1: Abnormal
1. Concept
It is divided into error and Exception. Error is generally handled without writing code
Exception classification:
Compile time exception (checked): IOException (FileNotFound), ClassNotFound (class not found)
Run time exception (unchecked): null pointer, footmark out of bounds, wrong value type, ClassCast, etc
2. Exception handling
try catch :
try the part where an exception may occur, and the part after the exception will not be executed;
catch exception type object, you can use object. getMessage(), object. printStackTrace() to get exception information; If the exception type has a child parent relationship, the child class should be above and the parent class should be below
finally, the part that must be executed is generally used for resource shutdown
Throws: if there is a child parent relationship, the exception of the child class throws < the exception of the parent class throws is required
3. Throw an exception manually
throw new exception type ("message")
2: Thread
1. Basic concepts
Unique to each thread: virtual machine stack, program counter
Threads share: common memory unit / memory address is the same - > allocate memory in the same heap - > access the same variables and objects
2.1. Thread creation method 1: inherit thread
Procedure: rewrite the run () method, create a class object and start the thread with the object. start(); Creating multiple threads requires new multiple objects
public class pra01 { public static void main(String[] args) { //Thread creation mode 1: myThread myThread = new myThread(); myThread.start(); //The constructor sets the thread name finalstu.myThread special= new myThread("Special thread"); //Main thread execution for (int i=0;i<100;i++){ if (i%2 !=0) System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+i); if (i==20) try { myThread.join();//The current thread is blocked. The myThread thread will not be released until the myThread thread is executed, } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } class myThread extends Thread{ @Override public void run() { for (int i=0;i<100;i++){ if (i%2 == 0) try { sleep(100);//You can only try catch because the run method of the parent class does not have throws sleep, which can only be used in the thread class } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println(getName()+i); if (i%20 ==0) this.yield();//Release current execution rights } } public myThread(){ super(); } public myThread(String str){ super(); setName(str); } }
2.2. Thread creation method 2: implement Runnable interface
Procedure: the implementation class rewrites the run () method; New implements the class object m, new Thread object T, and puts the implementation class object into the constructor; Call the t.start() method to start the thread;
If the Runnable interface object in the Thread is not empty, call the run method of the interface, that is, the run method of the implementation class
3. Thread priority
getPriority(): returns the thread priority value
Setpriority (int newpriority): change thread priority
NORM_ Priority: 5 (default priority)
The subclass can inherit the priority of the parent class. The priority is only a probability problem, and the higher priority is not scheduled first
4. Thread life cycle
5 thread synchronization
Sync code block:
Synchronized {code to be synchronized}
Synchronization monitor (lock). Any class object can be used as a lock, but the locks of multiple threads must be the same
Inherit Thread class: class name. Class
Implementation interface class: this, because multiple threads share one implementation class object
Synchronization method:
public synchronized void show() {/ / content to be synchronized} Synchronization monitor: this, so the static synchronized method should be written in the inheritance Thread mode to make the synchronization monitor become a class name. Class
Synchronous lock:
Instantiate ReentrantLock in the implementation class: private ReentrantLock lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
Try {lock. Lock(); / / call the lock method to get the synchronization monitor
Content to be synchronized}
Finally {lock. Unlock(); / / call the unlock method
6. Thread alternation
Written in the run method: wait(); / / the current thread can enter the blocking state, which must be used in the synchronization code block or synchronization method //Release the synchronization monitor at the same time //wait() notify() notifyAll() are in the Object class notify(); / / wake up another blocked thread and get the synchronization monitor for the current thread. If multiple threads are blocked, wake up the thread with high priority
public class pra02 { public static void main(String[] args) { MThread mThread = new MThread(); //The same object and three threads share the structure in mThread Thread t1 = new Thread(mThread); Thread t2 = new Thread(mThread); Thread t3 = new Thread(mThread); t1.start();//If the Runnable interface object in the Thread is not empty, call the run method of the interface, that is, the run method of the implementation class t2.start(); t3.start(); } } class MThread implements Runnable { private int i = 100; @Override public void run() { synchronized (this) {//If it inherits the thread class, the synchronization lock uses the class name. Class notify();//Wake up another blocked thread, and the current thread obtains the synchronization monitor; if multiple threads are blocked, wake up the thread with high priority for (; i > 0; i--) { System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ":" + i); } try { wait();//It can make the current thread enter the blocking state, which must be used in the synchronization code block or synchronization method //Release the synchronization monitor at the same time //wait() notify() notifyAll() are in the Object class } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } show(); } public synchronized void show() {//Synchronization monitor: this, so the static synchronized method should be written in the inherited Thread method, // The synchronization monitor becomes the class name. calss System.out.println("Synchronization method"); } }
7. Thread pool