1, Principle:
Above: as follows
The reason why three-dimensional (3d) is different from two-dimensional space is that it has vector, position and volume. In Flutter, we can find that Vector3, a three-dimensional vector class, is provided: it has position, direction, Euler angle information, and some vector functions. I have studied 3dmax modeling in University and have a better understanding. We know that a three-dimensional object can make human vision different from a two-dimensional object, because it has volume (volume is seen by our human vision), light. In the two-dimensional interface of the mobile phone, we can see its volume and three-dimensional. With the help of Vector3, we can create a camera to provide us with different perspectives.
2, On the Vector3 provided by Flutter, we customize our own 3d view widget.
Requirements to be implemented:
1.Vector3 provides us with directional cameras and lights, which are used to view 3d from different perspectives.
2.CustomPaint provides our display for painting on Canvas.
3.GestureDetector provides our gestures on the screen to change and refresh our 3d images.
library flutter_3d_obj;
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math' as Math;
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show rootBundle;
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math.dart' show Vector3;
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math.dart' as V;
//1.0 start creating widget
class Widght_3D extends StatefulWidget {
{@required this.size,
@required this.path,
@required this.asset,
this.zoom = 100.0}) {
if (angleX != null || angleY != null || angleZ != null) {
angleValue = false;
Size size;
bool asset;
String path;
double zoom;
double angleX;
double angleY;
double angleZ;
bool angleValue = true;
_Widght_3DState createState() => new _Widght_3DState(path, angleValue, asset);
class _Widght_3DState extends State<Widght_3D> {
//Todo / / 2.0 loading resources
_Widght_3DState(this.path, this.angleValue, bool asset) {
rootBundle.loadString(this.path).then((String value) {
setState(() {
object = value;
File file = new File(this.path);
file.readAsString().then((String value) {
setState(() {
object = value;
bool angleValue;
String path;
double angleX = 15.0;
double angleY = 45.0;
double angleZ = 0.0;
double _previousX = 0.0;
double _previousY = 0.0;
double zoom;
String object = "V 1 1 1 1";
File file;
void _updateCube(DragUpdateDetails data) {
if (angleY > 360.0) {
angleY = angleY - 360.0;
if (_previousY > data.globalPosition.dx) {
setState(() {
angleY = angleY - 1;
if (_previousY < data.globalPosition.dx) {
setState(() {
angleY = angleY + 1;
_previousY = data.globalPosition.dx;
if (angleX > 360.0) {
angleX = angleX - 360.0;
if (_previousX > data.globalPosition.dy) {
setState(() {
angleX = angleX - 1;
if (_previousX < data.globalPosition.dy) {
setState(() {
angleX = angleX + 1;
_previousX = data.globalPosition.dy;
void _updateY(DragUpdateDetails data) {
void _updateX(DragUpdateDetails data) {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new GestureDetector(//TODO 3.0 uses gesture to monitor the direction of drag. At present, it only deals with horizontal and numerical directions. So you can drag the picture from left to right and up and down in the two-dimensional interface.
child: new CustomPaint(//TODO 4.0 is a widget that provides a canvas to draw during the drawing phase.
painter: new _ObjectPainter(
angleValue ? angleX : widget.angleX,
angleValue ? angleY : widget.angleY,
angleValue ? angleZ : widget.angleZ,
size: widget.size,
onHorizontalDragUpdate: _updateY,//TODO 4.0 here is the monitoring level drag and update
onVerticalDragUpdate: _updateX,//TODO 5.0 here to monitor the value drag
class _ObjectPainter extends CustomPainter {
double _zoomFactor = 100.0;
final double _rotation = 5.0; // in degrees
double _translation = 0.1 / 100;
final double _scalingFactor = 10.0 / 100.0; // in percent
final double ZERO = 0.0;
final String object;
double _viewPortX = 0.0, _viewPortY = 0.0;
List<Vector3> vertices;
List<dynamic> faces;
V.Matrix4 T;
Vector3 camera;
Vector3 light;
double angleX;
double angleY;
double angleZ;
Color color;
Size size;
_ObjectPainter(this.size, this.object, this.angleX, this.angleY, this.angleZ,
this._zoomFactor) {
_translation *= _zoomFactor;
camera = new Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
light = new Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 100.0);
color = new Color.fromARGB(255, 255, 255, 255);
_viewPortX = (size.width / 2).toDouble();
_viewPortY = (size.height / 2).toDouble();
Map<String, List> _parseObjString(String objString) {
