Getting started with javaScript

Keywords: Attribute Javascript Tomcat JQuery

Getting started with javaScript

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1, Basic grammar

What can I do
  • Response Click
  • Processing forms
  • Create pages dynamically according to user's operation
  • Set Cookie
  • Where to write js statement
    • Write in body
    • Uninstall head
    • External introduction
      • Same as css file
  • How to write js comments
    • "/ / write comment here": comment line
    • "/ * write comments here * /": write comments in the middle
Identifier, literal quantity and variable naming specification
  • Identifier: a tool for naming variables. It starts with letters, underscores, and $. It cannot start with numbers, special characters, or reserved words.
  • variable
    • Create with var keyword
    • Naming to conform to identifier specification
    • Called by name, case sensitive
  • Literal: I understand it as a constant, which can be used directly without storage
data type
  • You can use the tyeof operator to view data types
  • Basic data type
    • undefined
    • null
    • Number
    • Boolean
    • String

  • Complex data types

    • Object: using new to create an object

Data type conversion, operator
  • Data type conversion
    • Number(): other types of conversion value types
    • parseInt(): converts a string starting with a number to an integer
    • parseFloat(): converts a string starting with a number to a decimal

  • Operator
    • Arithmetic operators: "+", "-", "*", "/", "%"
    • Character operator: + "
    • Boolean operators: & &, "" | "
    • Assignment operators: '=', '+ =', '- ='
    • Unary operators: + +, –
    • Comparison operators: '>

2, Common methods of string and array

Character method
  • Charat (subscript of character): return character
  • indexOf (character): returns the first position of a character
  • lastIndexOf (character): returns the last occurrence of a character
  • substr (character subscript 3, length len of the obtained string): returns a string from subscript 3 to length len
  • substring (character subscript, total length of the string): from the following table of characters, output to the total length position
  • Replace (string to replace, string to replace)
  • toUpperCase(), lowercase to uppercase
  • toLowerCase(), uppercase string converted to lowercase

var str = 'Tomcat is a male ccatat';
	str = str.replace('cat','');
//Results: "Tom is a male"
Array method
  • There are two ways to create an array
1.var arr = new Array();
2.var arr = [data1,data2,data3]
var arr = new Array();
arr[0] = 'css'
arr[1] = 'html'
arr[2] = 'js'
var lan = ['html','css','javaScript']
  • len(): get the length of the array
  • push (one or more data): add data at the end of the array
  • pop(): delete the data at the end of the array
  • shift(): delete the first data of the array
  • Splice (starting position, quantity to be deleted or inserted, data to be deleted or inserted)

3, Functions and objects

Function, function expression
  • Function function name (parameter list) {function body consists of one or more statements}
//Methods that use functions as events
var hello = function () {
	doucument.write('hello word');
Variable scope
  • Variables created within a function are local variables and can only be used within a function
  • Global variables are created outside the function, and can be used anywhere in the current script
var name = 'Bob';
function obj() {
	var age = 14;
	var sex = 'boy';
	console.log(name + ' is '+age+' and a '+ sex);
console.log('age :'+ age);

Object & object creation and view
  1. Object oriented is a kind of thought of transformation
  2. All objects in js
  3. Creating objects based on prototypes
  4. Objects (properties and methods)
    • Carrier of attribute: variable
    • Method carrier: function
  • Object created in view
var obj2 = {
    sayhello:function () {console.log('hello')},

