Before reading this tutorial, assume you already know it. MQTT,MQTT 5 as well as EMQ X Simple knowledge.
emqx-auth-mysql It achieves access control by checking whether the username and password accessed by each terminal are consistent with the information stored in the MySQL database specified by the user. Its function logic is as follows:
This article assumes that MySQL has been installed on your machine and that you can connect to the MySQL server. Note: EMQ X Open Source Edition does not support MySQL 8.0 until v3.1-beta.2, so the following content only applies to MySQL 5.7 and below.
$ mysql --version mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.25, for macos10.14 (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper
Plug-in Configuration Item Description
Provided mqtt.sql Files help users quickly create data tables and import default data. mqtt.sql Will bemqtt_acl
The data table imports the following default rules:mysql> select * from mqtt_acl; +----+-------+-----------+-----------+----------+--------+--------+ | id | allow | ipaddr | username | clientid | access | topic | +----+-------+-----------+-----------+----------+--------+--------+ | 1 | 1 | NULL | $all | NULL | 2 | # | | 2 | 0 | NULL | $all | NULL | 1 | $SYS/# | | 3 | 0 | NULL | $all | NULL | 1 | eq # | | 4 | 1 | | NULL | NULL | 2 | $SYS/# | | 5 | 1 | | NULL | NULL | 2 | # | | 6 | 1 | NULL | dashboard | NULL | 1 | $SYS/# | +----+-------+-----------+-----------+----------+--------+--------+ 6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
allow - 1: allow; 0: deny
access - 1: subscribe; 2: publish; 3: publish and subscribe
The above rules indicate that:
- Allow any user to publish messages on any topic other than the'$'character
- Refuse any user to subscribe to any theme that starts with "$SYS/"
- Refuse any user to subscribe to the # theme
- Allow native users to publish any theme starting with "$SYS/"
- Allow native users to publish messages on any topic other than the'$'character
- Allow dashboard users to subscribe to any theme starting with "$SYS/"
In addition, users can import custom ACL rules.
Auth and ACL Functional Verification
- Installation of mosquitto in Mac environment
brew install mosquitto
Create a database and import data
The mqtt.sql path can be changed by itself according to the actual situation.
mysql> create database mqtt; mysql> use mqtt; mysql> source ./emqx_auth_mysql/mqtt.sql mysql> insert into mqtt_user (id, is_superuser, username, password, salt) -> values (1, false, 'test', 'password', 'salt'); mysql> insert into mqtt_acl (id, allow, ipaddr, username, clientid, access, topic) -> values (7, 0, NULL, 'test', NULL, 1, 'mytopic'); mysql> exit;
Modify configuration files
Anonymous access is prohibited:
## .../etc/emqx.conf allow_anonymous = false
The password in the configuration database is encrypted by plain, i.e. not encrypted:
## .../etc/plugins/emqx_auth_mysql.conf auth.mysql.password_hash = plain
Configure the database to be accessed and the username password:
## .../etc/plugins/emqx_auth_mysql.conf auth.mysql.username = root auth.mysql.password = public auth.mysql.database = mqtt
Start EMQ X and emqx-auth-mysql
$ ./_rel/emqx/bin/emqx start emqx 3.1 is started successfully! $ ./_rel/emqx/bin/emqx_ctl plugins load emqx_auth_mysql
Connect with the correct username and password and subscribe to the topic
$ mosquitto_sub -p 1883 -u test -P password -t 'topic' -d Client mosqsub|91114-zhouzibod sending CONNECT Client mosqsub|91114-zhouzibod received CONNACK Client mosqsub|91114-zhouzibod sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: topic, QoS: 0) Client mosqsub|91114-zhouzibod received SUBACK Subscribed (mid: 1): 0
Phenomenon: Successful connection and subscription
Connect with the wrong username or password and subscribe to the topic
$ mosquitto_sub -p 1883 -u bad_user -P password -t 'topic' -d Client mosqsub|91136-zhouzibod sending CONNECT Client mosqsub|91136-zhouzibod received CONNACK Connection Refused: not authorised.
Phenomenon: Connection rejected
Connect with the correct username and password and subscribe to the # theme
$ mosquitto_sub -p 1883 -u test -P password -t '#' -d Client mosqsub|11257-zhouzibod sending CONNECT Client mosqsub|11257-zhouzibod received CONNACK Client mosqsub|11257-zhouzibod sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: #, QoS: 0) Client mosqsub|11257-zhouzibod received SUBACK Subscribed (mid: 1): 128
Phenomenon: Successful connection, unsuccessful subscription, reason code 128
Connect with the correct username and password and subscribe to the "mytopic" topic
$ mosquitto_sub -p 1883 -u test -P password -t 'mytopic' -d Client mosqsub|13606-zhouzibod sending CONNECT Client mosqsub|13606-zhouzibod received CONNACK Client mosqsub|13606-zhouzibod sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: mytopic, QoS: 0) Client mosqsub|13606-zhouzibod received SUBACK Subscribed (mid: 1): 128
Phenomenon: Successful connection, unsuccessful subscription, reason code 128
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