ElasticSearch5.x delete data

Keywords: Programming curl ElasticSearch JSON Java

The following tests are available in elastic search version 5.6.10.

First of all, ElasticSearch does not support deleting a type since 2.x, so when you use the delete command to try to delete a type, you will get the following error:

No handler found for uri [/dating_profile/zhenai/] and method [DELETE]


If there is an index named dating "profile and a type named zhenai:


Errors are reported after execution as follows:

So now if you want to delete type, you have two options:

***1. * * * reset index.  

***2. * * delete all data under type.

If you reset the index, the official recommendation is:


Delete Mapping It is no longer possible to delete the mapping for a type. Instead you should delete the index and recreate it with the new mappings.

Delete index

Delete the index named dating "profile as follows:


Delete succeeded, return value is:

 "acknowledged": true

Delete all data under type

If you want to delete all data content of type zhenai at one time, please refer to the official document:


It is mentioned that you can restrict to a single type through delete by query. As follows, it will only delete all the data with the index as dating and the type as zhenai under profile:

curl -X POST "" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
 "query": {
   "match_all": {}

The deletion succeeded. The return value is as follows:

 "took": 78,
 "timed_out": false,
 "total": 107,
 "deleted": 107,
 "batches": 1,
 "version_conflicts": 0,
 "noops": 0,
 "retries": {
   "bulk": 0,
   "search": 0
 "throttled_millis": 0,
 "requests_per_second": -1.0,
 "throttled_until_millis": 0,
 "failures": []

You can also delete multiple documents under index and multiple types at one time, as follows: delete the data with the type of zhenai under the index of dating profile, and delete the data with the type of movie under the index of movies.

curl -X POST ",movies/zhenai,movie/_delete_by_query" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
 "query": {
   "match_all": {}

The return value is as follows:

 "took": 93,
 "timed_out": false,
 "total": 61,
 "deleted": 61,
 "batches": 1,
 "version_conflicts": 0,
 "noops": 0,
 "retries": {
   "bulk": 0,
   "search": 0
 "throttled_millis": 0,
 "requests_per_second": -1.0,
 "throttled_until_millis": 0,
 "failures": []


5. Reindex provided by xes can directly reconstruct the data in the search cluster. You can modify mapping directly as follows.

Change the index to dating profile to new dating profile as follows

curl -XPOST "" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
 "source": {
   "index": "dating_profile"
 "dest": {
   "index": "new_dating_profile"

After this operation, the old index still exists. The old data can be found in the dating profile and the new dating profile.

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Posted by kelvin on Thu, 17 Oct 2019 13:37:32 -0700