Get the link of meipai video -- JS analysis

Keywords: Python Windows Firefox

Meipai link:

Find the label of the video link. This div is not in the source code

adopt Fiddler grabs the bag , find which js file generated the div of class="mp-h5-player-layer-video"

Open the corresponding js file, breakpoint it, and find the way to generate src

Find the src parameter in this position

At this point, you need to find the source of the string, and then simulate this method

Finally, we found that the string existed in the web page from the very beginning

When a web page is requested, the corresponding string of the video is extracted, and then the URL can be obtained through the simulated method

import threading
import requests
import base64
import re

#   Decrypt video URL
def Decrypt_video_url(content):
    str_start = content[4:]

    list_temp = []
    hex = ''.join(list_temp)

    dec = str(int(hex, 16))
    list_temp1 = []
    pre = list_temp1

    list_temp2 = []
    tail = list_temp2

    str0 = str_start[:int(pre[0])]
    str1 = str_start[int(pre[0]):int(pre[0]) + int(pre[1])]

    result1 = str0 + str_start[int(pre[0]):].replace(str1, '')

    tail[0] = len(result1) - int(tail[0]) - int(tail[1])

    a = result1[:int(tail[0])]
    b = result1[int(tail[0]):int(tail[0]) + int(tail[1])]
    c = (a + result1[int(tail[0]):].replace(b, ''))

    return base64.b64decode(c).decode()

#   Get the content of a web page
def Page_text(url):
    headers = {
        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:21.0) Gecko/20130331 Firefox/21.0'
    return requests.get(url, headers=headers).text

#   Parsing a single web page
def Parse_url(video_title, url_tail):
    page_url = '' + url_tail
    video_page = Page_text(page_url)
    #   Get the encrypted URL of the video
    data_video = re.findall(r'data-video="(.*?)"', video_page, re.S)[0]
    video_url = Decrypt_video_url(data_video)
    print("{}\n{}\n{}\n".format(video_title, page_url, video_url))

def Get_url(url):
    index_page = Page_text(url)
    #   Title of each video
    videos_title = re.findall(r'class="content-l-p pa" title="(.*?)">', index_page, re.S)
    #   URL of each playing page
    urls = re.findall(r'<div class="layer-black pa"></div>\n\s*<a hidefocus href="(.*?)"', index_page, re.S)

    t_list = []
    for video_title, url_tail in zip(videos_title, urls):
        t = threading.Thread(name='GetUrl', target=Parse_url, args=(video_title, url_tail,))

    for i in t_list:

if __name__ == '__main__':

Posted by tefuzz on Sat, 04 Jan 2020 01:31:47 -0800