr(w)

go netpoll bottom layer by identifying different operating system, netpollinit function has different implementation, for example, in Linux, calling epoll_. Create(), kqueue() for Mac OS and IOCP for windows. When other functions are called at the bottom, they will also be automatically bound to the specific implementation according to the operating system.

2.1.4   Add servsock to the listening object of epfd

// linux in
epoll_ctl(epfd,EPOLL_CTL_ADD,servsock,&event); //towards epfd add to fd Input listening event for

/* go netpoll in
* Call chain:pollDesc.init() -> runtime_pollOpen() -> poll_runtime_pollOpen() -> netpollopen()

func poll_runtime_pollOpen(fd uintptr) (*pollDesc, int) {
   pd := pollcache.alloc() // Apply for one pollDesc, pollDesc Is a linked list structure, pre applied memory
   wg := atomic.Loaduintptr(&pd.wg)
   if wg != 0 && wg != pdReady {
      throw("runtime: blocked write on free polldesc")
   rg := atomic.Loaduintptr(&pd.rg)
   if rg != 0 && rg != pdReady {
      throw("runtime: blocked read on free polldesc")
   pd.fd = fd // take servsock Bind to pollDesc
   pd.closing = false
   pd.everr = false
   atomic.Storeuintptr(&pd.rg, 0)
   pd.rd = 0
   atomic.Storeuintptr(&pd.wg, 0)
   pd.wd = 0
   pd.self = pd
   unlock(&pd.lock) // initialization pd.rg and pd.wg,These two variables are used to indicate pd.fd Whether there are already readable and writable events for calling blocking in this fd Upper goroutine

   errno := netpollopen(fd, pd) // take servsock Add to epfd In the monitoring queue for
   if errno != 0 {
      return nil, int(errno)
   return pd, 0

// netpollopen Concrete implementation of
func netpollopen(fd uintptr, pd *pollDesc) int32 {
   var ev epollevent
   *(**pollDesc)(unsafe.Pointer(&ev.data)) = pd // Bind pollDesc struct to epoll_ On event.data
   return -epollctl(epfd, _EPOLL_CTL_ADD, int32(fd), &ev) // call epollctl
This part will be used repeatedly because each new socket connection will be added to epfd using the same steps.


  pollDesc.init() function is used when creating a new socket (including the creation of server and client sockets). The main thing is to initialize netFD and pollDesc structures and add pollDesc to the waiting queue of epoll (through epoll_event.data=pollDesc). The only difference between the server and the client socket connection is that the server pollDesc.init() executes epoll through sync.Once() semantics_ Create () and bind a pipe() to the listening queue of epoll.
Note: a pipe listener is added to epoll during create, mainly to interrupt epoll_wait(), such as when the timer expires. Write data to the pipe by calling netpollBreak(), epoll_wait() will return because the pipe has a write event.

2.2 net.Accept

  net.Accept is used to process the connection request of the client. The main processing steps are as follows:
  1. Create a socket for the client connection to initialize the client netFD.
  2. Call netFD.init() function. According to the analysis of net.Listen, this step is mainly used to add the socket connected by the client to epfd.
The corresponding source code is as follows:
// Listener.Accept Called is netFD.cccept. 
func (fd *netFD) accept() (netfd *netFD, err error) {
   d, rsa, errcall, err := fd.pfd.Accept() // The bottom layer is linux accept,Get to client socket
   if err != nil {
      if errcall != "" {
         err = wrapSyscallError(errcall, err)
      return nil, err
  // Initialize netFD
if netfd, err = newFD(d, fd.family, fd.sotype, fd.net); err != nil { poll.CloseFunc(d) return nil, err } // Follow net.Listen()Medium net.init()Is a function that is mainly used to socket Add to epfd in if err = netfd.init(); err != nil { netfd.Close() return nil, err } lsa, _ := syscall.Getsockname(netfd.pfd.Sysfd) netfd.setAddr(netfd.addrFunc()(lsa), netfd.addrFunc()(rsa)) return netfd, nil }
If you have written epoll programming code, you should know that accept() and read(), write() are essentially on the listening IO port, and epolin events occur. Therefore, the bottom layer of them does the same thing. They all cycle the process of "reading data - > processing data - > writing back processing results". The bottom layer implementation of fd.pfd.Accept() is as follows:
// Accept wraps the accept network call.
func (fd *FD) Accept() (int, syscall.Sockaddr, string, error) {
   if err := fd.readLock(); err != nil {
      return -1, nil, "", err
   defer fd.readUnlock()  // Add read / write lock

