1. Developing a Functional ~~Effect Map of "Player Information"
[train of thought analysis:]
A grid component is needed to display the data, a grid component needs a column array to display the returned results, a grid needs a store, and a store needs a model. At the same time, grid also needs a toolbar and queryForm. Grid tables are placed in the main view. There are eight components in total.
We agreed that all components except store and main View are create d in define mode. Personal habits.
II. Sorting out the Development Process
The component deduction process is required as above, but the development process is reversed:
first: Model -- Provides templates, requiring only field + type changes, depending on the JAVA entity.
seconde: Store -- You just need to modify the url and follow the model. If the background is not completed, first write static data, so that the table data can be displayed.
third: columns -- Because there are so many columns displayed, columns are written separately as an array. You just need to modify the header. render performs custom output on the returned values.
4: toolbar - Almost every function comes with a query box. This queryForm component is written here first. Modify the name value of the form and the field name.
Five: grid - Modify column + store name + toolbar name. Put all the components in grid.
6: main view -- The main view is in onReady, just load the grid primary key.
Seven: function - Write all event functions based on your business needs
3. The layered development mode of MVC is adopted below the development code.
/*-----------------------------1. model start-------------------------*/ Ext.define('User', { extend: 'Ext.data.Model', fields: [ { name : 'channel', type : 'string' }, { name : 'channel_name', type : 'string' }, { name: 'id',type:'long'}, { name: 'createDate',type:'string'} ] }); /*-----------------------------model end-------------------------*/
seconde: Store
/*-----------------------------2.store star-------------------------*/ var simpsonsStore = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { model: 'User', //The Model here refers directly to the MODEL defined above. pageSize: 1000, storeId:'simpsonsStore', remoteSort : true, /* data : [ {channel: 'Pipeline 1', channel_name:'Tencent', id: 1001, createDate:'2018-08-0609:04:04'}, {channel: 'Pipeline 2', channel_name:'IOS', id: 1002, createDate:'2018-08-0609:04:04'}, {channel: 'Pipeline 3', channel_name:'Baidu', id: 1003, createDate:'2018-08-0609:04:04'}, {channel: 'Pipeline 4', channel_name:'Test Pipeline', id: 1004, createDate:'2018-08-0609:04:04'}, ]*/ proxy: { type: 'ajax', actionMethods:'create', extraParams: {}, url: project+'/game/UserInfo/roleDemo', reader: { type: 'json', root: 'data', totalProperty: 'count' } }, pageSize: 14, autoLoad: true, remoteSort: true,//Global ranking sorters: { direction: 'ASC', property: 'id' } }); /*-----------------------------store end-------------------------*/
third: columns
/*-----------------------------3.columns star-------------------------*/ var colunmArray=new Array( { text: 'channel', dataIndex: 'channel' }, { text: 'Channel name', dataIndex: 'channel_name',renderer:function(value,meta,record){ return value+"("+record.data.channel+")"; }}, { text: 'channel ID', dataIndex: 'id', renderer : function(value){ if(value == 1001) return 'Tencent 1001'; else if(value == 1002) return 'ios1002'; else if(value == 1003) return 'Baidu 1003'; else if(value == 1004) return 'Test Channel 1004'; else return 'PC'; } }, { text: 'Creation time', dataIndex: 'createDate' } ); /*-----------------------------columns end-------------------------*/
four: toolbar
