elementUI framework component

Keywords: Javascript Front-end Vue.js elementUI

elementUI framework learning notes

1. Create a Vue cli scaffold

  • Initialization: vue init webpack
  • Installation package: npm install
  • Installing elementui: NPM I element UI - S
  • Install axios: npm install axios -S
  • Install Router: NPM install Vue router - s and configure routing.
  • Introduce components and configure routing.
  • Start project: npm run dev

2. Container layout container

The container component used for layout is convenient to quickly build the basic structure of the page:

  • < El container >: outer container. When the child element contains < El header > or < El footer >, all child elements will be arranged vertically up and down, otherwise they will be arranged horizontally left and right.
    • Properties:
      • direction: Specifies the arrangement of child elements, string type, attribute value: horizontal / vertical
  • < El header >: top bar container.
    • Properties:
      • Height: the height of the top bar. The default is 60px, and the string type.
  • < El aside >: sidebar container.
    • Properties:
      • Width: the width of the sidebar. The default is 300px, and the string type.
  • < El main >: main area container.
  • < El footer >: bottom bar container.
    • Properties:
      • Height: the height of the footer. The default value is 60px. string type.
    <el-container direction="vertical">
        <el-header height="100px">
            <h1>Header content</h1>
            <el-aside width="800px">
                <h1>Side content</h1>
                <h1>primary coverage</h1>
        <el-footer height="200px">

    background: #B3C0D1;
    text-align: center;
    border: 1px solid red;
    background: #B3C0D1;
    text-align: center;
    border: 1px solid blue;
    background: #B3C0D1;
    text-align: center;
    border: 1px solid green;
    background: #B3C0D1;
    text-align: center;
    border: 1px solid yellow;
    background: #B3C0D1;
    text-align: center;
    border: 1px solid #bfa;

export default {
    name: "Demo01",

3. Layout layout

Create layouts quickly and easily through the 24 columns of the foundation. Through the row and col components and the span attribute of the col component, we can freely combine layouts. If the sum of the number of columns in a row is greater than 24, it will wrap automatically.

<el-row :gutter="0">
    <el-col :span="12">12</el-col>
    <el-col :span="12">12</el-col>

A row is divided into 24 points, including 2 columns, each of which accounts for 12 points.

El row attribute:

Attribute nameexplainValue typeDefault value
:gutterDistance between columnsnumber0
typeLayout mode, flex is optional, so you can specify the values of start, center, end, space between and space around through the justify attribute to define the layout mode of child elements.string
alignVertical arrangement under flex layoutstring(top/middle/bottom)

El col attribute:

Attribute nameexplainValue typeDefault value
:spanNumber of columns occupied by the gridnumber24
:offsetNumber of spacing cells to the left of the gridnumber0
:pushThe number of cells the grid moves to the rightnumber0
:pullThe number of cells the grid moves to the leftnumber0

4. Button button

Use the El Button tag to define a Button, and use the type, plain, round and circle attributes to define the style of the Button. There are many buttons, such as basic Button, text Button, icon Button, Button group and load Button.

Basic button:

Use the El button tag directly, and then use type to use the type of the execution button.

<el-button type="danger">End the exam</el-button>

Text button:

Simply specify the type attribute as text.

<el-button type="text">End the exam</el-button>

Icon button:

You can set the icon attribute. The icon list can refer to the icon component of Element or the icon on the right of the text. As long as you use the i label, you can use a custom icon.

<el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-delete"></el-button> <!-- Normal icon button-->
<el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-search">search</el-button>  <!-- Button with text on the right-->
<el-button type="primary">upload<i class="el-icon-upload el-icon--right"></i></el-button> <!-- Button with text on the left-->

Button group:

Use the < El button group > tag to nest your buttons.

    <el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-arrow-left">previous page</el-button>
    <el-button type="primary">next page<i class="el-icon-arrow-right el-icon--right"></i></el-button>

Load button:

To set the loading status, just set the loading property to true.

<el-button type="primary" :loading="true">Loading</el-button>

Button properties:

Attribute nameexplainAttribute value typeDefault value
sizesizestring(medium / small / mini)
typeSpecify button typestring(primary / success / warning / danger / info / text)
plainIs it a simple buttonbooleanfalse
roundFillet buttonbooleanfalse
circleRound buttonbooleanfalse
loadingLoading statusbooleanfalse
disabledDisable statusbooleanfalse
iconIcon class namestring
autofocusDefault focusbooleanfalse
native-typeNative type attributestring(button / submit / reset)button

5. Link

Link and jump through the El link tag.

<el-link href="https://www.baidu.com" target="_ Blank "> Default link < / El link >

Link properties:

Attribute nameexplainAttribute value typeDefault value
typeType of execution linkstring(primary / success / warning / danger / info)default
disabledDisable statusbooleanfalse
hrefJump addressstring
iconIcon class namestring

6. Form series

6.1 input input box

Use the El input tag to define an input box to receive the user's input data. Generally, the input box will be bound with a v-model to bind data in both directions.

6.1.1 basic usage

        <el-row :gutter="10">
            <el-col :span="5">
                <el-input v-model="username" type="text" placeholder="enter one user name" clearable></el-input>
                user name:{{username}}
        <el-row :gutter="10">
            <el-col :span="5">
                <el-input v-model="password" type="password" placeholder="Please input a password" clearable></el-input>
export default {
    name: "Demo02",
            username: "",
            password: ""

6.1.2 input box with icon

Add an icon in front of the input.

    placeholder="Please enter the content"

Suffix Icon: add an icon on the last side of the input.

    placeholder="Please select a date"


    placeholder="Please select a date"
    <!-- Add an icon after the input box-->
    <i slot="suffix" class="el-input__icon el-icon-date"></i>
    placeholder="Please enter the content"
    <!-- Add an icon in front of the input box-->
    <i slot="prefix" class="el-input__icon el-icon-search"></i>

6.1.3 text field input box

    placeholder="Please enter the content"


Attribute nameexplainAttribute value typeDefault value
:rowsSpecifies the number of lines in the text field, beyond which a scroll bar is formednumber
:autosizeThe specified text field can be automatically resized, and a scroll bar will appear when the specified maximum value is exceededobject
maxlengthLimit maximum input lengthstring
show-word-limitThe statistics of the number of words are displayed in the lower right corner of the text field, which is used in conjunction with maxlength

6.1.4. Composite input box

It can be a pre or post element, usually a label or button.

<!-- Pre content-->
<el-input type="text"
          placeholder="Please enter the web address">
    <template slot="prepend">Http://</template>
<!-- Post content-->
<el-input type="text"
          placeholder="Please enter the web address">
    <template slot="append">Http://</template>

Generally, you can also use buttons to combine composite input boxes.

