1.file provides file-related information
(1) file objects
file objects generally come from three sources:
(1) The Filelist object returned after uploading the file is selected on the <input type='file'> element (2) Data Transfer objects generated by drag-and-drop operations; (3) mozGetAsFile() API of HTML CanvasElement; (This article does not cover)
The first one discussed here is to get the file object:
let file = e.target.files[0];//Get the file object. When uploading multiple files (pictures), 0 represents the first
lastModified: 1496803445926;//Last modification time of referenced files lastModifiedDate: Wed Jun 07 2017 10:44:05 GMT+0800 (CST) {};//Date object for the last modification time of the referenced file name: "many Y chart.svg";//Name of the file referenced size: 1384;//Return file size type: "image/svg+xml";//Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension Type Returning Files webkitRelativePath: "";//Return File-related path s or URL s
(2) FileReader () object
FileReader() allows web applications to read asynchronously the contents of files (or raw data buffers) stored on the user's computer, specifying the files or data to read using File or Blob objects.
let reader = new FileReader();//create new object
error: error while reading a file; readyState: Indicates the current state of the FileReader object; result: The content of the read file is valid only after the read operation is completed. The data format depends on the read operation adopted.
abort(); abort the read operation
ReadAs Text (file, encoding); read in plain text, the data in result is a string.
ReadAsData URL (file); the result attribute will contain a string in data:url format.
ReadAs ArrayBuffer (file): The result attribute will contain an ArrayBuffer object.
ReadAs BinaryString (file): Binary source code for reading files.
Event Handler
onabort: Called when the read operation is aborted
onerror: Called when an error occurs in the read operation
onload: Called when the read operation completes successfully
Onload end: Called after onload or onerror when the read operation is complete (whether successful or unsuccessful)
Onload start: Called when the read operation is about to begin
onprogress: Called periodically during data reading
Following is an example of using FileReader to display user-selected files without being displayed in the background.
function handleFiles(files){ if(files.length) { var file = files[0]; var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(e) { document.getElementById("filecontent").innerHTML = e.target.result; }; reader.readAsText(file); } }
2. drag & drop (drag & drop)
(1) Make an element draggable
<img draggable="ture" /> After setting, draggable="ture" elements will be copied. Start the DnD function of HTML5 (that is, the dragstart event of the element can be triggered)
Dragable values:
true, indicating that it can be dragged false, meaning that it cannot be dragged auto, default value, img and a tag with href attribute indicate drag-ability, while other tags indicate non-drag-ability. Other values, indicating that they cannot be dragged
In most browsers, elements a and img are draggable by default, but for insurance, draggable attributes are preferred.
(2) Drag-and-drop related events:
Dragstart: Start dragging, triggered by the dragged element. Usually we record dragged element information at this step (ondrop is easy to process), where most of the settings of event.dataTransfer are configured. In addition, after triggering dragstart events, other elements mousemove,mouseover,mouseenter,mouseleave,mouseout events will not be triggered.
drag: Continuous triggering (from dragstart to dragend) during dragging, triggered by the dragged element
dragenter: Triggered when the dragged element enters the target element, triggered by the target element
dragover: Triggered when the dragged element moves on the target element. Note that it triggers after moving on the target element for a period of time. At this point, you can set the dropEffect value here to prevent default events (dragged elements are not allowed to be released or placed on other elements (that is, drop events cannot be triggered), triggered by the target element.
drop: Triggered when the dragged element is on the target element and the left mouse button is released. Cancel element dragover default behavior, such as opening links to certain elements
dragleave: Triggered when the dragged element leaves the target element, triggered by the target element
dragend: The drag-and-drop operation ends, triggered by the dragged element
(3) dataTransfer object
The dataTransfer object allows data to be stored on it, which makes it possible to transfer information between the dragged element and the target element.
dropEffect: The type of drag-and-drop operation determines how the browser displays the mouse shape. If the drag-and-drop behavior set here is no longer within the multiple drag-and-drop behavior set by the effectAllowed attribute, the drag-and-drop operation will fail. Possible values are copy, move, link, and none. effectAllowed: Specifies the permitted operations, with possible values of copy, move, link, copyLink, copyMove, linkMove, all, none, and uninitialized (default, equal to all, that is, all operations are allowed). Files: Contains a FileList object that represents the files involved in drag-and-drop. It is mainly used to process files that are dragged from the file system into the browser. types: The type of data stored in the DataTransfer object.
setData(format,data): Stores data on a dataTransfer object. The first parameter format is used to specify the type of data stored, such as text, url, text/html, and so on.
getData(format): Extract data from the dataTransfer object.
clearData(format): Clear the data stored in the dataTransfer object. If format parameters are specified, only data in that format is cleared, otherwise all data is cleared.
setDragImage(imgElement, x,y): Specifies the image to be displayed during the drag. By default, many browsers display a translucent version of the dragged element. The parameters imgElement must be an image element, not a path to the image. The parameters X and Y represent the position of the image relative to the mouse. Set the image that follows the mouse when dragging to replace the default element. If the image is not an image element, the element will be temporarily converted to a picture; it will only be called in the dragstart event.
$('#dragme').dragstart(function(event) { var dt = event.dataTransfer; dt.setDragImage($('img').attr("src", "images/img1.jpg")[0], -10, -10); dt.setData("text/plain", "Welcome"); });
Example: Drag Web page elements
<div class="gallery"> <a id="1" draggable="true"><img src="images/1.jpg"></a> <a id="2" draggable="true"><img src="images/2.jpg"></a> </div> <div class="targetArea"> <div class="target" id="drop_1" droppable="true"><h2>draggable</h2></div> <div class="target" id="drop_2"><h2>Do not drag and drop</h2></div> </div> <div style="clear:both"></div>
Part js
var addEvent = (function () { if (document.addEventListener) { return function (el, type, fn) { if (el && el.nodeName || el === window) { el.addEventListener(type, fn, false); } else if (el && el.length) { for (var i = 0; i < el.length; i++) { addEvent(el[i], type, fn); } } }; } })(); var dragItems; updateDataTransfer(); var dropAreas = document.querySelectorAll('[droppable=true]'); // dragstart dragged element function updateDataTransfer() { dragItems = document.querySelectorAll('[draggable=true]'); for (var i = 0; i < dragItems.length; i++) { addEvent(dragItems[i], 'dragstart', function (event) { event.dataTransfer.setData('obj_id', this.id); return false; }); } } // dragenter addEvent(dropAreas, 'dragenter', function(e){ // Prevent default events (by default, elements cannot be placed in other elements) if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } return false; }); // dragover target element addEvent(dropAreas, 'dragover', function (event) { // Cancel the element dragover default behavior to make it drag-and-drop if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move'; this.style.borderColor = "#000"; return false; }); // dragleave target element addEvent(dropAreas, 'dragleave', function (event) { this.style.borderColor = "#ccc"; return false; }); // Drop mouse releases, receives data on the drag-and-drop target and processes it addEvent(dropAreas, 'drop', function (event) { // Cancel element dragover default behavior, such as opening links to certain elements if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); var iObj = event.dataTransfer.getData('obj_id'); var oldObj = document.getElementById(iObj); var oldSrc = oldObj.childNodes[0].src; oldObj.className += 'hidden'; var oldThis = this; setTimeout(function() { oldObj.parentNode.removeChild(oldObj); oldThis.innerHTML += '<a id="'+iObj+'" draggable="true"><img src="'+oldSrc+'" /></a>'; updateDataTransfer(); oldThis.style.borderColor = "#ccc"; }, 500); return false; });