Elastic search of ELK architecture

Keywords: curl ElasticSearch JSON Database

ELK is the acronym for three software products: Elastic search Logstash Kibana

Elasticsearch Responsible for log retrieval and storage
Logstash Responsible for the collection, analysis and processing of logs
Kibana Responsible for visualization of logs

Uses: Distributed log data centralized query and management; system monitoring, including the monitoring of system hardware and application components; troubleshooting; security information and event management; report function


web server (install filebeat beat)

Log files




Pass to Logstash


input--filter--output - > passed to Elastic search < - kibana to get data from it, aggregate - > client client read


The Lucene-based search server developed in java provides a full-text search engine with distributed multi-user capabilities and a Web interface based on RESTful API.

Features: Real-time analysis; Distributed real-time file storage and indexing of each field; Document-oriented; High availability, scalability, support for clustering, fragmentation and replication; JSON support

But it has no typical transaction and authorization and authentication features.

Related concepts

Node: Node with an ES server

Cluster has clusters of Node s

Document is a basic information unit that can be searched

A collection of documents with similar characteristics in Index

Type An index can define one or more types

Field is the smallest unit of ES, equivalent to a column of data.

Shards index slices, each of which is a shard

Copies of Replicas Index

Comparing with relational database
Relational database Elasticsearch
Database Index
Table Type
Row Document
Column Field
Schema Mapping
Index Everything is indexed
SELECT* FROM table GET http://
UPDATE table SET PUT http://

HTTP protocol

http request method GET POST HEAD other method OPTIONS PUT DELETE TRACE CONNECT

DELETE Delete DELETE Delete POST Change GET Check

System command curl

linux uses url rules to work under the command line file transfer tools, powerful http command line tools to support a variety of request patterns, custom request head and other powerful functions

Common parameter - A modifies request agent-X setting request method - i displays return header information

[root@ecs-guo ~]# curl -X GET www.baidu.com
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--STATUS OK--><html> <head><meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html;charset=utf-8><meta http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible content=IE=Edge><meta content=always name=referrer><link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=http://S1.bdstatic.com/r/www/cache/bdorz/baidu.min.css> <title>Baidu, you know </title>...

es plug-in

head plug-in: It shows the topology of ES cluster, and can be used for indexing and node-level operation. It provides query API for cluster. The results are returned in the form of json and tables. It also provides some shortcut menus to represent various states of cluster.

kopf Plug-in: Management Tool, which provides an API for ES cluster operation

bigdesk Plug-in: Cluster Monitoring Tool, which can monitor various states

Installation plug-in

elasticsearch-head-master.zip    elasticsearch-kopf-master.zip    bigdesk-master.zip

[root@es5 ~]# cd /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/
[root@es5 bin]# ls
elasticsearch  elasticsearch.in.sh  elasticsearch-systemd-pre-exec  plugin
[root@es5 bin]# . / plugin install file:///root/elastic search-head-master.zip//Note that the format must be file://root/elastic search-head-master.zip/////
[root@es5 bin]# ./plugin install file:///root/bigdesk-master.zip 
[root@es5 bin]# ./plugin install file:///root/elasticsearch-kopf-master.zip 
[root@es5 bin]# ./plugin list
Installed plugins in /usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins:
    - head
    - kopf
    - bigdesk

Open plug-in

Click on the index to create an index, a distributed storage rule, a fragment of five pieces of source data, a copy (default)

RESTful API call

1. Provides a series of API s to check the health, status and statistics of clusters, nodes and indexes.

Managing data and metadata for clusters, nodes, and miniatures

CRUD operation and query operation on index

Perform other advanced operations such as paging, sorting, filtering, etc.

2. Use json format for POST or PUT data

3.Json (Javascript Object Notation) Javascript Object Representation, a lightweight text-independent language-based data exchange format

The transmission is a string, and the corresponding string, list and dictionary in Python can be converted to the corresponding JSON format.

4._cat API Query cluster status, node information

v Parameter Display Details

help Displays help Information

nodes queries node status information

[root@es5 bin]# curl ""//View cluster health information,(? v Details? help View help)
epoch      timestamp cluster status node.total node.data shards pri relo init unassign pending_tasks max_task_wait_time active_shards_percent 
1547628559 16:49:19  nsd1809 green           5         5     10   5    0    0        0             0                  -                100.0% 

[root@es5 bin]# curl ""//query node
host         ip           heap.percent ram.percent load node.role master name           10          40 0.00 d         m      es2           11          41 0.18 d         m      es4           11          44 0.00 d         *      es1           11          42 0.00 d         m      es5           11          40 0.00 d         m      es3  

[root@es5 bin]# curl ""//Query the main library
id                     host         ip           node 
141WVGOsRiyI99AKLFJNVg es1  

[root@es5 bin]# curl ""//query fragmentation information
index shard prirep state   docs store ip           node 
abc   4     r      STARTED    0  159b es5  
abc   4     p      STARTED    0  159b es2  
abc   3     p      STARTED    0  159b es3  
abc   3     r      STARTED    0  159b es2  
abc   1     p      STARTED    0  159b es4  
abc   1     r      STARTED    0  159b es1  
abc   2     p      STARTED    0  159b es1  
abc   2     r      STARTED    0  159b es3  
abc   0     p      STARTED    0  159b es5  
abc   0     r      STARTED    0  159b es4  

[root@es5 bin]# curl ""//View Index
health status index pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size 
green  open   abc     5   1          0            0      1.5kb           795b 

RESTful API Increase

Create an index (either host is available) and set the number of fragments and copies.

[root@es5 bin]# Curl-XPUT''-d'{//Create an index Tedu
> "settings":{
>   "index":{
>     "number_of_shards":5,         //Fragment quantity
>     "number_of_replicas":1        //Number of copies
>     }
>   }
> }'
{"acknowledged":true}[root@es5 bin]# 

Insert data. If you continue to add data, the following id needs to be different

[root@es5 bin]# curl -XPUT '' -d '{
> "Rong Guo Fu":"Jia Shu",
> "Gender":"male",
> "Age":"Unknown",
> "hobby":"Monastic way"
> }'
{"_index":"tedu","_type":"hlm","_id":"1","_version":1,"_shards":{"total":2,"successful":2,"failed":0},"created":true}[root@es5 bin]# 

Modify the data XPOST_update to update which key is "doc"

[root@es5 bin]# curl -XPOST '' -d '{
> "doc":{"hobby":"Alchemy"}
> }'
{"_index":"tedu","_type":"hlm","_id":"1","_version":2,"_shards":{"total":2,"successful":2,"failed":0}}[root@es5 bin]# 

Query data

[root@es5 bin]# Curl-XGET''/? pretty vertical display
  "_index" : "tedu",
  "_type" : "hlm",
  "_id" : "1",
  "_version" : 2,
  "found" : true,
  "_source" : {
    "Rong Guo Fu" : "Jia Shu",
    "Gender" : "male",
    "Age" : "Unknown",
    "hobby" : "Alchemy"

Delete data

[root@es5 bin]# Curl-XDELETE*//Delete all data
{"acknowledged":true}[root@es5 bin]#

Posted by EcLip$e on Sun, 19 May 2019 01:48:47 -0700