<el-input placeholder="Please enter the content" v-model="input3">
    <el-select v-model="select" slot="prepend" placeholder="Please select">
        <el-option label="Restaurant name" value="1"></el-option>
        <el-option label="order number" value="2"></el-option>
        <el-option label="Subscriber telephone" value="3"></el-option>
    <el-button slot="append" icon="el-icon-search"></el-button>

6.2 radio button

Use the El radio tag to represent a radio button.

        <el-radio v-model="radio" :label="1">Alternatives</el-radio>
        <el-radio v-model="radio" :label="2">Alternatives</el-radio>

export default {
    name: "Demo01",
            radio: 1

The label attribute is the value of the bound radio button. Its value types can be number, string and boolean. In addition to using the string type, the other two should be bound with: label.

6.2.1 radio button group

Use the El radio group tab to group radio buttons.

<el-radio-group v-model="radio1">
  <el-radio :label="1">Option 1</el-radio>
  <el-radio :label="2">Option 2</el-radio>
  <el-radio :label="3">Option 3</el-radio>
  <el-radio :label="4">Option 4</el-radio>

In a group of options, as long as one option is selected, the other options will be excluded.

The radio button group also provides us with a change event. When the selection changes, the corresponding function will be triggered. This parameter is the value selected by radio:

<el-radio-group v-model="radio1" @change="action">
  <el-radio :label="1">Option 1</el-radio>
  <el-radio :label="2">Option 2</el-radio>
  <el-radio :label="3">Option 3</el-radio>
  <el-radio :label="4">Option 4</el-radio>
export default {
    name: "Demo01",
            radio1: 1,
            radio2: 1,
            radio3: 1

    methods: {
        // The selected value is passed in as a parameter
6.2.2 radio button selection

You only need to replace the El radio Element with the El radio button Element. In addition, the Element also provides the size attribute.

<el-radio-group v-model="radio3">
  <el-radio-button :label="1">Button 1</el-radio-button>
  <el-radio-button :label="2">Button 2</el-radio-button>
  <el-radio-button :label="3">Button 3</el-radio-button>
  <el-radio-button :label="4">Button 4</el-radio-button>
6.2.3 attributes

El radio attribute:

Attribute nameexplainAttribute value typeDefault value
labelValue corresponding to radio itemstring,number,boolean
borderShow borderbooleanfalse

Radio change event: this event is triggered when the bound value changes, and the value of a selected option will be passed to the callback function as a parameter.

6.3 multi selection button

Using the El checkbox tag, you can select multiple options.

<el-checkbox v-model="hobby" :label="1">Basketball</el-checkbox>
<el-checkbox v-model="hobby" :label="2">badminton</el-checkbox>
<el-checkbox v-model="hobby" :label="3">game</el-checkbox>
<el-checkbox v-model="hobby" :label="4">girl friend</el-checkbox>

6.3.1 multi selection button group

Use the El checkbox group tab to group different multi selection buttons.

<el-checkbox-group v-model="hobby"
    <el-checkbox :label="1">Basketball</el-checkbox>
    <el-checkbox :label="2">badminton</el-checkbox>
    <el-checkbox :label="3">game</el-checkbox>
    <el-checkbox :label="4">girl friend</el-checkbox>

You can specify min and max attributes and set them to select at least and at most.

6.3.2 indeterminate status

The indeterminate property is used to indicate the uncertain state of the checkbox. It is generally used to achieve the effect of selecting all. Realize a full selection and semi full selection function.

        <el-checkbox :indeterminate="isIndeterminate" v-model="checkAll" @change="checkAllAction">Select all</el-checkbox>
        <br />
        <el-checkbox-group v-model="items" @change="checkItemAction">
          <el-checkbox v-for="item in city" :label="item">{{item}}</el-checkbox>

const citys = ["Chongqing","Shanghai","Beijing","Dalian","Chengdu"];
export default {
    name: "Demo02",
            checkAll: false,
            city: citys,
            items: [],
            isIndeterminate: false
    methods: {
        // Check whether the select all button has changed
            this.items = value ? this.city : [];
            // If changed, the uncertainty state is changed to false
            this.isIndeterminate = false;
            let length = value.length;
            // Judge whether all are selected
            this.checkAll = length === this.city.length;
            // If it is partially selected, the uncertain state is activated, and vice versa
            this.isIndeterminate = length > 0 && length < this.city.length;

6.3.3 multi button selection

Use El checkbox button to set multiple selections as button selection.

<el-checkbox-group v-model="hobby">
    <el-checkbox-button label="Basketball">Basketball</el-checkbox-button>
    <el-checkbox-button label="badminton">badminton</el-checkbox-button>
    <el-checkbox-button label="game">game</el-checkbox-button>
    <el-checkbox-button label="girl friend">girl friend</el-checkbox-button>

6.3.4. Properties

checkbox properties:

Attribute nameexplainAttribute value typeDefault value
true-labelValue when selectedstring,number
false-labelValue when not selectedstring,number
borderWith borderbooleanfalse
checkedCurrently checkedbooleanfalse
indeterminateSet indeterminate status, which is only responsible for style controlbooleanfalse

6.4. Input number counter

You only need to bind the variable with v-model in the El input number element, and the initial value of the variable is the default value.

<el-input-number v-model="number" @change="numberCheckAction" :min="1" :max="10" label="label"></el-input-number>


Attribute nameexplainAttribute value typeDefault value
stepCounter stepnumber1
step-strictlyCan you only enter multiples of stepbooleanfalse
precisionNumerical accuracynumber
controls-positionControl button positionstring(right)


Event nameexplain
changeTriggered when the binding value is changed
blurTriggered when the component Input loses focus
focusTriggered when the component Input obtains focus

6.5 switch switch

<el-switch v-model="active"


Attribute nameexplainAttribute value typeDefault value
active-colorBackground color when onstring#409EFF
inactive-colorBackground color when offstring#C0CCDA
active-textText displayed when onstring
inactive-textText displayed when offstring
active-valueCorresponding value when onboolean / string / numbertrue
inactive-valueValue when closedboolean / string / numberfalse
widthWidth of switchnumber40
active-icon-classThe icon displayed when on. Setting this item will ignore active textstring
inactive-icon-classIcon displayed when off. Setting this item will ignore active textstring

6.6 Select selector

The El select tag is used to provide user selection, and the child element is the El option tag.