4, Process control

  1. Conditional judgement
  2. switch: multi branch judgment
  3. while,do~while
  4. for cycle
  5. for – in loop: traversing objects or arrays
  • There is no detailed introduction to this process control, because there is a basis of c, this should not have too big a problem
  • The only difference is to traverse the object
  • for (placeholder in object) {object [placeholder]}
    • Placeholders are replaced by object properties or array elements
    • Data output must use '[]' instead of ',' operator
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
        var arr = {
            // sayhello:function () {
            //     console.log(name+' is '+age+'year old');
            // },
        for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++)

            var t = i;
            switch (t) {
                case 0: if(t==0) console.log(t);break;
                case 1:
                    if(t==1) console.log(t);
                    else console.log('not 1');
                case 2:
                    if(t==2) console.log(t);
                    else if(t == 3) console.log(t+'=2 At that time, t+1=3');
                    else console.log('hello');
                case 3:
                    //Entry detection
                    while(t==3) {
                case 4:
                    //Export inspection
                case 5:
                    for(p in arr){
                        console.log('arr Object properties'+p+'The value is:'+arr[p]);
<h2 id="header">
    //This is a test page
<ul class="list">

5, DOM operation

DOM tree
  • [document object model] the relationship between elements and themselves in HTML documents
  • Each level of element label can be represented in the form of tree
onload & onclick
  • window.onload(): executed after all elements of the page are loaded
  • document.onclick(): mouse click trigger
      window.onload = function () {
        window.alert('I am window object');
        document.onclick = function () {
            window.alert('I am document object');
Four common methods of selecting page elements
  1. Tag: document.getelementsbytagname (tag name)
  2. id:document.getElementById (id property value)
  3. Class class: document.getelementsbyclassname (class name)
  4. querySelector: document.querySelector (Style Selector)
  5. qureySelectorAll: document.querySelectorAll (Style Selector)

Node attribute: type, name, value
  • Node type
    • nodeName (element node): nodeValue = 1
    • nodeName (attribute node): nodeValue = 2
    • nodeName (text node): nodeValue = 3
Relationship between nodes
  • Parent node: parentNode
  • Child node: childNode
  • Previous sibling: previousSibling
  • Next sibling: nextSibling
Add, delete, modify and query attribute nodes
//". operator
	//Get properties of h2
	var h2 = document.getElementById('header')
		//result: <h2 id="header"></h2>
		// result: "header"
	//Add a property
	h2.className = 'red'
	//Set property values and colors
	h2.className = 'blue' = 'blue'
//Method of element
	//Query label properties
		//result: "header"
		//result: "color: blue;"
		//result: "blue"
	//Set label properties
		//result: undefined
		//result: "green"
		//result: undefined
		//result: "color:green"
	//Delete attribute
		//result: undefined
		//result: null
//attributes attribute of element
	h2.attributes//Returned a key value pair (object)
		//result: NamedNodeMap {0: id, 1: style, id: id, style: style, length: 2}
		//result: style="color:green"
	//Delete style attribute
		//result: style="color:green"
Addition, deletion, modification and query of element nodes
  • Create element node: createElement (tag name)
  • Create text node: creareTextNode (text content)
  • Insert node to end of parent element: appendChild (node)
  • Add to specified location: insertBefor (node to insert, location to insert)
//Create element node
var li = document.createElement('li')
//Create text node
var txt = document.createTextNode('jQuery')
//Insert text node into element node
//Parent element node found
var ul = document.getElementsByClassName('list')[0]
//Insert parent element node
//Insert to specified location
//Delete child nodes

Six, events

Three methods of binding events to objects
  1. Events are added directly to the element
  2. Add event to object
  3. Add events as methods to objects

I don't know how to describe it in words, so I'll go straight to the code

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
    window.onload = function () {
        var li = document.getElementsByTagName('li')[0];
        li.onclick = function () {
            console.log('li Clicked~~Hey hey hey');
        var h2 = document.getElementsByTagName('h2')[0];

        //Add the event as a method to the object, method name: addEventListener
        var show = function () {
            console.log('I'm the monitor');
<h2 id="header" >
    //This is a test page
<ul class="list">
    <li onclick="console.log('js Clicked')">
<!--        There is no separation between the form and the behavior structure-->


Event bubbling and interception
  • I didn't understand the bubble time. I didn't understand the meaning of the video explanation, so it was a bit confusing
  • If there's a big problem, please give me a link to learn as a rookie. Thank you
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Posted by mahaguru on Wed, 05 Feb 2020 04:37:29 -0800