/*-----------------------------4.toolbar star-------------------------*/ /* var xxxPanelForm1 = Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel',{ id:'xxxPanelForm', layout: { type:'hbox', //Control stretches horizontally, with the width of the most control /!*align:'stretchmax'*!/ }, border:'10 5 3 10', bodyPadding: 5, scrollable: false, defaults: { /!*labelWidth: 35,*!/ labelSeparator: ':' }, items: [{ xtype: 'hidden', fieldLabel: 'Id', //allowBlank: false, name:'pid' },{ xtype: 'combobox', fieldLabel: 'Grade 1', labelWidth:40, matchFieldWidth:false, name:'level', width:150, store: Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { fields: ['value', 'name'], data : [ {"value":"HIGH", "name":"High "}, {"value":"MEDIUM", "name":""}, {"value":"LOW", "name":"Low "} ] }), queryMode: 'local', displayField: 'name', valueField: 'value' },{ xtype: 'textfield', fieldLabel: 'Commodity No. labelWidth:60, margin:'0 0 0 10', reference: 'productSearchForm-pnumber', name:'pnumber', //allowBlank : false, },{ xtype: 'button', margin:'0 0 0 10', text: 'Query ', }], }); */ Ext.define('Admin.view.myToolbar', { extend:'Ext.toolbar.Toolbar', id:"myfirstDefine", xtype: 'myfirstDefine', dock: 'top', autoScroll:true, items: [ { xtype: 'combobox', fieldLabel: 'Level 1', labelWidth:40, matchFieldWidth:false, name:'level', width:150, store: Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { fields: ['value', 'name'], data : [ {"value":"HIGH", "name":"high"}, {"value":"MEDIUM", "name":"in"}, {"value":"LOW", "name":"low"} ] }), queryMode: 'local', displayField: 'name', valueField: 'value' },{ fieldLabel : 'Role nickname', labelWidth : 60, xtype : 'textfield', id : 'roleName', name :'roleName', // AllowBlank: false, // cannot be empty emptyText : 'Nickname?' }, "-", { fieldLabel : 'Cell-phone number', labelWidth : 60, xtype : 'textfield', id : 'phone', name :'phone', emptyText : 'Cell-phone number' }, "-", { fieldLabel : 'Equipment type', labelWidth : 60, xtype : 'textfield', id : 'deviceModel', name :'deviceModel' }, { xtype : 'button', text :'query', handler: function() { fileSelect(); } }] }); /*-----------------------------toolbar end-------------------------*/
Five: grid
/*-----------------------------5.grid star-------------------------*/ Ext.define('Admin.view.product.ProductGrid', { extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel', xtype: 'productGrid', viewConfig:{ enableTextSelection:true }, id:'productGrid', store: Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('simpsonsStore'), //store:aaStore, columns: colunmArray, height: 400, bbar : new Ext.PagingToolbar({ store : Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('simpsonsStore'), displayInfo : true, displayMsg : 'The first {0} - {1} Article altogether {2} Article 000', emptyMsg : "No record" }), dockedItems: [ {xtype:"myfirstDefine"} //xxxPanelForm1 ] }); /*var roleInfoGrid=Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', { viewConfig:{ enableTextSelection:true }, id:'gridPanel', store: Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('simpsonsStore'), //store:aaStore, columns: colunmArray, height: 400, bbar : new Ext.PagingToolbar({ store : Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('simpsonsStore'), displayInfo : true, displayMsg : 'Article {0} - {1} contains {2} articles. emptyMsg : "No record“ }), dockedItems: [ xxxPanelForm1,{xtype:"myfirstDefine"} ] });*/ /*-----------------------------grid end-------------------------*/
six: main view
/*-----------------------------6.main view star-------------------------*/ Ext.onReady(function() { var roleUrl=project+"/report/roleInfo.jsp"; var doUrl=project+"/report/speakForbidden.jsp"; Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', { title:'Role Account Information', layout: { type: 'fit' }, items: [ //roleInfoGrid {xtype:'productGrid'} ] }); if(window.parent.stealPage){ Ext.getCmp("roleId").setValue(window.parent.tabRoleId); window.parent.tabRoleId=null; window.parent.stealPage=false; fileSelect(); } }); /*-----------------------------main view end-------------------------*/
Seven: function