<el-select v-model="selectValue" placeholder="Please select">
        v-for="item in select"

Properties of select:

Attribute nameexplainAttribute value typeDefault value
v-modelBind the currently selected property valueboolean , string , number
multipleWhether to select more than one. At this time, the bound v-model is the selected arraybooleanfalse
collapse-tagsIf multiple selection is set, multiple data will be displayed as a stringbooleanfalse
multiple-limitIf multiple selection is set, specify the maximum number of users to select. If it is 0, there is no limitnumber0
filterableCan I searchbooleanfalse
allow-createWhether to allow users to create new entries needs to be used with filterablebooleanfalse
filter-methodCustom search methodfunction
remoteIs remote search supportedbooleanfalse
remote-methodRemote search methodfunction
loadingGetting data from remotebooleanfalse
no-match-textThe text displayed when the search criteria do not match can also be set with slot="empty"stringNo matching data
loading-textText displayed when loading remotelystringLoading
no-data-textThe text displayed when the option is blank can also be set with slot="empty"stringNo data

select event:

Event nameexplainCallback Arguments
changeWhen the selected value changesThe currently selected value, if there are multiple parameters, is an array
visible-changeTriggered when the drop-down box appears / hidesThe displayed parameter is true and the hidden parameter is false
remove-tagTriggered when a tag is removed in multi selection modeRemoved tag value
clearTriggered when the user clicks the empty button in the emptiable radio mode
blurTriggered when the input loses focus(event: Event)
focusTriggered when input gets focus(event: Event)

Properties of El option:

Attribute nameexplainAttribute value typeDefault value
valueThe value of the optionstring/number/object
labelIf not set, the label of the option is the same as value by default, which is the displayed optionstring/number
disabledDisable this optionbooleanfalse

Template for custom options:

Insert the customized HTML template into the slot of El option to display the desired option template

    v-for="(item,index) in select"
    <span style="float: left">{{ item}}</span>
    <span style="float: right; color: #8492a6; font-size: 13px">{{ index }}</span>

6.7 cascade selector

Simply specify an array of options for the Cascader's options property to render a cascading selector. Through props.expandTrigger, you can define the trigger method of expanding sub level menus.

export default {
    name: "Demo04",
            items: [
                    value: 1,
                    label: "motion",
                    children: [
                            value: "Basketball",
                            label: "Basketball"
                            value: "badminton",
                            label: "badminton"
                            value: "Table Tennis",
                            label: "Table Tennis"
                    value: 2,
                    label: "food",
                    children: [
                            value: "chicken",
                            label: "chicken"
                            value: "fish",
                            label: "fish"
                            value: "Duck meat",
                            label: "Duck meat"
                    value: 3,
                    label: "game",
                    children: [
                            value: "LoL",
                            label: "LoL"
                            value: "Cross Fire",
                            label: "Cross Fire"
                            value: "QQ Flying car",
                            label: "QQ Flying car"
            result: []

==The attribute value of options attribute must be an object array. An object represents an option. If there are child options, add a children attribute to the option object. This attribute is also an array. The array contains child objects. Each object must contain value and label attributes. The value attribute is the value when selected, Label is the displayed text==

There are two ways to trigger this selector. By default, it is triggered when clicked. You can set props.expandTrigger property to display when the mouse moves in: props = "{expandtrigger: 'hover'}".

Custom node content:

You can customize the node contents of the alternative options of the cascade selector through the scoped slot. The scoped slot will pass in two fields node and data, representing the node object and data of the current node respectively.

    <template slot-scope="{node,data}">
		<!-- Judge whether it is a leaf node-->
        <span v-if="!node.isLeaf">{{data.children.length}}</span>

Cascade panel:

<el-cascader-panel :options="items"></el-cascader-panel>

The usage is the same as cascading selectors.

Properties of El cascade:

Attribute nameexplainAttribute value typeDefault value
optionsSpecify optionsobject
show-all-levelsDefines whether the full path is displayedbooleantrue
propsFor some cascading configurationsobject
collapse-tagsCollapse Tag in multi selection modebooleanfalse
separatorOption separatorstring" / "
filterableCan I searchbooleanfalse
filter-methodThe user-defined search method. The first parameter is node, and the second parameter is the search keyword. The Boolean value is returned to indicate whether it is hitfunction(node,keyword)

El cascade method:

getCheckedNodes(), get the selected node. The parameter is a Boolean value, indicating whether it is just a leaf node. The default value is false.

Configuration of props:

Attribute nameexplainAttribute value typeDefault value
expandTriggerHow secondary menus are expandedstring(click ,hover)click
multipleMultiple choicesbooleanfalse
checkStrictlyWhether to strictly abide by the fact that the parent and child nodes are not associated with each other. The parent node can also be used as an optionbooleanfalse
emitPathWhen the selected node is changed, whether to return the array composed of the values of the menus at all levels where the node is located. If false is set, only the value of the node will be returnedbooleanfalse

6.8. TimePicker time selector

Fixed time:

Use the El time select tag to specify the optional start time, end time, and step through start, end, and step, respectively

        <el-time-select v-model="value"

export default {
    name: "Demo05",
            value: "",
            picker: {
                start: '00:00',  // Start time
                step: '01:00',   // step
                end: '23:59'     // End time. If the end time is greater than the start time, it will not be displayed

Any point in time:

        <el-time-picker v-model="value"

export default {
    name: "Demo05",
            value: "",
            picker: {
                selectableRange: '00:00:00 - 23:59:59', // Must be accurate to seconds

There are two selection methods. The default is to slide the mouse for selection. The other is to use the arrow to select, just add the arrow control attribute to the label.

Any time range:

You can select the time range by adding the is range attribute, and the arrow control attribute is also supported.

<el-time-picker v-model="value"
                start-placeholder="start time"
                end-placeholder="End time"


Attribute nameexplainAttribute value typeDefault value
readonlyCompletely read onlybooleanfalse
editableText box to enterbooleantrue

6.9. DatePicker date selector

Use the El date picker tag to select the date.

<el-date-picker v-model="date"


Select date range:

<el-date-picker v-model="date"
                range-separator=" - "
                start-placeholder="Start date"
                end-placeholder="End date"


Date format:

Use format to specify the format of the input box; Use value format to specify the format of the bound value.

<el-date-picker v-model="date"
                range-separator=" - "
                start-placeholder="Start date"
                end-placeholder="End date"

6.10. DateTimePicker date time selector

By setting the type attribute to datetime, you can select the date and time in the same selector at the same time. Shortcut options are used in the same way as Date Picker.

<el-date-picker v-model="date"
                value-format="yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"

Date and time range:

Set the type to datetimerange to select the date and time range.

<el-date-picker v-model="date"
                value-format="yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"
                start-placeholder="start time"
                end-placeholder="End time"



Attribute nameexplainAttribute value typeDefault value
typeType of displaystring(year/month/date/week/ datetime/datetimerange/daterange)date
formatThe format displayed in the input boxstringyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
value-formatOptional, the format of the bound value. If not specified, the binding value is a Date objectstring
prefix-iconClass name of custom header Iconstring
clear-iconCustom empty Icon class namestring

6.11. upload

Use the El upload tag to upload the user's files.