    // prepareRead Mainly check whether the read-write timeout occurs
   if err := fd.pd.prepareRead(fd.isFile); err != nil {
      return -1, nil, "", err
   for {
       // Because the server socket It is set to non blocking mode, so it will return immediately, so it is necessary to for loop
      s, rsa, errcall, err := accept(fd.Sysfd) 
      if err == nil {
         return s, rsa, "", err
      switch err {
      case syscall.EINTR:
      case syscall.EAGAIN:
         if fd.pd.pollable() {
            //  waitRead Will current goroutine Suspend and resume operation again until a read event arrives
            if err = fd.pd.waitRead(fd.isFile); err == nil {
      case syscall.ECONNABORTED:
         // This means that a socket on the listen
         // queue was closed before we Accept()ed it;
         // it's a silly error, so try again.
      return -1, nil, errcall, err
It can be seen that the accept () function waits for the arrival of the client connection in the for loop; Before the client connection arrives, suspend the goroutine corresponding to accept () through waitRead(); When the client connection comes, call the accept() function of linux to obtain the client connection. The above accept() function has several small details:

1. Why does each socket have a read / write lock

In general socket programming, in the case of single thread, reading and writing are basically impossible to execute concurrently. Only when reading and writing are separated, one thread is used for reading and one thread is used for writing, and a socket will read and write at the same time. However, the programming logic of go net is one goroutine per connection, which is externally represented as synchronous blocking. Once a goroutine is waiting for reading or writing, the goroutine will be suspended. Therefore, it is equivalent to prohibiting reading and writing at the same time. Therefore, a read-write lock is added to prevent incorrect use of application layer code.
two   Role of pollDesc.prepareRead() function

3. Ready execution end

The behavior of the waiting end has been analyzed earlier, and the ready execution end (epoll_wait) only needs to be in epoll_ After the wait response returns, take out the corresponding ev.data.rg (wg) and rejoin the runtime scheduling queue. This process is implemented through netpoll. The corresponding source code of netpoll is as follows:
// netpoll checks for ready network connections.
// Returns list of goroutines that become runnable.
// delay < 0: blocks indefinitely
// delay == 0: does not block, just polls
// delay > 0: block for up to that many nanoseconds
// gList Indicates that all are ready goroutine
func netpoll(delay int64) gList {
   if epfd == -1 {
      return gList{}
   // calculation epoll_wait Waiting time for
   var waitms int32
   if delay < 0 {
      waitms = -1
   } else if delay == 0 {
      waitms = 0
   } else if delay < 1e6 {
      waitms = 1
   } else if delay < 1e15 {
      waitms = int32(delay / 1e6)
   } else {
      // An arbitrary cap on how long to wait for a timer.
      // 1e9 ms == ~11.5 days.
      waitms = 1e9
   var events [128]epollevent
    // call epoll_wait
   n := epollwait(epfd, &events[0], int32(len(events)), waitms)
   if n < 0 {
      if n != -_EINTR {
         println("runtime: epollwait on fd", epfd, "failed with", -n)
         throw("runtime: netpoll failed")
      // If a timed sleep was interrupted, just return to
      // recalculate how long we should sleep now.
      if waitms > 0 {
         return gList{}
      goto retry
   var toRun gList
   for i := int32(0); i < n; i++ {
      ev := &events[i]
      if ev.events == 0 {
    // judge epoll_wait Is it interrupted
      if *(**uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&ev.data)) == &netpollBreakRd {
         if ev.events != _EPOLLIN {
            println("runtime: netpoll: break fd ready for", ev.events)
            throw("runtime: netpoll: break fd ready for something unexpected")
         if delay != 0 {
            // netpollBreak could be picked up by a
            // nonblocking poll. Only read the byte
            // if blocking.
            var tmp [16]byte
            read(int32(netpollBreakRd), noescape(unsafe.Pointer(&tmp[0])), int32(len(tmp)))
            atomic.Store(&netpollWakeSig, 0)

