1. Calculate the following integrals with the trapezoidal method of variable step size to make the accuracy reach 10-4.
(1) the information of the accuracy ε and the end points a and b of the interval are input from the keyboard terminal;
(2) print out the calculation results of each step.
Source code: #include<iostream> #include<cmath> using namespace std; int main(){ double x,a,s,b,e,h,T1,T2; cout<<"Please enter the range endpoint a,b And precision e:"<<endl; cin>>a>>b>>e; cout<<endl; h = b-a; T1 = (h/2)*(4/(1+pow(a,2))+4/(1+(pow(b,2)))); int count=0; cout<<"K "<<" T1 "<<" T2 "<<endl; do{ if(count!=0){ h = h/2; T1 = T2; } count++; s = 0; x = a + h/2; do{ s = s + (4/(1+pow(x,2))); x = x + h; }while(x<b); T2 = (T1/2)+h*s/2; printf("%d: %.6lf %.6lf\n",count,T1,T2); }while(abs(T2-T1)>=e); cout<<endl; printf("The final results are as follows:%.4lf",T2); return 0; }
2. Calculate the following integral values with the longberg algorithm to achieve the accuracy of 10-4.
(1) draw the implementation block diagram of longberg algorithm;
(2) the information of the accuracy ε and the end points a and b of the interval are input from the keyboard terminal;
(3) print out the calculation results of trapezoid sequence, Simpson sequence, Cotes sequence and longberg sequence according to the calculation sequence of longberg algorithm, as shown below;
k |
Interval equiscore n=2k |
Trapezoidal sequence T2k |
Simpson sequence S2k-1 |
Cotes sequence C2k-2 |
Longberg sequence R2k-3 |
0 |
1 |
T1 |
1 |
2 |
T2 |
S1 |
2 |
4 |
T4 |
S2 |
C1 |
3 |
8 |
T8 |
S4 |
C2 |
R1 |
4 |
16 |
T16 |
S8 |
C4 |
R2 |
5 |
32 |
T32 |
S16 |
C8 |
R4 |
(4) output the integration approximate value that meets the accuracy requirements finally.
Algorithm block diagram
#include<iostream> #include<cmath> using namespace std; int main(){ double x,a,s,b,e,h,T1,T2; cin>>a>>b>>e; double q[7][7]; double T[100] = {0}; h = b-a; int d=0; int i,j; for(i=0;i<7;i++){ for(j=0;j<7;j++){ if(j == 0){ q[i][j] = pow(2,i); } else{ q[i][j] = 0; } } } T1 = (h/2)*(sin(b)+sin(a)); int count=-1,k=0; do{ if(count!=-1){ h = h/2; T1 = T2; } count = pow(2,k); k++; s = 0; x = a + h/2; do{ s = s + sin(x); x = x + h; }while(x<b); T2 = (T1/2)+h*s/2; T[count] = T1; q[d++][1] = T[count]; }while(abs(T2-T1)>=e); cout<<endl; double S[100] = {0}; double C[100] = {0}; double R[100] = {0}; d = 1; for(int i=1;i<=count/2;i=i*2){ S[i] = (4.00/3)*T[2*i]-(1.00/3)*T[i]; q[d++][2] = S[i]; } cout<<endl; d = 2; for(int i=1;i<=count/4;i=i*2){ C[i] = (16.00/15)*S[2*i]-(1.00/15)*S[i]; q[d++][3] = C[i]; } cout<<endl; d = 3; for(int i=1;i<=count/8;i=i*2){ R[i] = (64.00/63)*C[2*i]-(1.00/63)*C[i]; q[d++][4] = R[i]; } cout<<"n"<<" Trapezoidal sequence "<<" Simpson sequence "<<" Cortez sequence "<<" Longberg sequence "<<endl; for(i=0;i<6;i++){ for(j=0;j<5;j++){ if(q[i][j] == 0){ printf(" "); } else{ if(j==0){ printf("%.0lf ",q[i][j]); if(q[i][j]<=8) printf(" "); } else{ printf("%.8lf ",q[i][j]); } } } printf("\n"); } printf("\n The final results are as follows: %.4lf",q[3][4]); return 0; }