Write algorithm to judge whether an undirected graph is a tree.
The condition for a undirected graph G to be a tree is: G must be a connected graph without a loop or a connected graph with n-1 edges. Here we use the latter as the judging condition. For example, the following figure shows:
The undirected graph above is a tree with six vertices and five edges.
#include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<malloc.h> #include<string.h> #include<iostream> using namespace std; /*Adjacency table type definition of Graphs*/ typedef char VertexType[4]; typedef char InfoPtr; typedef int VRType; #define MAXSIZE 100 / * maximum number of vertices*/ typedef enum { DG, DN, UG, UN }GraphKind; /*Types of graphs: directed graph, directed net, undirected graph and undirected net*/ typedef struct ArcNode /*Type definition of edge node*/ { int adjvex; /*The position of the vertex pointed by the arc*/ InfoPtr *info; /*Arc related information*/ struct ArcNode *nextarc; /*Indicates the next vertex adjacent to that vertex*/ }ArcNode; typedef struct VNode /*Type definition of head node*/ { VertexType data; /*Used to store vertices*/ ArcNode *firstarc; /*Indicates the first vertex adjacent to the vertex*/ }VNode, AdjList[MAXSIZE]; typedef struct /*Type definition of graph*/ { AdjList vertex; int vexnum, arcnum; /*The number of vertices and arcs in a graph*/ GraphKind kind; /*Types of Graphs*/ }AdjGraph; int LocateVertex(AdjGraph G, VertexType v); void CreateGraph(AdjGraph *G); void DisplayGraph(AdjGraph G); void DestroyGraph(AdjGraph *G); void DFS(AdjGraph *G, int v, int *vNum, int *eNum, int visited[]); int LocateVertex(AdjGraph G, VertexType v) //Return to the corresponding position of vertices in the graph { int i; for (i = 0; i < G.vexnum; i++) if (strcmp(G.vertex[i].data, v) == 0) return i; return -1; } void CreateGraph(AdjGraph *G) //Using adjacency table storage structure to create undirected graph G { int i, j, k; VertexType v1, v2; //Define two vertices v1 and v2 ArcNode *p; cout << "Please enter the number of vertices and edges of the graph: "; cin >> (*G).vexnum >> (*G).arcnum; cout << "Please input" << G->vexnum << "Value of vertices:" << endl; for (i = 0; i < G->vexnum; i++) //Store vertex in head node { cin >> G->vertex[i].data; G->vertex[i].firstarc = NULL; //Leave associated vertices empty } cout << "Please input the end of arc head:" << endl; for (k = 0; k < G->arcnum; k++) //Set up side chain list { cin >> v1 >> v2; i = LocateVertex(*G, v1);/*Determine the number corresponding to v1*/ j = LocateVertex(*G, v2);/*Determine the number corresponding to v2*/ //j creates an adjacency table for arc head i and arc tail p = (ArcNode*)malloc(sizeof(ArcNode)); p->adjvex = j; p->info = NULL; p->nextarc = G->vertex[i].firstarc; G->vertex[i].firstarc = p; //i creates an adjacency table for arc head j and arc tail p = (ArcNode*)malloc(sizeof(ArcNode)); p->adjvex = i; p->info = NULL; p->nextarc = G->vertex[j].firstarc; G->vertex[j].firstarc = p; } (*G).kind = UG; } void DestroyGraph(AdjGraph *G) //Destroy undirected graph G { int i; ArcNode *p, *q; for (i = 0; i < (*G).vexnum; i++) //Release edge table node in graph { p = G->vertex[i].firstarc;//p points to the first node of the edge table if (p != NULL) //If the edge table is not empty, the nodes of the edge table are released { q = p->nextarc; free(p); p = q; } } (*G).vexnum = 0; //Set the number of vertices to 0 (*G).arcnum = 0; //Set the number of sides to 0 } void DisplayGraph(AdjGraph G) //Adjacency matrix G of output graph { int i; ArcNode *p; cout << G.vexnum << "Apex:" << endl; for (i = 0; i < G.vexnum; i++) cout << G.vertex[i].data << " "; cout << endl << G.arcnum << "Strip edge:" << endl; for (i = 0; i < G.vexnum; i++) { p = G.vertex[i].firstarc; while (p) { cout << G.vertex[i].data << "→" << G.vertex[p->adjvex].data << " "; p = p->nextarc; } cout << endl; } } int IsTree(AdjGraph *G) { int vNum = 0, eNum = 0, i, visited[MAXSIZE]; for (i = 0; i < G->vexnum; i++) visited[i] = 0; DFS(G, 0, &vNum, &eNum, visited); if (vNum == G->vexnum && eNum == 2 * (G->vexnum - 1)) return 1; else return 0; } void DFS(AdjGraph *G, int v, int *vNum, int *eNum, int visited[]) { ArcNode *p; visited[v] = 1; (*vNum)++; p = G->vertex[v].firstarc; while (p != NULL) { (*eNum)++; if (visited[p->adjvex] == 0) DFS(G, p->adjvex, vNum, eNum, visited); p = p->nextarc; } } void main() { AdjGraph G; cout << "Using adjacency table to create undirected graph G: " << endl; CreateGraph(&G); cout << "Output undirected graph G Adjacency table of:" << endl; DisplayGraph(G); if (IsTree(&G)) cout << "Undirected graph G It's a tree.!" << endl; else cout << "Undirected graph G Not a tree!" << endl; DestroyGraph(&G); system("pause"); }
Use adjacency table to create undirected graph G: Please enter the number of vertices and edges of the graph: 6 5 Enter values for 6 vertices: A B C D E F Please enter the tail arc head: A B A C B E C D C F Output adjacency table of undirected graph G: 6 vertices: A B C D E F The 5 side: A→C A→B B→E B→A C→F C→D C→A D→C E→B F→C Undirected graph G is a tree!