    :file-list="[{name: 'name', url: 'url'}, {name: 'name2', url: 'url'}]" multiple="">
    <el-button size="small" type="primary">Click upload</el-button>
    <div slot="tip" class="el-upload__tip">Upload only jpg/png Documents, and no more than 500 kb</div>


Attribute nameexplainAttribute value typeDefault value
classExecute uploaded stylestring (upload demo normal upload, avatar uploader avatar upload)
actionUpload url addressstring
:limitLimit the number of uploaded filesnumber
:on-exceedBehavior when limits are exceededfunction
multipleSupport multi file uploadboolean
dataUpload additional parametersobject
nameUploaded file field namestringfile
dragStart drag uploadbooleanfalse
show-file-listDisplay the list of uploaded filesbooleantrue
on-previewClick the hook when uploading files in the file listfunction(file), file is the corresponding file object
on-removeHook when removing files from file listfunction(file, fileList), file is the removed file object, and fileList is the list of remaining files after removal
on-successHook when the file is uploaded successfullyfunction(response, file, fileList)
on-errorHook when file upload failsfunction(err, file, fileList)
before-removeThe hook before deleting a file. The parameters are the uploaded file and file list. If false is returned or Promise is returned and reject ed, the deletion will be stopped.function(file, fileList)
auto-uploadUpload files immediately after selecting thembooleantrue

6.12 scoring

Use the El rate tag for selection scoring.

<el-rate v-model="rate"

By default, the score is divided into three levels. You can use the color array to grade the score and emotional tendency (color is not distinguished by default). The colors corresponding to the three levels are set with the colors attribute, and their corresponding two thresholds are set through low threshold and high threshold. You can also define segments by passing in color objects. The key name is the limit value of segments, and the key value is the corresponding color.


Attribute nameexplainAttribute value typeDefault value
v-modelBound value (1-5)number0
colorsColor display corresponding to three levelsobject array
show-textShow auxiliary textbooleanfalse
textsSet the displayed auxiliary text. You can set 5 values corresponding to the bound valueobject arrayExtremely poor, disappointed, average, satisfied, surprised
icon-classesCustomize the icons of different segments. You can define threeobject array
void-icon-classSpecifies the icon class name when not selectedstring
disabledSet component read-only
show-scoreDisplays scores on a read-only basisbooleanfalse
score-templateTemplate for displaying scoresstring
maxSet maximum scorenumber
allow-halfAllow half selectionbooleanfalse

6.13 Form

In the Form component, each Form field is composed of a Form item component. Various types of Form controls can be placed in the Form field, including Input, Select, Checkbox, Radio, Switch, DatePicker and TimePicker.

    <el-form ref="form" :model="form"  label-width="80px">
        <el-form-item label="Activity name">
            <el-input v-model="form.name"></el-input>
        <el-form-item label="zone of action">
            <el-select v-model="form.region" placeholder="Please select an active area">
                <el-option label="Region I" value="shanghai"></el-option>
                <el-option label="Region II" value="beijing"></el-option>
        <el-form-item label="Activity time">
            <el-col :span="11">
                <el-date-picker type="date" placeholder="Select date" v-model="form.date1" style="width: 100%;"></el-date-picker>
            <el-col class="line" :span="2">-</el-col>
            <el-col :span="11">
                <el-time-picker placeholder="Select time" v-model="form.date2" style="width: 100%;"></el-time-picker>
        <el-form-item label="Instant delivery">
            <el-switch v-model="form.delivery"></el-switch>
        <el-form-item label="Activity nature">
            <el-checkbox-group v-model="form.type">
                <el-checkbox label="delicious food/Restaurant online activities" name="type"></el-checkbox>
                <el-checkbox label="Earth pushing activity" name="type"></el-checkbox>
                <el-checkbox label="Offline theme activities" name="type"></el-checkbox>
                <el-checkbox label="Pure brand exposure" name="type"></el-checkbox>
        <el-form-item label="Special resources">
            <el-radio-group v-model="form.resource">
                <el-radio label="Online brand sponsor"></el-radio>
                <el-radio label="Offline venues are free"></el-radio>
        <el-form-item label="Activity form">
            <el-input type="textarea" v-model="form.desc"></el-input>
            <el-button type="primary" @click="onSubmit">Create now</el-button>

export default {
    name: "Demo02",
            form: {
                name: '',
                region: '',
                date1: '',
                date2: '',
                delivery: false,
                type: [],
                resource: '',
                desc: ''
    methods: {
            alert("Submitted successfully!");

Form properties:

Attribute nameexplainAttribute value typeDefault value
inlineThe form becomes a row type formbooleanfalse
label-positionSets the location of the form field labelstring(right/left/top)right
label-widthSet the width of the form field label with unitsstring
hide-required-asteriskHide the red asterisk next to the label of the required fieldbooleanfalse
show-messageWhether to display verification error messagebooleantrue
inline-messageWhether to display verification information in line formbooleanfalse
status-iconWhether to display the verification result feedback icon in the input boxbooleanfalse
validate-on-rule-changeWhether to trigger a verification immediately after the rule attribute is changedbooleantrue
sizeDimensions of componentsstring(medium / small / mini)

Form verification:

  • Create a validation rule object
            username: "",
            password: "",
        // Form verification rule object
            // Each verified object corresponds to the bound value of each item in the form one by one
            // There can be multiple verification rules, so it is an array in which verification objects are stored
            // Required, required, message: prompt text after verification failure; Trigger: trigger mode. blur means trigger when focus is lost
            username: [{required: true, message: 'The login account entered cannot be empty', trigger: 'blur'}],
            password: [{required: true, message: 'The login account entered cannot be empty', trigger: 'blur'}]
  • Injecting rules into forms

Inject the created form verification rule object into the form through the rules attribute.

<el-form ref="form"
  • On each form item, the verification rule is specified through the prop attribute, which is the attribute in the verification rule object.
<el-form-item label="account number"
    <el-input v-model="formValue.username"
              placeholder="Please enter the account number"></el-input>
<el-form-item label="password"
    <el-input v-model="formValue.password"
              placeholder="Please input a password"></el-input>
  • Global verification: when the submit button is clicked, the form is verified by clicking the event.
// Get the form and verify it through the validate method. It has a callback function. The callback parameter is the verification result. If it passes the verification, it returns true, otherwise it returns false
        if (result){
            alert("Pass verification");
        }else {
            alert("Verification failed");

Custom verification rules:

  • Create a function object in data.
    // A custom check function
    // rule can be ignored. Value is the value to be verified. Callback callback function
    let checkPassword = (rule,value,callback)=>{
        if (value.trim()=== ""){
            // If the verification does not pass, you can pass the prompt text through the new Error object through the parameter
            callback(new Error("The login password entered cannot be blank"));
        }else {
            // If the callback parameter is empty, it means that the verification has passed
  • Use custom validation rules
    // Each verified object corresponds to the bound value of each item in the form one by one
    // There can be multiple verification rules, so it is an array in which verification objects are stored
    // Required, required, message: prompt text after verification failure; Trigger: trigger mode. blur means trigger when focus is lost
    username: [{required: true, message: 'The login account entered cannot be empty', trigger: 'blur'}],
    password: [{validator:checkPassword, trigger: 'blur'}]

By using the validator attribute of the verification object, the attribute value is a user-defined verification function.

