Foundation Enhancement_XML

Keywords: Java xml Attribute Junit

xml escape characters: characters with special meanings can be expressed using escape characters
< &lt;
> &gt;
" &quot;
' &apos;
& &amp;
Requirement: Writing of 1 < 3 == 5 > 7 in xml

You can use escape characters to display the following in text
<bean id="abc">
<property name="haha" value="123"></property>
<property name="haha" value="123"></property>
<property name="haha" value="123"></property>
You can use the CDATA area to do this.
CDATA area: The content inside will be displayed in text.
Arbitrary content (all text)

Steps to constrain documents using dtd:
1. Each dtd constraint document will have a line of code that starts with <! DOCTYPE and copies it into an xml document.
a.!DOCTYPE: Fixed dtd constraint document format
b.beans: Provides that the root element in an xml document can only be called beans
c.SYSTEM: System, dtd constraints document source local operating system
d."bean.dtd": The location of the constraint document. The constraint document we use is in the current folder, you can use "bean.dtd"
2. Write the root element according to its name.
3. Put the mouse on the root element / or press f2 to write the xml document according to the prompt
?: Representation elements can only occur 0 or 1 times
+ Representation elements can occur one or more times
* Representation elements can occur 0 times, 1 time or more (any number of times)
(): A set of data
| Choose relationships, only one among multiple elements
The order relation stipulates that xml documents written in a, B and C can only be written in a, B and C order.

1. Each schema document will have a start tag < beans...> for the root element, copy the start tag and add an end tag.
2. Put the mouse on the root element / f2 and write the xml document according to the prompt

Use of schema-constrained documents
1. Every schema constraint document must have a namespace.
Naming requirements: the only one in the world
Name using domain name (address):
Namespaces in bean-schema.xsd documents
2. Declare namespaces in xml documents
Default declaration:
Display declaration:
3. Declare the location of schema constraint documents
First declare the location of the official document
Declare the location of the custom schema document according to the official document
xsi:schemaLocation=" bean-schema.xsd" Namespaces
Bean-schema.xsd: Location of schema documents

Parsing xml documents using dom4j
* 1.SAXReader object (dom4j core class)
a) read(... ) load and execute xml documents
2. Document object
a) Element e = getRootElement() Gets the root element
3. Element objects
Element [] eleArr = elements(... ) Gets all the child elements of the specified name. You may not specify a name
b) element(... ) Gets the first child element of the specified name. You may not specify a name
c) getName() gets the element name of the current element
d) attributeValue(... ) Gets the property value of the specified property name
e) elementText(... ) Gets the text value of the specified name child element
f) getText() Gets the text content of the current element
Operation steps:
1. Create the dom4j core object SAXReader
2. Use read method in SAXReader to read xml document and generate Document object
3. Use the method getRootElement in Document to get the root element Element
4. Get all bean elements using the method elements in Element
5. Traverse the collection containing bean elements to get each bean element
6. Use the method attributeValue in Element to get the value of the attribute on the bean element
7. Get all property elements using the method elements in Element
8. Traverse through a collection of property elements to get each property element
9. Use the method attributeValue in Element to get the value of the attribute on the property element
10. Get the text value above the property element using the method getText in Element

 1 public class UseDom4jParseXML {
 2     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
 3         //1.Establish dom4j Core Objects SAXReader
 4         SAXReader sax = new SAXReader();
 5         //2.Use SAXReader in read Method Reading xml File,generate Document object
 6         Document docu ="bean.xml");
 7         //3.Use Document Chinese method getRootElement Get the root element Element
 8         Element rootElement = docu.getRootElement();
 9         //4.Use Element Method in elements Get all bean element
10         List<Element> beanElementList = rootElement.elements();
11         //5.Ergodic inclusion bean Collection of elements,Get each bean element
12         for (Element beanElement : beanElementList) {
13             String beanName = beanElement.getName();
14             System.out.println(beanName);
15             //6.Use Element Method in attributeValue Obtain bean Values of attributes on elements
16             String idValue = beanElement.attributeValue("id");
17             System.out.println("\tbean Attributes of elements id:"+idValue);
18             String classNameValue = beanElement.attributeValue("className");
19             System.out.println("\tbean Attributes of elements className:"+classNameValue);
20             //7.Use Element Method in elements Get all property element
21             List<Element> propertyElementList = beanElement.elements();
22             //8.Ergodic inclusion property Collection of elements,Get each property element
23             for (Element propertyElement : propertyElementList) {
24                 System.out.println("\t\t"+propertyElement.getName());
25                 //9.Use Element Method in attributeValue Obtain property Values of attributes on elements
26                 String nameValue = propertyElement.attributeValue("name");
27                 System.out.println("\t\t\tproperty Attributes of elements name:"+nameValue);
28                 String valueValue = propertyElement.attributeValue("value");
29                 System.out.println("\t\t\tproperty Attributes of elements value:"+valueValue);
30                 //10.Use Element Method in getText Acquisition property Text values on elements
31                 String text = propertyElement.getText();
32                 System.out.println("\t\t\tproperty Element text:"+text);
33             }
34         }
35     }
36 }