      var mode int32
      if ev.events&(_EPOLLIN|_EPOLLRDHUP|_EPOLLHUP|_EPOLLERR) != 0 {
         mode += 'r'
      if ev.events&(_EPOLLOUT|_EPOLLHUP|_EPOLLERR) != 0 {
         mode += 'w'
      if mode != 0 {
         // because pollDesc Save in epoll_event.data Medium, and goroutine Save in pollDesc.rg and pollDeesc.wg Through epoll_event.data You can get the blocked goroutine
         pd := *(**pollDesc)(unsafe.Pointer(&ev.data))
         pd.everr = false
         if ev.events == _EPOLLERR {
            pd.everr = true
         // Will be ready goroutines Put in ready queue
         netpollready(&toRun, pd, mode)
   return toRun

// netpollready()Wake up ready goroutine
func netpollready(toRun *gList, pd *pollDesc, mode int32) {
   var rg, wg *g
   if mode == 'r' || mode == 'r'+'w' {
      // netpollunblock()Responsible from pollDesc Remove from goroutine(g)
      rg = netpollunblock(pd, 'r', true)
   if mode == 'w' || mode == 'r'+'w' {
      wg = netpollunblock(pd, 'w', true)
   if rg != nil {
   if wg != nil {

// netpollunblock()Responsible from pollDesc Remove from goroutine(g)
func netpollunblock(pd *pollDesc, mode int32, ioready bool) *g {
   gpp := &pd.rg
   if mode == 'w' {
      gpp = &pd.wg

   for {
      old := atomic.Loaduintptr(gpp)
      // It is already a ready event. If no new ready event occurs, there is no need to wake up g
      if old == pdReady {
         return nil
      if old == 0 && !ioready {
         // Only set pdReady for ioready. runtime_pollWait
         // will check for timeout/cancel before waiting.
         return nil
      var new uintptr
      if ioready {
         new = pdReady
      // take pollDesc.rg Set as pdReady And return g
      if atomic.Casuintptr(gpp, old, new) {
         if old == pdWait {
            old = 0
         return (*g)(unsafe.Pointer(old))

Compared with the waiting end, the ready execution end has many functions directly. It's epoll_wait checks the ready socket, takes out the ready ev.data.rg, and then returns all ready glists.

3.1 when to call netpoll

netpoll only returns the ready gList, but a function is needed to call it to put the ready gList back into the runtime schedule. In other words, waking up goroutine is a process of runtime rescheduling.

