Function and script debugging method in shell

Keywords: bash

1. Function format

  • Objective: to turn some opposed codes into functions, provide readability and reusability, and avoid writing the same code repeatedly.
  • Function format:
    • Function keyword: function can be omitted without any parameters;
    • The symbol {indicates the beginning of the function body (a separate line after the function name can be used), and the symbol} indicates the end of the function body;
    • Function return value:
      • Explicit return: add return, followed by the value n(0~255);
      • Implicit return: the running result of the last command;
    [function] Function name [(parameter list)] {
        [return int;]

2. Function call

  • Calling function name: all functions must be pre-defined before use, that is, the function is placed at the beginning of the script file, and only the function name can be used when calling the function.
    #! /bin/bash
    foo () {
        echo "This is foo"
        return 0
    foo  # Call function foo()

3. Function parameters in shell

  • In shell, when you call a function, you can pass parameters to the function. When taking parameters inside a function, the value of the parameter is obtained in the form of a special variable $n. For example, $1 represents the first parameter, $2 represents the second parameter,..., $100 represents the 100th parameter. When a function is called, the parameters are passed in the form of command line parameters.
    echo "This is shell How to annotate the whole piece of code in the script,You don't need to use it line by line#Comment“
    printFunParams() {
        echo "Current file name: $0"
        echo "The first parameter in the command line parameters: $1"
        echo "The second parameter in the command line parameters: $2"
        echo "All parameters passed to a script or function: $@"
        echo "All parameters passed to a script or function: $*"
        echo "The total number of all parameters passed to a script or function: $#"
    # Calling a function with parameters
    printFunParams A B C D
    Current file name: ./
     The first parameter in the command line parameters: A
     The second parameter in the command line parameters: B
     All parameters passed to a script or function: A B C D
     All parameters passed to a script or function: A B C D
     The total number of all parameters passed to a script or function: 4 programming specification

  • The script file name ends with. sh, and try to use UTF-8 file encoding;
  • The first line of the script file uses #! / bin/bash without spaces and any options;
  • Program header comments: script function, author, modification time, etc;
  • The global variable is defined at the beginning of an empty line after the program header comment, in uppercase as much as possible;
  • Use ${var} for variable reference, and it is not recommended to use $VaR;
  • Single quotation mark (recommended constant), double quotation mark (recommended variable), no quotation mark (recommended number);
  • The variables in let and (()) should not be added with $, and the variables in expr should not be added with $;
  • Pairs of symbols shall be written at one time to prevent omission, such as: {}, [], "";
  • There are spaces at both ends of [] or [[]];
  • Command replacement, the ${cmd} format is recommended, and the 'cmd' format is not recommended;
  • Script code indentation is not mandatory, or use spaces or TAB keys uniformly;
  • Key operations are given an execution result status. If the execution fails, exit n (the execution status result of the previous command is checked with $?);
  • Key operations need to be logged to record the success, failure and operation time of the operation;
  • You can use & &, |ðž“œ instead of simple if then else fi statements;
  • If the command is too long, use compliance \ to extend it, except for the command with pipeline;
  • Try to use function functions, define different functions as different functions, and call functions directly;
  • All file names are named in lowercase. rm -rf is prohibited*
  • Separate composite commands (if branch structure and for/while loop), and try to use the following methods:
    if [ condition ]; then
    while true; do
    for value in {1...10}; do

5. Debugging of shell script

  • Debug trace (sh -x script file name)

    • The preferred method for shell script file debugging. After entering the debugging mode, the shell will execute statements in turn to generate debugging information (with a plus sign means that the statement is executed by the shell, and without a plus sign means that the output is generated by the shell)
    [cdl@h3c/home/cdl/Test]$sh -x
    + :
    + printFunParams A B C D
    + echo 'Current file name:'
    Current file name:
    + echo 'The first parameter in the command line parameters: A'
    The first parameter in the command line parameters: A
    + echo 'The second parameter in the command line parameters: B'
    The second parameter in the command line parameters: B
    + echo 'All parameters passed to a script or function: A' B C D
     All parameters passed to a script or function: A B C D
    + echo 'All parameters passed to a script or function: A B C D'
    All parameters passed to a script or function: A B C D
    + echo 'The total number of all parameters passed to a script or function: 4'
    The total number of all parameters passed to a script or function: 4
  • Check syntax (sh -n script file name)

    • The syntax of the script file is checked, but the script is not executed. If there is a syntax error, the shell will report an error. If there is no error, nothing will be displayed.
    echo "This is shell How to annotate the whole piece of code in the script,You don't need to use it line by line#Comment“
    printFunParams() {
        echo "Current file name: $0"
        echo "The first parameter in the command line parameters: $1"
        echo "The second parameter in the command line parameters: $2"
        echo "All parameters passed to a script or function: $@"
        echo "All parameters passed to a script or function: $*"
        echo "The total number of all parameters passed to a script or function: $#"
    # Calling a function with parameters
    printFunParams A B C D
    [cdl@h3c/home/cdl/Test]$sh -n line 22: syntax error: unexpected end of file
  • trap syntax (signal capture)

    • The trap command is used to specify the command to be executed after receiving the signal(SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGQUIT, SIGKILL, SIGTERM, etc.). Common usage:
      • DEBUG signal tracks and analyzes the changes of related variable values;
      • Clean up when the script program is interrupted;
      • Ask the user whether to terminate the script;
  • tee syntax (pipe copy tee -a file name)

    • The tee command is used to read the standard input data and output its contents to a file, that is, to the screen and the specified file. For example: ls -l tee file.txt | less

Posted by on Sat, 06 Nov 2021 09:41:52 -0700