Five popular Android libraries in Q1 2020

Keywords: Android xml

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At the end of the first quarter of 2020, a lot happened in the Android community. The Android 11 development preview has been released and offers many new features - but that's not the point of this article.
After the November and December releases, it's time to take a look at the new Android library released in early 2020. These libraries caused a lot of repercussions.


First of all, we have an animation bottom toolbar library, which not only allows you to add and remove tabs programmatically, but also through XML.

At the same time, this library also allows us to easily block the button bar's tab switching. If you need to restrict access to the charging area when navigating within the app, then blocking tab switching will be useful. These beautiful animations also offer a wide range of customization options, from animation interpolation to ripple effects.

    app:abb_selectedIndex="1" />


One of the classic ways to promote apps in the Play store and elsewhere is to let users rate your App. Unlike the traditional reminder dialog, the library uses the BottomSheet to prompt users for rating, while the traditional reminder dialog may cause interference sometimes. The Bottom Sheet greatly improves the user experience of the application because it is in the thumb area.

    .setInstallDays(1) // 3 by default
    .setLaunchTimes(2) // 5 by default
    .setRemindInterval(1) // 2 by default
    .setShowAskBottomSheet(false) // True by default
    .setShowLaterButton(false) // True by default
    .setShowCloseButtonIcon(false) // True by default



Here's a nice library for setting up transitions between activities, clips, and views. It uses Material Design's motion system transformation mode to create gradient animation.
The library provides many custom option properties such as binding target view, background gradient and path moving direction.


This is a doughnut like graphics gallery that can display multiple datasets in a specified color. This library provides fine-grained control, gap capabilities, animation options, and the ability to scale values, and should be available for applications that demonstrate statistics such as daily goals.


Last but not least, we have a library for rendering curves. In addition to statistics, linear graphs are widely used to display stock prices in investment applications. It not only has high performance and a large number of style options, but also supports multilinear graphs in a single plane.
Multilinear graphs are useful for comparing prices of different stocks, mutual funds, cryptocurrencies, etc.

        new CurveGraphConfig.Builder(this)
                .setNoDataMsg("No Data")                                              


We took a brief look at a series of recently released Android libraries and discussed their possible application scenarios.

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Original release time: April 7, 2020
Author: Anupam Chugh
This article comes from:“ InfoQ WeChat official account ”, you can pay attention to“ InfoQ"

Posted by flientje on Tue, 07 Apr 2020 22:05:25 -0700