Front end keywords (typing exercises) 1347 characters in total

Keywords: Java Programming Javascript

I believe that many friends will use Jinshan typist to practice typing when they are free. Yesterday, I had a brainstorm about how to use the front-end keywords in the typing process. All of them collected some front-end keywords. I know that the editor now has prompt function, but we can't rely on the editor too much.

1347 characters in total except for spaces. It is recommended to practice in two parts:

www url http W3C html htm head body title br hr font font-style font-size font-family font-weight normal italic bold h1 h6 align line-height left right center p blockquote &nbsp &gt &lt &copy &reg readonly img width height border hspace vspace alt image Del b I u table thead tbody tfoot tr td cellspacing cellpadding bordercolor bgcolor background Valign colspan rowspan th caption form action method name input type text button radio reset submit checkbox maxlength disabled password checked select checkbox hidden value option file textarea # . * ! ? , . <> [] = important a href target="_blank" link a:link a:hover a: active text-decoration none underline overline line-through text-indent border-left/right border-top/bottom border-color solid dashed repeat padding margin

display: block; display; inline; display: inline-block; float clear: both; Overflow: hidden; visibility: hidden; outline clearfix content position: fixed; position: absolute; Position: relative; cursor: pointer; list-style: none; text-align: center/left/right; hide show fadeIn fadeOut fadeToggle fadeTo click mouseover mouseout mousedown event focus dblclick slideDown slideUp slideToggle span em strong div ul ol dl li address animate animation opacity z-index background-color background-image background-position background-repeat repeat-x repeat-y javascript document write script clone append prepend addClass removeClass siblings parent closest function setInterval clearInterval current find onclick onmouseover onmousedown onmouseout scroll scrollTop true false alert console


I hope this essay can help you.

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Posted by varun_146100 on Fri, 01 Nov 2019 19:37:43 -0700