BeanUtils Tool Class
Use BeanUitls Common to inject (assign) values to member variables in a class

 1 public class Demo01BeanUtils {
 2     @Test
 3     public void demo03() throws Exception{
 4         /*
 5          * BeanUitls The method populate in the
 6          * populate(Object bean, Map<String,String[]> properties)       
 7          *         Encapsulating Map data into a specified Java bean is generally used to encapsulate all the data of a form into a JavaBean
 8          *         Equivalent to traversing the Map set, according to the key (attribute name) of the Map set, the value of the Map set is used in turn to inject values into the member variables.
 9          * 
10          *     Parameters:
11          *         Object bean:JavaBean objects to be assigned
12          *         Map<String,String[]> properties:Map aggregate
13          *             key:String,Name of member variable (attribute name)
14          *             value:String[],Array of string type
15          *                 If the member variable is an array, then all values of the value array are assigned to the member variable.
16          *                 If the member variable is not an array, then the first value of the value array is used to assign the member variable.
17          * How arrays are created:
18          *     Dynamic initialization:
19          *         String[] arr = new String[The length of the array];
20          *     Static initialization:
21          *         String[] arr = new String[]{Element value 1, element value 2,...};
22          *         String[] arr = {Element value 1, element value 2,...}; the definition and assignment of an array must be written in one line
23          */
24         //Establish JavaBean object
25         User u = new User();
26         //Establish Map aggregate,key yes String type,value yes String Array of types
27         Map<String,String[]> properties = new HashMap<String,String[]>();
28         properties.put("id", new String[]{"123","456"});
29         properties.put("username", new String[]{"root","admin"});
30         properties.put("password", new String[]{"root","123456"});
31         properties.put("hobbies", new String[]{"eat","sleep","play","Knock code"});
32         //Use BeanUtils Medium populate Injecting multiple values into multiple member variables
33         BeanUtils.populate(u, properties);
35         System.out.println(u);
36     }
38     @Test
39     public void demo02() throws Exception{
40         /*
41          * static void setProperty(Object obj,String name,Object value)    Setting property values
42          *         It's equivalent to calling the setXXX method in JavaBean
43          * static String getProperty(Object obj,String name)    Get attribute values
44          *         Equivalent to calling the getXXX method in JavaBean
45          * The parameters of the method are as follows:
46          *         Object obj:JavaBean objects to assign / get values
47          *         String name:Name of member variable (attribute name)
48          *         Object value:Values assigned to member variables for actual use
49          * 
50          * BeanUtils The data types that tool classes can operate on are: basic data types, packaging classes of basic data types, String types, and one-dimensional arrays of the above three types.
51          * Regardless of the data type of the attribute, the BeanUtils tool class can use the numeric type of the character format to assign values (internally converting strings to basic types is equivalent to using
52          * The method parseXXX()) in the wrapper class
53          */
54         //Establish JavaBean object
55         User u = new User();
56         //Use BeanUtils Medium setProperty Method injects values into member variables
57         BeanUtils.setProperty(u, "id", "123");
58         BeanUtils.setProperty(u, "username", "root");
59         BeanUtils.setProperty(u, "password", "root");
60         System.out.println(u);
62         //Use BeanUtils Medium getProperty Method to get attribute values
63         String id = BeanUtils.getProperty(u, "id");
64         System.out.println(id);
65         String username = BeanUtils.getProperty(u, "username");
66         System.out.println(username);
67         System.out.println(BeanUtils.getProperty(u, "password"));
68     }
70     @Test
71     public void demo01(){
72         //Do not use tool classes,Assignment of member variables/Get the value
73         User u = new User();
74         u.setId(Integer.parseInt("123"));
75         u.setUsername("root");
76         u.setPassword("root");
78         System.out.println(u.getId());
79         System.out.println(u.getUsername());
80         System.out.println(u.getPassword());