Ext.define('Admin.view.product.ProductViewController', { extend: 'Ext.app.ViewController', alias: 'controller.productViewController', productGridOpenAddWindow : function(){ //alert("method of adding goods"); //alert("method of adding goods"); var cfg = Ext.apply({ xtype: 'productGridWindow' ,items: [Ext.apply({xtype: 'productGridForm'})] },{ title:'Add merchandise'//,width: 800//,height: 600 }); Ext.create(cfg); }, productGridWindowClose:function(btn){ //alert("off"); var win = btn.up('window'); if(win){ win.close(); } }, productGridFormSubmit:function(btn){ //alert("save"); var productGridForm = btn.up('form').getForm(); var win = btn.up('window'); productGridForm.submit( { //waitTitle:'Please wait a moment...', //waitMsg:'Order information is being saved, please wait a moment'. url : 'product/saveOrUpdate', method : 'post', success : function(form, action) { Ext.Msg.alert("Tips",action.result.msg); win.close(); //The corresponding id:'supplier Grid'attribute must be added to the Supplier Grid Ext.getCmp('productGrid').store.reload(); }, failure : function(form, action) { Ext.Msg.alert("Tips",action.result.msg); } }); }, productGridDeleteDate:function(btn){ //alert("11"); var grid = btn.up('gridpanel'); var selModel = grid.getSelectionModel(); if (selModel.hasSelection()) { Ext.Msg.confirm("warning", "Are you sure you want to delete it?", function (button) { if (button == "yes") { var selected = selModel.getSelection(); var selectIds = []; //id to delete Ext.each(selected, function (record) { //alert(record.data.pid); selectIds.push(record.data.pid); }) Ext.Ajax.request({ url : 'product/deleteByIds', method : 'post', params : { ids:selectIds }, success: function(response, options) { Ext.getCmp('productGrid').store.reload(); var json = Ext.util.JSON.decode(response.responseText); if(json.success){ Ext.Msg.alert('Successful operation', json.msg); grid.getStore().reload(); }else{ Ext.Msg.alert('operation failed', json.msg); } } }); } }); }else{ Ext.Msg.alert('Tips',"Please select a row of data to delete!"); } }, productGridOpenEditWindow:function(btn){ //alert("xiugai"); var grid = btn.up('gridpanel');//Get the Grid view var selModel = grid.getSelectionModel();//Get the Selection Model for Grid if (selModel.hasSelection()) {//Determine whether records are selected var record = selModel.getSelection()[0];//Gets the first record selected. //alert(record); //console.log(record); //Create and modify window s and form s var productGridWindow = Ext.widget('productGridWindow',{ title:'Modify commodity', items: [{xtype: 'productGridForm'}] }); //Let form load the selected record productGridWindow.down("form").getForm().loadRecord(record); }else{ Ext.Msg.alert('Tips',"Please select a row of data to modify!"); } }, productSearchFormSubmit:function(btn){ //alert("hello"); var store = btn.up('gridpanel').getStore(); //2. Expansion of query parameters (conditions) according to selected fields var formValues=btn.up('form').getForm().getValues(); //alert(formValues["pname"]); //alert(formValues["pnumber"]); //alert(formValues["level"]); //alert(formValues["wname"]); if (formValues["pname"]==''&&formValues["pnumber"]==''&&formValues["level"]=='' && formValues["wname"]=='') { store.getProxy().extraParams ={ }; store.reload(); }else{ //alert("failure"); //1. Clear all query conditions Ext.apply(store.proxy.extraParams, { pname:'', pnumber:'', level:'', wname:'' }); Ext.apply(store.proxy.extraParams, { pname:this.lookupReference('productSearchForm-pname').getValue(), pnumber:this.lookupReference('productSearchForm-pnumber').getValue(), level:this.lookupReference('productSearchForm-level').getValue(), wname:this.lookupReference('productSearchForm-wname').getValue() }); store.load({params: {start:0,limit:14,page:1}}); } }, productGridExportXls:function(){ //alert("commodity export"); window.location.href = "product/exportExcel"; } });
Based on the above seven components, a module can be developed quickly. And write a tool class to automatically generate model and store, which can write a module faster.
If you understand the usage relationship of the seven components above, then according to the above understanding, copy a code directly and change the store and url directly.
IV. Document Architecture
Here, I separate each component into a single file and use each other by introducing all the components'js into the main jsp. This architecture is MVC.
Take a look at my MVVC file architecture ~~the first project, breaking it down in more detail
Although it looks like a lot of components, if you are familiar with this framework, copy a copy directly, and then change the Product to Order, so as to complete the development of a module. This MVVM code will be shared in the next blog, if necessary.