How to form:

Method nameexplainparameter
validateVerify the form. The parameter is a callback functionFunction(callback: Function(boolean, object))
resetFieldsReset the entire form, reset all field values to the initial values, and remove the verification results
clearValidateRemove verification results of form items

7. Forms

After the data object array is injected into the El table element, the data can be filled in by using the prop attribute to correspond to the key name in the object in the El table column, and the column name of the table can be defined by using the label attribute. You can use the width attribute to define the column width.

            style="width: 100%">
                label="full name"
export default {
    name: "Demo04",
    data() {
                {date:'2019-10-01',name:'Zhang San',address:'Chongqing Institute of science and technology'},
                {date:'2019-10-02',name:'Li Si',address:'Chongqing Institute of science and technology'},
                {date:'2019-10-03',name:'Wang Wu',address:'Chongqing Institute of science and technology'},
                {date:'2019-10-04',name:'Zhao Liu',address:'Chongqing Institute of science and technology'},
                {date:'2019-10-05',name:'pseudo-ginseng',address:'Chongqing Institute of science and technology'}

Properties of El table:

Attribute nameexplainAttribute value typeDefault value
dataBound table dataObject array object
stripeDoes it have zebra crossing effectbooleanfalse
borderDoes the table have a borderbooleanfalse
heightSpecify the height of the table. When it exceeds this height, a scroll bar appears, but the header is fixedstring
max-heightSpecifies the maximum height of the table, beyond which a scroll bar appearsstring
fitIs the width of the column self-supportingbooleanfalse
highlight-current-rowDo you want to highlight the current rowbooleanfalse

Properties of El table column:

Attribute nameexplainAttribute value typeDefault value
fixedFixed column. When the width is not enough, change the column to fixed, and scroll bars appear in other columnsboolean or left (fixed on the left), right (fixed on the right)false
sortableImplement sorting based on this columnbooleanfalse

Table No.:

If you need to display the index, you can add a column El table column and set the type attribute to index to display the index number starting from 1.

    label="Serial number"

Selection box:

Set the type attribute to selection.


Custom header:

Customize the header by setting Scoped slo.

    <template slot-scope="scope" slot="header">
        <el-input v-model="searchValue"
                  placeholder="Please enter keyword!"/>
    <template slot-scope="scope">

Table events:

Event nameexplainparameter
select(selection,row)Event triggered when the user manually checks the Checkbox of the data lineThe first parameter is the selected data, and the second parameter is the corresponding row object, which contains data,
select-all(selection)Event triggered when the user manually checks check box allThe data corresponding to the selected row object
selection-change(selection)This event is triggered when the selection changesThe data corresponding to the selected row object
cell-mouse-enter(row, column, cell, event)This event is triggered when the cell hover entersData object, column object, cell object, Dom object and event object in row
cell-mouse-leave(row, column, cell, event)This event is triggered when the cell hover exitsData object, column object, cell object, Dom object and event object in row
row-click(row, column, event)This event is triggered when a line is clicked

8. Tag tag

Define a label using El tag.

<el-tag type="success">Label II</el-tag>


Attribute nameexplainAttribute value typeDefault value
typeSpecifies the type of labelstring(success/info/warning/danger)
colorSpecifies the background colorstring
closableSets whether labels can be turned offbooleanfalse
hitIs there a border strokebooleanfalse
effectset up themesstring(dark / light / plain)light


Event nameexplainparameter
clickEvent when clicked
closeSet the shutdown event after shutdown

9. Tree tree control

Create a tree control using El tree.



Attribute nameexplainAttribute value typeDefault value
dataDisplayed dataarray
empty-textThe text displayed when the content is emptystring
node-keyEach tree node is used as a unique attribute, and the whole tree should be uniqueString


Event nameexplainCallback Arguments
node-clickCallback when the node is clickedThere are three parameters: the object corresponding to the Node in the array passed to the data attribute, the Node corresponding to the Node, and the Node component itself.
node-contextmenuThis event will be triggered when a node is right clickedThere are four parameters: event, the object corresponding to the Node in the array passed to the data attribute, the Node corresponding to the Node, and the Node component itself.
check-changeCallback when node selection status changesThere are three parameters: the object corresponding to the node in the array passed to the data attribute, whether the node itself is selected, and whether there is a selected node in the node's subtree
checkTriggered when the check box is clickedThere are two parameters: the object corresponding to the node in the array passed to the data attribute, and the currently selected object in the tree, including checkedNodes, checkedKeys, halfCheckedNodes and halfCheckedKeys
current-changeEvent triggered when the currently selected node changesThere are two parameters: the data of the current Node and the Node object of the current Node
node-expandEvent triggered when a node is expandedThere are three parameters: the object corresponding to the Node in the array passed to the data attribute, the Node corresponding to the Node, and the Node component itself
node-collapseEvent triggered when a node is shut downThere are three parameters: the object corresponding to the Node in the array passed to the data attribute, the Node corresponding to the Node, and the Node component itself
node-drag-startEvent triggered when a node starts draggingThere are two parameters: Node and event corresponding to the dragged Node
node-drag-enterEvent triggered when dragging into other nodesThere are three parameters: the Node corresponding to the dragged Node, the Node corresponding to the entered Node, and event
node-drag-leaveEvent triggered when dragging away from a nodeThere are three parameters: the Node corresponding to the dragged Node, the Node corresponding to the left Node, and event
node-drag-overEvent triggered when dragging a node (similar to the browser mouseover event)There are three parameters: the Node corresponding to the dragged Node, the Node corresponding to the current entry Node, and event
node-drag-endEvent triggered at the end of drag (possibly unsuccessful)There are four parameters in total, which are: the Node corresponding to the dragged Node, the last Node entered at the end of dragging (may be empty), the placement position of the dragged Node (before, after, inner), and event
node-dropEvent triggered when drag successfully completesThere are four parameters in total, which are: the Node corresponding to the dragged Node, the last Node to enter when dragging ends, the placement position of the dragged Node (before, after, inner), and event

10. Pagination

Use El pagination to create a paging component.

    layout="prev, pager, next"

Set the layout to represent the contents to be displayed, separated by commas, and the layout elements will be displayed in turn. Prev refers to the previous page, next refers to the next page, pager refers to the page number list, in addition, jumper and total are provided, size and special layout symbols - >, - > the elements after - > will be displayed on the right, jumper refers to page skipping elements, total refers to the total number of entries, and size is used to set the number of page numbers displayed on each page. Generally, llayout is set to layout = "sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper, - >, total"


Attribute nameexplaintypeDefault value
totalTotal number of entriesnumber
layoutStyle Paginationstring
page-sizeNumber of items displayed per pagenumber10
pager-countThe number of page number buttons. When the total number of pages exceeds this value, it will collapseNumber (odd number greater than or equal to 5 and less than or equal to 21)7
current-pageCurrent pagenumber1
popper-classThe drop-down box class name of the number selector is displayed on each pagestring
prev-textOverrides the previous page text displayed by the iconstring
next-textOverrides the next page of text displayed by the iconstring
page-sizesOption settings for the number of displays per page selectornumber[][10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100]
backgroundSet background colorbooleanfalse


Event nameexplainCallback Arguments
size-changeTriggered when the page size changesNumber of entries per page
current-changeTriggered when the current page changesCurrent page
prev-clickTriggered after the user clicks the previous button to change the current pageCurrent page
next-clickTriggered after the user clicks the next page button to change the current pageCurrent page

11. Mark

Create a tag using the El badge tag.