81     }
82 }
  1 /*
  2  * Create MyBeanUtils Tool Classes to Enhance the populate Method
  3  */
  4 public class MyBeanUtils {
  5     //Private the construction method,Do not let the outside world call methods by creating objects
  6     private MyBeanUtils() {
  7     }
  9     /*
 10      * Define a method (allowing users to use their own populate method without handling exceptions)
 11      *     1.Parametric passing JavaBean object's Class file object
 12      *     2.Creating Java bean objects internally through reflection
 13      *     3.Calling the method populate of BeanUtils tool class
 14      *     4.Attempt... catch handling of the exception of populate method
 15      *     5.Return the object to the user
 16      *     6.Add a generic type to the parameter Class object to let the user pass any type of JavaBean and return any type of JavaBean.
 17      * 
 18      * Define methods with generics: Determine data types when calling methods
 19      *         Modifier < define generics > return value type method name (parameter < use generics >){
 20      *             Method body
 21      *         }
 22      * 
 23      * 
 24      * The parameters of the method are as follows:
 25      *         Class clazz
 26      *         Map<String,String[]> properties
 27      * The return value type of the method:
 28      *         Object
 29      */
 30     public static <E> E populate03(Class<E> clazz, Map<String,String[]> properties){
 31         try {
 32             //2.Internally created by reflection Javabean object
 33             E obj = clazz.newInstance();
 34             // BeanUtils Method of Tool Class populate
 35             BeanUtils.populate(obj, properties);
 36             //5.Return the object to the user
 37             return obj;
 38         } catch (Exception e) {
 39             //4.Yes populate Abnormal progress of method try...catch Handle
 40             e.printStackTrace();
 41             //Compile exceptions,Converting to runtime exceptions,Failure to inject values into member variables,Stop the program
 42             throw new RuntimeException("Injection Value Failure");
 43         }
 44     }
 46     /*
 47      * Define a method (allowing users to use their own populate method without handling exceptions)
 48      *     1.Parametric passing JavaBean object's Class file object
 49      *     2.Creating Java bean objects internally through reflection
 50      *     3.Calling the method populate of BeanUtils tool class
 51      *     4.Attempt... catch handling of the exception of populate method
 52      *     5.Return the object to the user
 53      * 
 54      * The parameters of the method are as follows:
 55      *         Class clazz
 56      *         Map<String,String[]> properties
 57      * The return value type of the method:
 58      *         Object
 59      */
 60     public static Object populate02(Class clazz, Map<String,String[]> properties){
 61         try {
 62             //2.Internally created by reflection Javabean object
 63             Object obj = clazz.newInstance();
 64             // BeanUtils Method of Tool Class populate
 65             BeanUtils.populate(obj, properties);
 66             //5.Return the object to the user
 67             return obj;
 68         } catch (Exception e) {
 69             //4.Yes populate Abnormal progress of method try...catch Handle
 70             e.printStackTrace();
 71             //Compile exceptions,Converting to runtime exceptions,Failure to inject values into member variables,Stop the program
 72             throw new RuntimeException("Injection Value Failure");
 73         }
 75     }
 77     /*
 78      * Define a method (allowing users to use their own populate method without handling exceptions)
 79      *     1.Calling the method populate of BeanUtils tool class
 80      *     2.Attempt... catch handling of the exception of populate method
 81      * 
 82      * The parameters of the method are as follows:
 83      *         Object bean
 84      *         Map<String,String[]> properties
 85      * The return value type of the method:
 86      *         void
 87      */
 88     public static void populate01(Object bean, Map<String,String[]> properties){
 89         try {
 90             // BeanUtils Method of Tool Class populate
 91             BeanUtils.populate(bean, properties);
 92         } catch (Exception e) {
 93             //2.Yes populate Abnormal progress of method try...catch Handle
 94             e.printStackTrace();
 95             //Compile exceptions,Converting to runtime exceptions,Failure to inject values into member variables,Stop the program
 96             throw new RuntimeException("Injection Value Failure");
 97         } 
 98     }