List vertices = <Vector3>[];
List faces = <List<int>>[];
List<int> face = [];
List lines = objString.split("\n");
Vector3 vertex;
line = line.replaceAll(new RegExp(r"\s+$"), "");
List<String> chars = line.split(" ");
// vertex
if (chars[0] == "v") {
vertex = new Vector3(double.parse(chars[1]), double.parse(chars[2]),
// face
} else if (chars[0] == "f") {
for (var i = 1; i < chars.length; i++) {
face = [];
return {'vertices': vertices, 'faces': faces};
bool _shouldDrawFace(List face) {
var normalVector = _normalVector3(
vertices[face[0] - 1], vertices[face[1] - 1], vertices[face[2] - 1]);
var dotProduct = normalVector.dot(camera);
double vectorLengths = normalVector.length * camera.length;
double angleBetween = dotProduct / vectorLengths;
return angleBetween < 0;
Vector3 _normalVector3(Vector3 first, Vector3 second, Vector3 third) {
Vector3 secondFirst = new Vector3.copy(second);
Vector3 secondThird = new Vector3.copy(second);
return new Vector3(
(secondFirst.y * secondThird.z) - (secondFirst.z * secondThird.y),
(secondFirst.z * secondThird.x) - (secondFirst.x * secondThird.z),
(secondFirst.x * secondThird.y) - (secondFirst.y * secondThird.x));
double _scalarMultiplication(Vector3 first, Vector3 second) {
return (first.x * second.x) + (first.y * second.y) + (first.z * second.z);
Vector3 _calcDefaultVertex(Vector3 vertex) {
T = new V.Matrix4.translationValues(_viewPortX, _viewPortY, ZERO);
T.scale(_zoomFactor, -_zoomFactor);
T.rotateX(_degreeToRadian(angleX != null ? angleX : 0.0));
T.rotateY(_degreeToRadian(angleY != null ? angleY : 0.0));
T.rotateZ(_degreeToRadian(angleZ != null ? angleZ : 0.0));
return T.transform3(vertex);
double _degreeToRadian(double degree) {
return degree * (Math.PI / 180.0);
List<dynamic> _drawFace(List<Vector3> verticesToDraw, List face) {
List<dynamic> list = <dynamic>[];
Paint paint = new Paint();
Vector3 normalizedLight = new Vector3.copy(light).normalized();
var normalVector = _normalVector3(verticesToDraw[face[0] - 1],
verticesToDraw[face[1] - 1], verticesToDraw[face[2] - 1]);
Vector3 jnv = new Vector3.copy(normalVector).normalized();
double koef = _scalarMultiplication(jnv, normalizedLight);
if (koef < 0.0) {
koef = 0.0;
Color newColor = new Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 0, 0);
Path path = new Path();
newColor = newColor.withRed((color.red.toDouble() * koef).round());
newColor = newColor.withGreen((color.green.toDouble() * koef).round());
newColor = newColor.withBlue((color.blue.toDouble() * koef).round());
paint.color = newColor;
paint.style = PaintingStyle.fill;
bool lastPoint = false;
double firstVertexX, firstVertexY, secondVertexX, secondVertexY;
for (int i = 0; i < face.length; i++) {
if (i + 1 == face.length) {
lastPoint = true;
if (lastPoint) {
firstVertexX = verticesToDraw[face[i] - 1][0].toDouble();
firstVertexY = verticesToDraw[face[i] - 1][1].toDouble();
secondVertexX = verticesToDraw[face[0] - 1][0].toDouble();
secondVertexY = verticesToDraw[face[0] - 1][1].toDouble();
} else {
firstVertexX = verticesToDraw[face[i] - 1][0].toDouble();
firstVertexY = verticesToDraw[face[i] - 1][1].toDouble();
secondVertexX = verticesToDraw[face[i + 1] - 1][0].toDouble();
secondVertexY = verticesToDraw[face[i + 1] - 1][1].toDouble();
if (i == 0) {
path.moveTo(firstVertexX, firstVertexY);
path.lineTo(secondVertexX, secondVertexY);
var z = 0.0;
face.forEach((x) {
z += verticesToDraw[x - 1].z;
return list;
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {//TODO painting on canvas
Map parsedFile = _parseObjString(object);
vertices = parsedFile["vertices"];
faces = parsedFile["faces"];
List<Vector3> verticesToDraw = [];
vertices.forEach((vertex) {
verticesToDraw.add(new Vector3.copy(vertex));
for (int i = 0; i < verticesToDraw.length; i++) {
verticesToDraw[i] = _calcDefaultVertex(verticesToDraw[i]);
final List avgOfZ = <Map>[];
for (int i = 0; i < faces.length; i++) {
List face = faces[i];
double z = 0.0;
face.forEach((x) {
z += verticesToDraw[x - 1].z;
Map data = <String, dynamic>{
"index": i,
"z": z,
avgOfZ.sort((var a,var b) => a['z'].compareTo(b['z']));
for (int i = 0; i < faces.length; i++) {
List face = faces[avgOfZ[i]["index"]];
if (_shouldDrawFace(face) || true) {
final List<dynamic> faceProp = _drawFace(verticesToDraw, face);
canvas.drawPath(faceProp[0], faceProp[1]);
bool shouldRepaint(_ObjectPainter old) =>
old.object != object ||
old.angleX != angleX ||
old.angleY != angleY ||
old.angleZ != angleZ ||
old._zoomFactor != _zoomFactor;
Last: github address https://github.com/luhenchang/flutter_study/blob/master/README.md File in lib – > wide 3D