  Search the calling location of netpoll and find that the code calling netpoll is under runtime/proc (i.e. the scheduler of golang). The calling functions and scenarios are as follows:
one   findrunnable() function. In fact, findrunnable () is that when the golang scheduler calls schedule() for scheduling, it will find the currently ready goroutine and put it into the local or global P (G-M-P scheduling model). The relevant codes of this function are as follows:
// schedule()Called when the function is scheduled findrunnable()Find ready goroutine Put p in
func findrunnable() (gp *g, inheritTime bool) {
    // Check whether there is a network first io be ready. This function is local P No executable on G When, in steal from others Before execution, if there is a network io Ready, wake up and schedule the goroutine. therefore nepoll(0)(Non blocking call)
    // Poll network.
    // This netpoll is only an optimization before we resort to stealing.
    // We can safely skip it if there are no waiters or a thread is blocked
    // in netpoll already. If there is any kind of logical race with that
    // blocked thread (e.g. it has already returned from netpoll, but does
    // not set lastpoll yet), this thread will do blocking netpoll below
    // anyway.
    if netpollinited() && atomic.Load(&netpollWaiters) > 0 && atomic.Load64(&sched.lastpoll) != 0 {
        // Get ready goroutine,adopt injectglist()Will be ready goroutine Put p Scheduling in
       if list := netpoll(0); !list.empty() { // non-blocking
          gp := list.pop()
          casgstatus(gp, _Gwaiting, _Grunnable)
          if trace.enabled {
             traceGoUnpark(gp, 0)
          return gp, false
    // Call again netpoll,This is a blocking call
    if netpollinited() && (atomic.Load(&netpollWaiters) > 0 || pollUntil != 0) && atomic.Xchg64(&sched.lastpoll, 0) != 0 {
       atomic.Store64(&sched.pollUntil, uint64(pollUntil))
       if _g_.m.p != 0 {
          throw("findrunnable: netpoll with p")
       if _g_.m.spinning {
          throw("findrunnable: netpoll with spinning")
       delay := int64(-1)
       if pollUntil != 0 {
          if now == 0 {
             now = nanotime()
          delay = pollUntil - now
          if delay < 0 {
             delay = 0
       if faketime != 0 {
          // When using fake time, just poll.
          delay = 0
       list := netpoll(delay) // block until new work is available
       atomic.Store64(&sched.pollUntil, 0)
       atomic.Store64(&sched.lastpoll, uint64(nanotime()))
       if faketime != 0 && list.empty() {
          // Using fake time and nothing is ready; stop M.
          // When all M's stop, checkdead will call timejump.
          goto top
       _p_ = pidleget()
       if _p_ == nil {
       } else {
          if !list.empty() {
             gp := list.pop()
             casgstatus(gp, _Gwaiting, _Grunnable)
             if trace.enabled {
                traceGoUnpark(gp, 0)
             return gp, false
          if wasSpinning {
             _g_.m.spinning = true
             atomic.Xadd(&sched.nmspinning, 1)
          goto top

two   Call in sysmon monitor. sysmon is a monitoring thread set by golang (a system level daemon). It is independent of all models of G-M-P and runs directly on M without binding to logical P. His relationship with other g-M-ps is as follows:




sysmon will check whether it is more than 10ms from the last netpoll() call. If it is more than 10ms, it will call netpoll() to wake up the executable G. The specific codes are as follows:
func sysmon() {
    lastpoll := int64(atomic.Load64(&sched.lastpoll))
    if netpollinited() && lastpoll != 0 && lastpoll+10*1000*1000 < now {
       atomic.Cas64(&sched.lastpoll, uint64(lastpoll), uint64(now))
       list := netpoll(0) // non-blocking - returns list of goroutines
       if !list.empty() {
          // Need to decrement number of idle locked M's
          // (pretending that one more is running) before injectglist.
          // Otherwise it can lead to the following situation:
          // injectglist grabs all P's but before it starts M's to run the P's,
          // another M returns from syscall, finishes running its G,
          // observes that there is no work to do and no other running M's
          // and reports deadlock.

Note: the waiting end and the ready end are connected through golang's runtime scheduling (G-M-P scheduling model). The waiting end suspends the goroutine, and the ready end puts the goroutine into the scheduling queue again. This part needs to have a basic understanding of the GPM scheduling model in order to understand the whole process. GMP scheduling can be seen in literature [3].

4. Summary

4.1 go netpoll execution flow

The underlying layer of Golang netpoll is actually the encapsulation of IO multiplexing models such as epoll and kqueue to realize one goroutine per connection. One goroutine per connection is actually a multi-threaded IO processing model. The difference is:
  1. goroutine is a unique lightweight thread of golang. It schedules in user space. Combined with golang's runtime scheduling model, its scheduling resources are far less than threads. Therefore, it makes multithreaded IO processing that was not applicable before shine again.
  2.   Through encapsulation, golang uses its runtime scheduling to separate IO waiting from Io read-write execution. Add goroutine to the waiting queue of epoll through pollDeesc.waitRead() and pollDesc.waitWrite(), and complete the processing of the waiting end; Wake up goroutine from the waiting end through netpoll() and put it back into the ready and schedulable state; The connection waiting and execution is golang's powerful G-M-P scheduling model. The whole dispatching process is shown as follows:




