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Many websites do not achieve the function of returning to the top, but in reality, the pages are often longer. If you want to return to the top, it will be very troublesome. How nice if you have a button at this time.
This is the original intention of the project.
Looking for the chrome App Store, there are already many similar plug-ins, but they are often too old or poorly performing to meet personal needs, so I think I've made a mistake with a plug-in. At the same time, it's a practice.
Project source code
directory structure
Yes! It's that simple! There are three files in total: one icon (icon for display in the extension bar), one configuration file (json file required for the chrome plug-in), and one js script (for function implementation)
{ "name": "Scroll Top", "description" : "Back to the top", "version": "1.0", "manifest_version": 2, "icons": { "16": "btn.png", "32": "btn.png", "48": "btn.png", "128": "btn.png" }, "content_scripts": [ { "matches": [ "<all_urls>" ], "js":[ "index.js" ] } ] }
What needs to be explained is <all_urls>, which means matching all urls.
// Create buttons const createBtn = () => { const backToTopBtn = document.createElement('div'); backToTopBtn.setAttribute('id', 'back-to-top'); backToTopBtn.innerHTML = '<svg t="1566628718522" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="5590" width="50" height="50"><path d="M508.245 143.837c-0.606 0.059-1.194 0.174-1.791 0.258-0.725 0.104-1.45 0.188-2.168 0.332-0.687 0.135-1.351 0.325-2.024 0.495-0.622 0.156-1.247 0.293-1.861 0.479-0.661 0.202-1.298 0.448-1.945 0.68-0.614 0.219-1.232 0.422-1.836 0.671-0.604 0.25-1.181 0.544-1.771 0.821-0.622 0.293-1.251 0.569-1.861 0.897-0.563 0.301-1.097 0.645-1.644 0.972-0.6 0.358-1.206 0.696-1.791 1.087-0.606 0.405-1.175 0.856-1.756 1.292-0.487 0.364-0.987 0.701-1.459 1.091-1.044 0.856-2.048 1.76-3.001 2.714l-173.668 173.668c-15.986 15.986-15.986 41.907 0 57.894s41.907 15.986 57.894 0l103.784-103.784v556.173c0 22.61 18.328 40.937 40.937 40.937 22.61 0 40.937-18.328 40.937-40.937v-556.176l103.784 103.784c15.986 15.986 41.907 15.986 57.894 0s15.986-41.907 0-57.894l-173.668-173.668c-0.954-0.954-1.957-1.856-3.001-2.712-0.473-0.39-0.972-0.727-1.459-1.091-0.581-0.436-1.152-0.886-1.756-1.292-0.583-0.391-1.189-0.729-1.787-1.087-0.549-0.327-1.083-0.671-1.648-0.974-0.088-0.047-0.17-0.106-0.258-0.153-0.524-0.276-1.068-0.493-1.603-0.743-0.587-0.279-1.167-0.571-1.771-0.821-0.606-0.25-1.224-0.452-1.838-0.673-0.645-0.231-1.283-0.479-1.942-0.68-0.078-0.023-0.151-0.057-0.228-0.080-0.538-0.161-1.089-0.262-1.631-0.399-0.673-0.17-1.339-0.358-2.024-0.495-0.718-0.143-1.445-0.227-2.168-0.332-0.598-0.086-1.185-0.199-1.791-0.258-1.344-0.133-2.692-0.204-4.040-0.205-1.349 0.004-2.698 0.076-4.040 0.209z" p-id="5591" fill="#13227a"></path><path d="M0.571 512.074c0 282.612 229.103 511.714 511.714 511.714s511.714-229.103 511.714-511.714-229.103-511.714-511.714-511.714-511.714 229.103-511.714 511.714zM942.126 512.071c0 237.396-192.446 429.84-429.84 429.84s-429.84-192.446-429.84-429.84 192.446-429.84 429.84-429.84 429.84 192.448 429.84 429.84z" p-id="5592" fill="#13227a"></path></svg>' backToTopBtn.setAttribute('style', 'opacity: 0.6; position: fixed; width: 50px; height: auto; z-index: 2147483647; border: 0px; padding: 0px; min-width: auto; min-height: auto; max-width: none; max-height: none; bottom: 100px; right: 80px; margin: 0px; cursor: pointer;display:none;'); backToTopBtn.addEventListener('click', onClick); return backToTopBtn; } // Click Events const onClick = () => { (function smoothscroll(){ var currentScroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop; if (currentScroll > 0) { window.requestAnimationFrame(smoothscroll); window.scrollTo (0,currentScroll - (currentScroll/5)); } })(); } // Insert the button into the document const injectBtn = () => { var body = document.querySelector('body'); body.appendChild(createBtn()); }; // Monitor scroll, more than 50px to display the button window.onscroll = function(e){ var currentScroll=document.documentElement.scrollTop||document.body.scrollTop; var backToTopBtn = document.querySelector('#back-to-top'); if (currentScroll >50) { = 'block'; } else { = 'none'; } } injectBtn();
Now that the code is written, how do you see the effect?
In fact, it's very simple.
Step 1: Download the code or follow the steps above.
Step 2: Browser opens chrome://extensions/
Step 3: Unzip the first downloaded file, drag the entire folder into the page opened in step 2, and you will see
Step 4: Open a web page at will, such as
Step 5: Scroll down the page and our button will appear. Click to go back to the top.