Fuzzy query (LIKE) concat (string join function)

Keywords: Oracle MySQL SQL

1. If you need to find the records with "three" and "cat" in U ﹣ name, please use and condition
Select * from [user] where u name like '% 3%' and u name like '% cat%'

If you use select * from [user] where u name like '% 3% cat%
Although we can search for "tripods", we can't search for "Zhang maosan" who meets the conditions.

2. Select * from [user] where u "name like" three "
Only find out that "Tang Sanzang" is three words and the middle one is "three";

3. Select * from [user] where u [name like '[Zhang liwang] 3'
"Zhang San", "Li San" and "Wang San" (instead of "Zhang Li Wang San") will be identified;

4.SELECT * FROM [user] WHERE u name LIKE 'three'
We will find out "Zhao San" and "Sun San" who are not surnamed "Zhang", "Li" and "Wang";

<select id="findList" resultType="Article">
            <include refid="cmsArticleColumns"/>
        FROM cms_article a
        <include refid="cmsArticleJoins"/>
            a.del_flag = #{delFlag}
            <if test="title != null and title != ''">
                AND a.title LIKE 
                    <if test="dbName == 'oracle'">'%'||#{title}||'%'</if>
                    <if test="dbName == 'mssql'">'%'+#{title}+'%'</if>
                    **<if test="dbName == 'mysql'">**CONCAT**('%', #{title}, '%')</if>**
            <if test="posid != null and posid != ''">
                AND a.posid LIKE 
                    <if test="dbName == 'oracle'">'%'||#{posid}||'%'</if>
                    <if test="dbName == 'mssql'">'%'+#{posid}+'%'</if>
                    <if test="dbName == 'mysql'">CONCAT('%', #{posid}, '%')</if>
            <if test="category.id != null and category.id != ''">
                AND (a.category_id = #{category.id}
                <if test="category.parentIds != null and category.parentIds != ''">
                    or c.parent_ids like 
                        <if test="dbName == 'oracle'">'%'||#{category.id}||'%'</if>
                        <if test="dbName == 'mssql'">'%,'+#{category.id}+',%'</if>
                        <if test="dbName == 'mysql'">CONCAT('%,', #{category.id}, ',%')</if>
            <if test="image != null and image != ''">
                AND a.image  = #{image}
            <if test="createBy != null and createBy.id != null and createBy.id != ''">
                AND a.create_by  = #{createBy.id}
            <!-- ${sqlMap.dsf}-->
            <when test="page !=null and page.orderBy != null and page.orderBy != ''">
                ORDER BY ${page.orderBy}
                ORDER BY a.weight DESC, a.update_date DESC

SQL - concat (string join function)

Oracle: CONCAT(), || 
SQL Server: + 
The syntax of CONCAT() is as follows:
Concat (string 1, string 2, string 3 ): String 1, string 2, string 3, etc. together.  
Note that Oracle's CONCAT() only allows two parameters
In other words, you can only string two words at a time. However, in Oracle, we can use '|' to concatenate multiple strings at once.  
Let's look at a few examples. Suppose we have the following table:
Geography table
region_name store_name 
East Boston 
East New York 
West Los Angeles 
West San Diego 
Example 1:

SELECT CONCAT(region_name,store_name) FROM Geography
WHERE store_name = 'Boston';

Example 2:

SELECT region_name || ' ' || store_name FROM Geography
WHERE store_name = 'Boston';

'East Boston' 
Example 3:
SQL Server:

SELECT region_name + ' ' + store_name FROM Geography
WHERE store_name = 'Boston';

'East Boston'

Posted by Mr_Mako on Mon, 06 Jan 2020 04:06:35 -0800