Front-end Learning--Vue.js Day1

Keywords: Vue Attribute calculator React

1. Verification codes are implemented by the back end.

2. What is Vue.js
At present, three popular front-end frameworks are Vue.js, React.js and Angular.js.

Benefits of front-end frameworks: Reducing unnecessary operations, two-way data binding concepts

3. Differences between frameworks and libraries (which can be called plug-ins):
Framework is a set of solutions; libraries can be seen as plug-ins that provide functionality

4. Diagram of the relationship between MVC and MVVM
MVC Framework: (Note that App.js in the figure is the content of the back end)

MVVM framework (is the hierarchical development idea of front-end view layer, which divides each page into M, V and VM, in which VM is the core of MVVM idea, because VM layer is the dispatcher between M and V):

5. Correspondence between Vue Basic Code and MVVM
V: In the label, what can be displayed on the page
Contents defined by VM: new Vue ({xxxx})
M: Store data for each page

new Vue({xxx}) returns an instance object

6. Explain the basic usage of V-cloak, v-text and v-html.

v-html: will display < H 1 > </h 1 >'(html tag) as normal, rather than output as a string

7. v-bind Instruction Learning
mytitle is a variable in the code

8. Define events in Vue using v-on instructions
DOM operation: document.getelementById("xx"). onclick = function(){xxx}
Vue:v-on:click = "xxx"
Method Writing Method (Method is an object)
Mouse Coverage: v-on:mouseover= "xxx"

9. Effectiveness Production of Racing Horse Lamp

    <!--Horse Lantern Effect
    //The substring is used to intercept the string, and the first string is intercepted and placed in the last position.
    //Click on the button, use the timer to intercept automatically, 0.5s once
    <button @click="show">start</button>
    <button @click="shop">Stop it</button>

  export default {
    //Note that using data data in this {} requires this to point to.
    //Explain that the data data data is inside this {}
    name: 'day_one',
        text:'Multilingual Real-time Online Translation_Baidu Translate',
        intervalId:null //Define the timer ID on data
        if (this.intervalId !== null){
          return 0;
        //=> To solve the problem of this pointing; to make the internal and external this pointing consistent
        this.intervalId = setInterval(()=>{
            //start: intercepts the first string
            var start = this.text.substring(0,1);
            //start: Intercept the remaining strings
            var end = this.text.substring(1);
            //Connect two strings together
            this.text = end + start;
        //After clearing the timer, return this. intervarId = 6
        //So in order to turn on the timer next time, set intervalId manually to null
        this.intervalId = null;

10. Event modifiers
(1) @. Prevent event bubbles (from inside to outside)
(2) @. click.prevent: Prevent default behavior
(3) @. click.capture: capture mechanism (from outside to inside)
(4) @. click.self: When you click on your button, it will trigger. It will not trigger passively because of bubbles or capture.
(5) @. click.once: Events are triggered only once
(6) @. click.prevent.once: the default behavior is blocked when the first click is clicked, but not when the next click is clicked;.Prevent and. once have no orderly difference

11. v-model (unique) implements bidirectional data binding of form elements

The Case of v-model Implementing Calculator

  <!--v-model A Case Study of Implementing a Calculator-->
    <input type="text" v-model="n1">
    <select v-model="opt">
      <option value="+">+</option>
      <option value="-">-</option>
      <option value="*">*</option>
      <option value="/">/</option>
    <input type="text" v-model="n2">
    <button @click="calc">=</button>
    <input type="text" v-model="result">

  export default {
      //Method 1:
      calc() {
        //   switch (this.opt) {
        //     case '+' :
        //       this.result = parseInt(this.n1) + parseInt(this.n2);
        //       break;
        //     case '-' :
        //       this.result = parseInt(this.n1) - parseInt(this.n2);
        //       break;
        //     case '*' :
        //       this.result = parseInt(this.n1) * parseInt(this.n2);
        //       break;
        //     case '/' :
        //       this.result = parseInt(this.n1) / parseInt(this.n2);
        //       break;
        //   }

        //Method 2 (not recommended for project development):
eval() Function calculates a string and executes its JavaScript Code.
        var codeStr = parseInt(this.n1) + this.opt + parseInt(this.n2);
        this.result = eval(codeStr)

12. vue sets class style through attribute binding to element (4-minute method)
class="[]/{}/ Write attribute names directly"

However, attributes within an object but "-" need to be caused by'(quotation marks).

13. In vue, style is bound to elements by attribute binding (three ways)
style="{xxx}"; when multiple objects are needed, arrays []

Four Ways of v-for Instruction
// item; represents an item of the list array, using v-for to loop each item

Circulating ordinary arrays:

Traversing objects:

count: No need to define in data

(2) Notes on the use of key in v-for
Key: guarantees the uniqueness of the data (for example, if the key attribute is not defined, when the input of id=5 is checked, a data is inserted before the input, and the selected content checks the input of id=4 (that is, the content of the current index is 5)).

15. Use and Characteristics of v-if and v-show

16. Summary of day1:
(1) Don't add id to body

Posted by djwiltsh on Tue, 27 Aug 2019 19:43:04 -0700