Firewalld sharing Internet and building local yum warehouse

Keywords: Linux yum ftp firewall network

1.firewalld sharing Internet

1. Server operation (server with external network)

1. Turn on the firewall and join the startup

[root@zeq ~]# systemctl start firewalld
[root@zeq ~]# systemctl enable firewalld

2. Remove the rule that the default owner can access ssh

[root@zeq ~]# firewall-cmd --remove-service=ssh --permanent

3. Add only allow this host to access

[root@zeq ~]# firewall-cmd --add-rich-rule='rule family=ipv4 source address= service name=ssh accept' --permanent

4. Enable ip camouflage to provide shared Internet access for subsequent hosts [management machine]

[root@zeq ~]# firewall-cmd --add-masquerade  --permanent

5. Restart firewalld to take effect

[root@zeq ~]# firewall-cmd --reload

2. Server operation without Internet

1. The internal server without a public network address is configured with a gateway to the manager

[root@eqzhang ~]# /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1       #Add the following two rules
GATEWAY=        #Server intranet ip with extranet

2. Restart the network card ping (if the server cannot be restarted)

[root@eqzhang ~]# nmcli connection down eth1 && nmcli connection up eth1
[root@eqzhang ~]# ping

2. Set up management server in local yum warehouse

1. Server (with external network)

1. Install vsftpd service

[root@zeq ~]# yum install vsftpd -y

2. Enable the yum cache function

[root@zeq ~]# sed -i '/^keepcache/c keepcache=1' /etc/yum.conf
[root@zeq ~]# cat /etc/yum.conf 
keepcache=1         #Change this from 0 to 1

3. Install createrepo and create reopdata warehouse

[root@zeq ~]# yum -y install createrepo
[root@zeq ~]# createrepo /var/ftp/ops
#Note: if new software is added to this warehouse, it needs to be regenerated once

4. Services required for installation

[root@zeq ~]# yum -y install  

5. Find the installed rpm package and move it to the local warehouse

[root@zeq ~]# mkdir -p /var/ftp/ops
[root@zeq ~]# find /var/cache/yum/x86_64/7/ -iname "*.rpm" -exec cp -rf {} /var/ftp/ops \;

6. Regenerate (createrepo /var/ftp/ops)

[root@zeq ~]# createrepo /var/ftp/ops

7. Start the vsftp service and add the bootstrap

[root@zeq ~]# systemctl start vsftpd
[root@zeq ~]# systemctl enable vsftpd

8.firewalld adds ftp service access

[root@zeq ~]# firewall-cmd --add-service=ftp  --permanent

9. Restart firewalld to take effect

[root@zeq ~]# firewall-cmd --reload

2. Server operation without Internet

1. All servers (no extranet) package the original source

gzip /etc/yum.repos.d/*

2. Configure a local source with the same directory as the server

cat /etc/yum.repos.d/ops.repo 
name=local ftpserver
baseurl= ා fill in the ip address of the server with the external network

Posted by Jaehoon on Mon, 09 Dec 2019 14:22:34 -0800