<el-badge :value="12" class="item">
    <el-button size="small">comment</el-button>


Attribute nameexplaintypeDefault value
valueDisplays the value of the tagstring,number
typeModify the type of tagstring(primary / success / warning / danger / info)
maxWhen the number of tags is greater than max, a + tag will appear, which can only be used when value is numbernumber
is-dotMark a red dot to prompt the user that only one can be specified between value and itbooleanfalse
hiddenHide badgebooleanfalse

12. Avatar

Use an EL avatar to create a avatar tag.

<el-avatar :size="100"


Attribute nameexplaintypeDefault value
srcPath to the picturestring
shapeIs the picture presented as a circle or a squarestring(circle / square)circle
sizeSpecifies the size of the avatarnumber,string( large / medium / small)large
iconSet avatar Iconstring
altAlternate text for imagestring
fitWhen the display type is a picture, set how the picture fits into the container boxstring(fill / contain / cover / none / scale-down)cover

13. alert warning

Create a warning label using El alert.

    title="Operation succeeded!"


Attribute nameexplaintypeDefault value
titlePrompt text messagestring
typeSpecifies the type of promptstring(success/warning/info/error)info
effectSpecifies the topic of the promptstring(light/dark)light
closableSet whether the prompt can be turned offbooleantrue
close-textSets the text for the close buttonstring
show-iconShow Alert iconbooleanfalse
centerCenter textbooleanfalse
descriptionSet auxiliary text. Auxiliary text can only store single line text and will be displayed automatically.string

14. Message prompt message

Pass this.$message('This is a message prompt ') in js code; Prompt a message.

    this.$message("This is a prompt message");

In addition to passing in a string as a prompt message, the message box can also pass in an object to configure the message.

    message: "This is a prompt message!",  // Body of message
    type: "success",   // The message type is success/warning/info/error. The default is info
    showClose: true,   // Set whether the message can be closed manually. If not, it will be closed automatically after 3 seconds by default. It cannot be closed by default
    duration: 1000,     // Sets the time, in milliseconds, for automatic shutdown
    center: true,        // Sets whether the prompt text is centered
    // Iconclass: the class name of the "El icon delete solid" custom icon, which overrides the type
    offset: 500,        // Set the offset at the top of the message graph window. The default is 20
    onClose: (message)=>{       // When the message prompts the closed callback function, the parameter is the instance of message
        alert("The message is closed"+message);

15. message prompt box

Call the $alert method to open the message prompt. It simulates the alert of the system and cannot be closed by pressing ESC or clicking outside the box. In this example, two parameters are received, message and title. It is worth mentioning that after the window is closed, it will return a Promise object by default for subsequent operations. If you are not sure whether the browser supports Promise, you can introduce a third-party polyfill or use a callback for subsequent processing as in this example.

// Parameter 1: message body
// Parameter 2: Message title
// Parameter 3: an object used to configure the message box
this.$alert("Message prompt","Tips",{
    confirmButtonText: "determine"

Call the $confirm method to open the message prompt, which simulates the confirm of the system. The Message Box component is also highly customizable. We can pass in options as the third parameter, which is a literal Object. The type field indicates the message type, which can be success, error, info and warning. Invalid settings will be ignored. Note that the second parameter title must be defined as String type. If it is Object, it will be understood as options. Here we use Promise to process the subsequent response.

this.$confirm("Are you sure to proceed?","Tips",{
    confirmButtonText: "determine",
    cancelButtonText: "cancel",
    type: "success",
    center: true  // Prompt centered
    // Operation after clicking OK
        message: "Determine operation!",
        type: "success",
        offset: 300,
        center: true
    // Click Cancel to cancel the operation
        message: "No operation!",
        type: "error",
        offset: 300,
        center: true

Call the $prompt method to open the message prompt, which simulates the prompt of the system. You can use the inputPattern field to specify the matching pattern, or the inputValidator to specify the verification function. You can return Boolean or String. When false or String is returned, it means that the verification fails. At the same time, the returned String is equivalent to defining the inputErrorMessage field. In addition, the input placeholder field can be used to define the placeholder for the input box.

this.$prompt("Please enter your email address","Tips",{
    confirmButtonText: "determine",
    cancelButtonText: "cancel",
    // The entered verification rule is a regular expression object
    // inputPattern: /[\w!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[\w!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[\w](?:[\w-]*[\w])?\.)+[\w](?:[\w-]*[\w])?/,
    // You can also customize a verification rule through inputValidator. The parameter is the input value. If you return true, the verification is successful. If you return a string, the verification is unsuccessful, and the returned string will overwrite inputErrorMessage
    inputValidator: (value)=>{
        let regExp = /[\w!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[\w!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[\w](?:[\w-]*[\w])?\.)+[\w](?:[\w-]*[\w])?/;
        return regExp.test(value);
    // Prompt text for verification failure
    inputErrorMessage: "The format of the mailbox is incorrect!",
    // placeholder 
    inputPlaceholder: "Please enter email address!"
    // Click OK and enter the correct operation
        message: "The mailbox entered is:"+value,
        type: "success",
        offset: 300,
        center: true
    // Click to cancel the operation
        message: "Cancel input!",
        type: "success",
        offset: 300,
        center: true

Configuration content of prompt box:

parameterexplaintypeDefault value
callbackIf Promise is not used, you can use this parameter to specify the callback after the MessageBox is closedfunction(action, instance), the value of action is' confirm ',' cancel 'or' close ', and instance is a MessageBox instance through which you can access the properties and methods on the instance
beforeCloseThe callback before closing the MessageBox will pause the instance closingfunction(action, instance, done), the value of action is' confirm ',' cancel 'or' close '; Instance is a MessageBox instance, through which you can access the properties and methods on the instance; Done is used to close the MessageBox instance
lockScrollWhether to lock the body scrolling when the MessageBox appearsbooleantrue
closeOnClickModalCan I close the MessageBox by clicking on the maskbooleantrue (false when called in alert mode)
closeOnPressEscapeCan I close the MessageBox by pressing ESCbooleantrue (false when called in alert mode)
inputTypeType of input boxstringtext