 99 }
100 package cn.itcast.dmeo03.MyBeanUtils;
102 import java.util.HashMap;
103 import java.util.Map;
105 import org.junit.Test;
107 import cn.itcast.dmeo01.bean.User;
109 /*
110  * Use the custom tool class MyBeanUtils
111  */
112 public class UseMyBeanUtils {
113     @Test
114     public void demo03(){
115         //Establish Map aggregate,key yes String type,value yes String Array of types
116         Map<String,String[]> properties = new HashMap<String,String[]>();
117         properties.put("id", new String[]{"123"});
118         properties.put("username", new String[]{"root","admin"});
119         properties.put("password", new String[]{"root","123456"});
120         properties.put("hobbies", new String[]{"eat","sleep","play","Knock code"});
121         //call MyBeanUtils Methods in Tool Classes populate02
122         User u = MyBeanUtils.populate03(User.class, properties);
123         System.out.println(u);
124     }
126     @Test
127     public void demo02(){
128         //Establish Map aggregate,key yes String type,value yes String Array of types
129         Map<String,String[]> properties = new HashMap<String,String[]>();
130         properties.put("id", new String[]{"123"});
131         properties.put("username", new String[]{"root","admin"});
132         properties.put("password", new String[]{"root","123456"});
133         properties.put("hobbies", new String[]{"eat","sleep","play","Knock code"});
134         //call MyBeanUtils Methods in Tool Classes populate02
135         User u = (User) MyBeanUtils.populate02(User.class, properties);
136         System.out.println(u);
137     }
139     @Test
140     public void demo01(){
141         //Establish JavaBean object
142         User u = new User();
143         //Establish Map aggregate,key yes String type,value yes String Array of types
144         Map<String,String[]> properties = new HashMap<String,String[]>();
145         properties.put("id", new String[]{"123"});
146         properties.put("username", new String[]{"root","admin"});
147         properties.put("password", new String[]{"root","123456"});
148         properties.put("hobbies", new String[]{"eat","sleep","play","Knock code"});
149         //call MyBeanUtils Methods in Tool Classes populate01
150         MyBeanUtils.populate01(u, properties);
151         System.out.println(u);
152     }
153 }
 1 /*
 2  * Comprehensive case: XML+dom4j + reflection + BeanUtils
 3  *     1.Storing the class name and attribute name attribute values of JavaBean s using xml
 4  *     2.Parsing xml using dom4j
 5  *     3.Creating JavaBean Objects by Resolving Full Class Names Using Reflection Technology
 6  *     4.Use the method setProperty in BeanUtils to inject values into member variables
 7  */
 8 public class UseDom4jparseXMLToJavaBean {
 9     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
10         //2.Use dom4j analysis xml
11         //Obtain dom4j Core Classes SAXReader
12         SAXReader sax = new SAXReader();
13         //Use SAXReader Medium read read xml,Establish Document object
14         Document docu ="src/cn/itcast/dmeo05/domain/data.xml");
15         //Use Document Method in getRootElement Get the root element
16         Element rootElement = docu.getRootElement();
17         //Use Element Method in elements Get all bean element,Put it into a collection
18         List<Element> beanElementList = rootElement.elements();
19         //ergodic beanElementList aggregate
20         for (Element beanElement : beanElementList) {
21             //Obtain beanElement Variable attributes on className
22             String className = beanElement.attributeValue("className");
23             //3.Create a class name based on the parsed full class name using reflection technology JavaBean object
24             Class clazz = Class.forName(className);
25             Object obj = clazz.newInstance();
26             //Use Element Method in elements Get all property element,Put it into a collection
27             List<Element> propertyElementList = beanElement.elements();
28             //ergodic propertyElementList aggregate
29             for (Element propertyElement : propertyElementList) {
30                 //Obtain propertyElement Attributes on name(Property name)and value(Attribute value)
31                 String name = propertyElement.attributeValue("name");
32                 String value = propertyElement.attributeValue("value");
33                 //4.Use BeanUtils Method in setProperty Inject values into member variables
34                 BeanUtils.setProperty(obj, name, value);
35             }
36             //Printing JavaBean object
37             System.out.println(obj);
38         }
39     }
41 }

Posted by kalebaustin on Tue, 18 Jun 2019 12:32:31 -0700