4.2 enlightenment from go netpoll

  Personally, the most exquisite design of golang netpoll lies in the perfect combination of epoll encapsulation and its own runtime scheduling. The general writing process of an epoll program is as follows:
void ListenAndServe() {
    // 1. Create and bind the server socket servsock
    // 2. binding servsock reach epoll
    epoll_event event;
    event.events=EPOLLIN; //input monitoring 
    int epfd=epoll_create(20); //establish epoll routine
    epoll_ctl(epfd,EPOLL_CTL_ADD,servsock,&event); //towards epfd add to fd Input listening event for
    struct epoll_event* events;
    events=(epoll_event*)malloc(sizeof(struct epoll_event)*EPOLL_SIZE); //Apply for storing an array of events
    // 3. Loop listening
        int event_cnt=epoll_wait(epfd,events,EPOLL_SIZE,-1); //Set infinite wait
             printf("epoll_wait() error");         
             for(int i=0;i<event_cnt;i++)
                 // 4. Server connection request
                 if(events[i].data.fd==servsock)  //Description is a new client request
                     // call accept Connect and register a new epoll monitor
                     event.data.fd=clntsock; //adopt event.data.fd deposit clntsock,Used to mark the returned event To which socket
                     epoll_ctl(epfd,EPOLL_CTL_ADD,clntsock,&event); //Add the newly applied connection epfd
                     // 5. The client reads and writes events and processes them accordingly
The above is the process of processing epoll by single thread, and the relevant variants only lie in the subsequent processing process, such as turning into multi thread / thread pool; Read and calculate separation, etc. It was taken for granted that epoll_event.data is used to store the corresponding socket. But essentially epoll_event.data is just a structure pointer. If it is used to store its own encapsulated structure variables (of course, the encapsulated structure must contain socket descriptors to distinguish which socket's read-write events are), all subsequent processes can be extended based on this custom structure. Golang's netpoll is in epoll_ The encapsulated pollDesc structure is stored in event.data, and pollDesc.rg and pollDesc.wg directly mark the goroutine structure bound to the socket, so that the waiting state of epoll can be directly reflected on the corresponding goroutine, and then use the scheduler of golang to schedule the ready goroutine. This design can be used for reference in all network communication models based on epoll.

4.3 analysis of advantages and disadvantages

Golang makes full use of the lightweight and multi goroutine parallel characteristics of its goroutine, and implements its netpoll network library based on IO reuse. Due to the lightweight nature of goroutine, the number of single-machine goroutines can easily surpass the multi-threaded model by several orders of magnitude. However, the number of goroutines is not unlimited. Even if goroutines are lightweight, their context switch will consume resources. When the number of goroutines exceeds a certain standard (for example, tens of thousands of goroutines are running at the same time), the runtime scheduling performance will decline sharply, resulting in the backlog of goroutines. To put it simply, golang's netpoll does not implement service degradation. When the number of connections reaches the upper limit, the number of goroutines should not be increased, but the subsequent connections should be queued, that is, a fixed number of process pools should be used to process network requests.

4.4 master slave Reactor model

go netpoll should be more than enough for writing small-scale network applications. However, for a large number of http and rpc requests from large Internet companies, it is fatal to open goroutine without restriction and no service degradation. When a large number of requests arrive at the same time, it will directly lead to the paralysis of golang's runtime scheduling. Therefore, large companies often encapsulate their own network libraries based on the multiplexing of the operating system. The classic model is the master-slave reactor model. The master-slave reactor model usually consists of a master reactor thread, a slave actor thread (or multiple), and a worker thread pool. The master reactor is responsible for listening to the events of the server socket, encapsulating the connected client socket into a connection and handing it to the slave reactor; The reactor is specially responsible for receiving read/write events and sending the received data to the worker for business processing; Worker is a thread pool (coordinator pool), which is responsible for processing the business logic after reading and writing. As shown in the figure below:


Usually, a Reactor is an epoll instance. The above is only the simplest network framework. In order to achieve high performance, many optimizations need to be done, such as TCP connection timeout management and shutdown, connection or buffer, and many places use object memory pools.


[1] Concurrent programming 3: IO multiplexing technology (2)

[2] If this article can't explain the essence of epoll, come and strangle me!

[3] Scheduling In Go : Part II - Go Scheduler

[4] Full disclosure of the source code of go netpoller's native network model

[5] go language design and implementation section 6.6


Posted by Majes on Sun, 28 Nov 2021 14:22:23 -0800