@EnableAutoConfiguration loads custom META-INF without scanning

Keywords: Spring SpringBoot xml MySQL

In this paper, a simple simulation of auto-configuration is performed to understand the process of auto-configuration.And we wrote a small example to test it.

Automatic assembly: The purpose is to load the required module components without the developer using @ComponentScan @EnableXXX.
SpringBoot uses @EnableAutoConfiguration to load META-INF/spring.factories under their respective projects.All items: META-INF/spring.factories in jar package, pom.xml must have a corresponding jar package import before META-INF/spring.factories can be read

@EnableAutoConfiguration actively reads META-INF/spring.factories in three places:
1. META-INF for this project
2. META-INF in jar package imported by POM.xml
3. springboot Global spring-boot-autoconfigure

@EnableXXX Summary
@Import (class object)
1. Class objects are module component class objects (@Configuration @Bean)
2. Import interface (ImportSelector) implementation class that returns an array of module component object names

1. Write a @Configuration first

public class PersonConfiguration {

    public worker getWorker() {
        return new worker();

    public banker getBanker() {
        return new banker();

2. Write a custom @EnableXXX

Import the @Configuration just now through @Import

public @interface EnablePerson {

3. Define another class to use this annotation

@ConditionalOnProperty( name = "person",havingValue = "true")
@ConditionalOnBean( name = "say" )
public class EnableAutoPerson {

4. Custom spring.factories under META-INF

This is what we want to tell SpringBoot AutoConfiguration to include the components we write as well

# Auto Configure

5. Test it

This allows us to load our local resources into containers using @EnableAutoConfiguration without scanning

public class TestRun {

    public String say() {
        return "dddd say";

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ConfigurableApplicationContext context = new SpringApplicationBuilder(TestRun.class)

        String book = context.getBean("mysql",String.class);
        System.out.println("book bean : =="+book);
        banker banker = context.getBean("getBanker",banker.class);
        System.out.println("banker bean : =="+banker.say());
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Posted by danesc on Thu, 12 Mar 2020 17:48:43 -0700