[GC9-5]: add startup screen to my program (trigger compilation warning)

Keywords: Qt

In our [GC9-2], pro has an instruction, as follows

Defines + = QT  predicted  warnings  defines compilation options

The meaning of this is as follows


This is when I use QTest, the original usage is to add

CONFIG += qtestlib

Display his prompt that I need to use the following

QT += testlib

Now let's go to the main topic of today and add a startup screen to our program. The purpose of this startup screen is to load multiple files when the program starts. These files will be time-consuming. At this time, the user may mistakenly think that the program is not started. Therefore, adding a startup animation can tell the user that the program is started and some modules are being loaded. The effect picture is as follows. The trademark of Geely is used here.


Here we need to use a new thing called QSplashScreen class. For more information about this class, please go here. https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qsplashscreen.html

The code I use here is relatively simple, as follows

Because my program is relatively simple, so I use Qtest, so I need to include testlib in the pro file. At present, the entire pro file is as follows

QT += core gui testlib              #Indicates the Qt module to be introduced
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION,4):QT += widgets       #Designed for Qt4 compatibility, to the effect that the version higher than Qt4 needs to include the widgets module
TARGET = GC9.1.0.0      #Program name
TEMPLATE = app          #Program type
DEFINES += QT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS   #Define compile route
RC_ICONS = ./Resources/Images/Core/LOGO.ico     #Program icon file

SOURCES += \            #source file
    Core/main.cpp \
    ControlPanel/controlpanel.cpp \

FORMS += \              #Interface file
    ControlPanel/controlpanel.ui \

HEADERS += \            #Header file
    ControlPanel/controlpanel.h \

RESOURCES += \           #resource file

If you use while loop to implement, you don't need to include testlib module.

Next, it is implemented in main.cpp. The code is as follows

#include <QApplication>
#include <QSplashScreen>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QTest>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QApplication a(argc, argv);
    QPixmap lodingPix(":/Core/Resources/Images/Core/login.png");        //Build pix image object
    QSplashScreen splash(lodingPix);                                    //Create qsflashscreen object
    splash.show();                                                      //Show qsflashscreen
    a.processEvents();                                                  //The general idea is to put the time-consuming load out and run it in a thread.
    QTest::qSleep(3000);                                                //Increase program display time
    ControlPanel w;                                                     //Establish console main interface
    w.show();                                                           //start default console 
    splash.finish(&w);                                                  //Qsflashscreen end
    return a.exec();

The above completes the adding of program start animation


2019/07/20 15:53


Posted by cortez on Sat, 19 Oct 2019 11:40:52 -0700