16. Notification notification

    title: "title",
    message: "This is a notice",
    duration: 1000, // The notification can be closed automatically by default. The default time is 4500. If the duration is set to 0, it will not be closed automatically
    type: "success",  // Specifies the type of notification
    position: "top-left", // Specify the location of the notification pop-up, top right, top left, bottom right, bottom left. The default is top right
    // The pop-up message can be offset by a distance from the edge of the screen. Note that at the same time, all Notification instances should have the same offset according to the first specified position
    // For example, top left is a top offset
    offset: 300,
    showClose: false, // Sets whether the close button is hidden

17. NavMenu navigation menu

Create a navigation menu using El menu.

    el-menu It's a first level menu,
    el-submenu Create a menu with a secondary menu
    el-menu Properties of:
        default-active: Of the currently active menu index,string
        mode:   Specify the mode of the menu, string(horizontal level / vertical Vertical), which is vertical by default
        collapse: Whether to fold the menu horizontally, boolean,default false,Only in mode by vertical Available when
        background-color: Specify the Beijing color of the menu, string
        active-text-color: Specifies the text color corresponding to the selected menu item, string
        text-color:   Specify the text color of the menu, string
        unique-opened:   Whether to keep a submenu expanded, boolean,default false
        menu-trigger:  How the submenu is triggered, string(hover,click),Only in mode by horizontal Time effective),default hover
        router: Whether to use vue-router Mode, enabling this mode will be displayed when navigation is activated index As path Route jump, boolean,false,
        This only enables the route jump, which needs to be specified in each menu item router Property to jump.
        collapse-transition: Specifies whether to turn on the collapse animation. It is on by default, boolean
    el-submenu Properties of:
        template: Customize the title of a menu, you can use i Label to specify an icon
        show-timeout: Delay time for expanding menu items, number,The default is 300
        hide-timeout: Delay time for stowing, number,Default 300
    el-menu Method of:
        open:Expand the specified menu item with submenu. The parameter is the name of the menu item index
        close: Stow the specified menu item with submenu, and erode the menu item index
    el-menu Events:
        select: When the menu is active, the parameter is index: Select the of the menu item index, indexPath: Select the of the menu item index path
        open: sub-menu Expanded callback,index: Open sub-menu of index, indexPath: Open sub-menu of index path
        close:sub-menu Retracted callback index: Open sub-menu of index, indexPath: Open sub-menu of index path
<router-link to="/t">Click me</router-link>
<el-radio-group v-model="isCollapse">
    <el-radio-button :label="false">open</el-radio-button>
    <el-radio-button :label="true">fold</el-radio-button>
        index="/t">Menu one
        <template slot="title">
            <i class="el-icon-location"></i>
            <span>Menu II</span>
        <el-menu-item index="2-1">Menu II-1</el-menu-item>
        <el-menu-item index="2-2">Menu II-2</el-menu-item>
        <el-menu-item index="2-3">Menu II-3</el-menu-item>
        <el-submenu index="2-4">
            <template slot="title">Menu II-4</template>
            <el-menu-item index="2-4-1">Menu II-4-1</el-menu-item>
            <el-menu-item index="2-4-2">Menu II-4-2</el-menu-item>
            <el-menu-item index="2-4-3">Menu II-4-3</el-menu-item>
    <el-submenu index="3">
        <template slot="title">
            <i class="el-icon-location"></i>
            <span>Menu III</span>
        <el-menu-item index="3-1">Menu III-1</el-menu-item>
        <el-menu-item index="3-2">Menu III-2</el-menu-item>
        <el-menu-item index="3-3">Menu III-3</el-menu-item>

18. tabs tab

Create a tab using El tabs.

        el-tabs Properties of:
            v-model: Binding value name Corresponding attribute value.
            type: Specify the type of label, card Card type, border-card Card optimized version
            tabPosition: Specify the location of the label, left|right|top|bottom
            closable: Set whether the label displays the close button, boolean,default false
            addable: Set whether the label can be added, boolean,default false
            editable: Set whether the label can be edited, added and deleted, boolean,default false
            stretch:  Whether the width of the label is self-supporting, boolean,default false
        el-tabs Events:
            tab-click: When the label is selected, the parameter is selected tab example
            tab-remove: When a label is removed, the parameter is to delete the label name
            tab-add: When adding labels
            edit: When adding or deleting labels, the parameter is tab Instances and events add(Add) and remove((remove)
            v-for="(item,index) in items"

export default {
    name: "Demo01",
            activeName: "fourth",
            items: [
                    label: "user management ",
                    name: "first",
                    content: "user management "
                    label: "configuration management",
                    name: "second",
                    content: "configuration management"
                    label: "Commodity management",
                    name: "third",
                    content: "Commodity management"
                    label: "Sales management",
                    name: "fourth",
                    content: "Sales management"
    methods: {
        // Modify label
            // If yes, remove the event
            if (action === "remove"){
                // If the currently selected label is deleted
                if (name === this.activeName){
                        if (name === item.name){
                            // Find next or previous label
                            let next = this.items[index+1] || this.items[index-1];
                            // Switch to adjacent labels
                            if (next){
                                this.activeName = next.name;
                // If it is not the current tag, it will be deleted directly in items
                this.items = this.items.filter((item)=>{
                    return item.name !== name;
            }else{    // If you add an event


19. Breadcrumb crumbs

With El breadcrumb, you can create a breadcrumb navigation bar.

            el-breadcrumb Properties of:
                separator:Breadcrumb separator, default is/
                separator-class: Use the picture as a separator, which makes separator invalid
            el-breadcrumb Properties of:
                to: One object, route jump object, the same as vue-router of to
                replace: Is it history Add records to, boolean,default false,The default is to add records
        <el-breadcrumb separator="/">
                to="/x">home page</el-breadcrumb-item>
                <router-link to="/x">day02-demo01</router-link>

20. PageHeader header

Create a page header using the El page header tag.

content: Content of page header
@back: The callback function when clicking the returned function has no parameters.
           content="Return to home page"></el-page-header>

21. Dropdown drop-down menu

Create a drop-down menu using El dropdown.

    trigger: Set the trigger mode of the menu. The default is hover,Can be set to click
    hide-on-click: The drop-down menu is hidden by default after clicking, and this property is set to true After clicking, it will not be hidden
    @command: Event. When different menu items are selected, the corresponding function is specified, and the parameters are bound in each menu item command value
    placement: Menu pop-up position, string(top/top-start/top-end/bottom/bottom-start/bottom-end),The default is bottom-end
    show-timeout: Delay to expand the drop-down menu (only in trigger by hover Default 250
    hide-timeout: Hide the delay of the drop-down menu (only in trigger by hover Default 250
  <span class="el-dropdown-link">
    drop-down menu <i class="el-icon-arrow-down el-icon--right"></i>
    <!-- command: Set as unique-->
        <el-dropdown-item command="a">Golden cake</el-dropdown-item>
        <el-dropdown-item command="b">double-layer steamed milk custard</el-dropdown-item>
        <el-dropdown-item command="c">Oyster omelet</el-dropdown-item>

<!-- You can use buttons to represent a drop-down menu-->
    <el-button type="primary">drop-down menu <i class="el-icon-arrow-down el-icon--right"></i></el-button>
    <el-dropdown-menu slot="dropdown">
        <el-dropdown-item>Golden cake</el-dropdown-item>
        <el-dropdown-item >double-layer steamed milk custard</el-dropdown-item>
        <el-dropdown-item >Oyster omelet</el-dropdown-item>

22. Steps bar

Set the active property and accept a Number indicating the index of the step, starting from 0. When a fixed width step bar is required, set the space attribute. It accepts Number, and the unit is px. If it is not set, it is adaptive. Setting the finish status property changes the status of the completed step.

    el-steps Properties of:
        active: Bind a completed progress. Step 1 corresponds to 0, number
        space: Specify the distance between each, number
        finish-status: Set the corresponding type when this step is completed, which can be wait / process / finish / error / success
        align-center: Set whether the title and description are centered, boolean,Default not centered
        direction: Set the direction of the progress bar. The default is horizontal, string(vertical,horizontal)
        simple:  Concise style can be applied under this condition align-center / description / direction / space Will fail.
        process-status: Sets the current status of the current step,Not finished yet.
        finish-status: Sets the status after the current step is completed
    el-step Properties of:
        title: Set the title of each step
        description: A description of this step.
        icon: Replace each step with a picture
        status: Set the status of the current step. If it is not set, it will be set according to the steps Determine status,wait / process / finish / error / success
    type="primary">next step</el-button>
        description="This is the key first step"
        title="Step 1"></el-step>
        description="This is the middle step"
        title="Step 2"></el-step>
        description="This is the last step"
        title="Step 3"></el-step>

export default {
    name: "Demo02",
            active: 0,
            finishStatus1: "",
            finishStatus2: "",
            finishStatus3: "",
    methods: {
            if (this.active === 2){
                this.finishStatus3 = "error";

23. Dialog box

The visible property needs to be set. It receives a Boolean and displays a Dialog when it is true. The Dialog is divided into two parts: body and footer. The footer needs a slot named footer. The title attribute is used to define the title. It is optional and the default value is empty. Finally, this example also shows the usage of before close.

In the Dialog box, you can nest the contents you need, such as forms, which are used for modification and login, and tables are used to present data. If you need to nest another Dialog inside one Dialog, you need to use the append to body attribute.

            el-dialog Properties of:
                - title:  Set the title of the dialog box
                - visible:  Set whether this dialog box is displayed, boolean,true For display, false It is not displayed. It is not displayed by default
                - center: You can center the title and bottom
                - width: Set the width of the dialog box. The default is 50%,string
                - fullscreen: Set whether the dialog box is full screen, boolean,false
                - top: set up margin-top The value of, string,Default 15 vh
                - modal: Whether a mask is required, boolean,true
                - lock-scroll: If the dialog box appears, check whether the scroll bar is locked, boolean,default true
                - custom-class: Customize the class name of the dialog box for style design, string
                - before-close: The callback before closing will pause Dialog Shut down, function(done),done For closing Dialog
             - open: Dialog box open callback
             - opened: Callback after the animation dialog box opens
             - close: Closed callback
             - closed: Close the callback at the end of the animation
            <span>This is a message</span>
            <span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
            <el-button type="primary" @click="dialogVisible = false">determine</el-button>
            <el-button @click="dialogVisible = false">Cancel</el-button>

<!--        <el-dialog title="Outer layer Dialog" :visible.sync="outerVisible">-->
<!--            <el-dialog-->
<!--                width="30%"-->
<!--                title="Inner layer Dialog"-->
<!--                :visible.sync="innerVisible"-->
<!--                append-to-body>-->
<!--            </el-dialog>-->
<!--            <div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">-->
<!--                <el-button @click="outerVisible = false">Cancel</el-button>-->
<!--                <el-button type="primary" @click="innerVisible = true">Open the inner layer Dialog</el-button>-->
<!--            </div>-->
<!--        </el-dialog>-->

24. Tooltip text prompt

Use the content attribute to determine the prompt information when hover ing. The display effect is determined by the placement attribute: the placement attribute value is: direction - alignment position; Four directions: top, left, right and bottom; There are three alignment positions: start and end, which are empty by default. If placement = "left end", the prompt appears on the left side of the target element, and the bottom of the prompt is aligned with the bottom of the target element.

    el-tooltip Properties of:
        - content: Prompt content, string
        - placement:  The location of the display, string,top/top-start/top-end/bottom/bottom-start/bottom-end/
        - effect: Set the topic of the prompt, string(light,dark)
        - offset: The offset of the occurrence position, number
    content="This is a button"

25. Walking lantern

The combination of El carousel and El carousel item tags yields a walking lantern. The content of the slide is arbitrary and needs to be placed in the El carousel item tag. By default, the toggle is triggered when the pointer at the bottom of the mouse hover. By setting the trigger attribute to click, the click trigger effect can be achieved.

    el-carousel Properties of:
        - height: Specify the height, string
        - trigger: Trigger method: the default is hover,It can also be modified to click
        - indicator-position: Set the display indicator, which is in the container by default, and can be set to outside Outside the container, if set to none The indicator is not displayed
        - arrow: Set the switching arrow. The default is hover In the display, it can be set to always,It will always be displayed and set to never Will always hide
        - type: Set the style of walking horse, etc., which can be set to card Style.
        - direction: Set the direction of the lantern. The default is horizontal Horizontal, can also be set to vertical vertical
        - autoplay: Whether to switch automatically, default true
        - interval: Set the time of automatic switching. The default is 3000, number
        - change: The event when the running light is switched. The parameter is the index of the currently active slide and the index of the original slide
<el-carousel height="150px">
        v-for="item in 4" :key="item">
        <h3 class="small">{{ item }}</h3>

g" :visible.sync="outerVisible">–>

## 24. Tooltip text prompt

​	use`content`Attribute`hover`Prompt information when. from`placement`Attribute determines the display effect:`placement`The attribute value is:`direction-align position `;Four directions:`top`,`left`,`right`,`bottom`;Three alignment positions:`start`, `end`,The default value is empty. as`placement="left-end"`,The prompt appears on the left side of the target element, and the bottom of the prompt is aligned with the bottom of the target element.

    el-tooltip Properties of:
        - content: Prompt content, string
        - placement:  The location of the display, string,top/top-start/top-end/bottom/bottom-start/bottom-end/
        - effect: Set the topic of the prompt, string(light,dark)
        - offset: The offset of the occurrence position, number
    content="This is a button"

Posted by miniature on Fri, 03 Dec 2021 11:00:44 -0800