1 define data structure by mapping of es
The mapping structure of es is defined as follows
Define the java class corresponding to es data structure
Mobile phones with the following conditions
es uses jet to execute query statements
Query the encapsulation tool class of dsl
5 search service completion + sorting + highlighting
pojo defining query parameters
1 define data structure by mapping of es
Default data type of Es
The mapping structure of es is defined as follows
PUT gmall0105 { "mappings": { "PmsSkuInfo":{ "properties": { "id":{ "type": "double" }, "skuName":{ "type": "text", "analyzer": "ik_max_word" }, "skuDesc":{ "type": "text" , "analyzer": "ik_smart" }, "catalog3Id":{ "type": "keyword" }, "price":{ "type": "double" }, "skuDefaultImg":{ "type": "keyword", "index": false }, "hotScore":{ "type": "double" }, "productId":{ "type": "keyword" }, "skuAttrValueList":{ "properties": { "attrId":{ "type":"keyword" }, "valueId":{ "type":"keyword" } } } } } } }
Note: the string type in es (for example, keyword and text may have problems when sorting later, so it will not become a number comparison, but a string comparison. So id is defined as double)
2 import Jest dependency
For jest and jna, please include the version number and part of it into GMALL parent. Spring boot starter data elastic search does not need to manage the version number. Its version follows the 1.5.10 version number of spring boot. |
3. Import mysql data for es
spring.elasticsearch.jest.uris= |
Define the java class corresponding to es data structure
public class PmsSkuSearchInfo implements Serializable { @Id private long id; private String skuName; private String skuDesc; private String catalog3Id; private BigDecimal price; private String skuDefaultImg; private double hotScore; private String productId; private List<PmsSkuAttrValue> skuAttrValueList; }
Insert mysql data into es
@RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @SpringBootTest public class GmallSearchServiceApplicationTests { @Reference private SkuService skuService; //Query mysql @Autowired private JestClient jestClient; @Test public void put() throws IOException { // Query mysql data List<PmsSkuInfo> pmsSkuInfoList = new ArrayList<>(); pmsSkuInfoList = skuService.getAllSku(); // Data structure converted to es List<PmsSkuSearchInfo> pmsSearchSkuInfos = new ArrayList<>(); for (PmsSkuInfo pmsSkuInfo : pmsSkuInfoList) { PmsSkuSearchInfo pmsSearchSkuInfo = new PmsSkuSearchInfo(); BeanUtils.copyProperties(pmsSkuInfo,pmsSearchSkuInfo); pmsSearchSkuInfo.setId(Long.parseLong(pmsSkuInfo.getId())); pmsSearchSkuInfos.add(pmsSearchSkuInfo); } // Import es for (PmsSkuSearchInfo pmsSearchSkuInfo : pmsSearchSkuInfos) { Index put = new Index.Builder(pmsSearchSkuInfo).index("gmall0105").type("PmsSkuInfo").id(pmsSearchSkuInfo.getId()+"").build(); jestClient.execute(put); } } }
Be careful:
Test query
4. Complex query of es
Mobile phones with the following conditions
1. Query all names with Huawei
2 query all memory under 4 inches, 16G
Bool: {/ / filter first, then query
Union processing in es
Join Union in a filter
Query api
Search Search = new search.builder ("json statement of DSL"). addIndex("index name"). addType("table name"). build();
es uses jet to execute query statements
@Test public void get() throws IOException { // Search Search = new search.builder ("json statement of DSL"). addIndex("index name"). addType("table name"). build(); // Executing complex query with api List<PmsSkuSearchInfo> pmsSearchSkuInfos = new ArrayList<>(); Search search = new Search.Builder("{\n" + " \"query\": {\n" + " \"bool\": {\n" + " \"filter\": [\n" + " {\n" + " \"term\": {\n" + " \"skuAttrValueList.valueId\": \"39\"\n" + " }\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"term\": {\n" + " \"skuAttrValueList.valueId\": \"45\"\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " ],\n" + " \"must\": [\n" + " {\n" + " \"match\": {\n" + " \"skuName\": \"millet\"\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " ]\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " }").addIndex("gmall0105").addType("PmsSkuInfo").build(); SearchResult execute = jestClient.execute(search); List<SearchResult.Hit<PmsSkuSearchInfo, Void>> hits = execute.getHits(PmsSkuSearchInfo.class); for (SearchResult.Hit<PmsSkuSearchInfo, Void> hit : hits) { PmsSkuSearchInfo source = hit.source; pmsSearchSkuInfos.add(source); } System.out.println(pmsSearchSkuInfos.size()); }
Query the encapsulation tool class of dsl
@Test public void get() throws IOException { // The dsl tool of jest SearchSourceBuilder searchSourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder(); // bool BoolQueryBuilder boolQueryBuilder = new BoolQueryBuilder(); // filter TermQueryBuilder termQueryBuilder = new TermQueryBuilder("skuAttrValueList.valueId","43"); boolQueryBuilder.filter(termQueryBuilder); // must MatchQueryBuilder matchQueryBuilder = new MatchQueryBuilder("skuName","millet"); boolQueryBuilder.must(matchQueryBuilder); // query searchSourceBuilder.query(boolQueryBuilder); // from searchSourceBuilder.from(0); // size searchSourceBuilder.size(20); // highlight searchSourceBuilder.highlight(null); String dslStr = searchSourceBuilder.toString(); System.err.println(dslStr); // Search Search = new search.builder ("json statement of DSL"). addIndex("index name"). addType("table name"). build(); // Executing complex query with api List<PmsSkuSearchInfo> pmsSearchSkuInfos = new ArrayList<>(); Search search = new Search.Builder("").addIndex("gmall0105").addType("PmsSkuInfo").build(); SearchResult execute = jestClient.execute(search); List<SearchResult.Hit<PmsSkuSearchInfo, Void>> hits = execute.getHits(PmsSkuSearchInfo.class); for (SearchResult.Hit<PmsSkuSearchInfo, Void> hit : hits) { PmsSkuSearchInfo source = hit.source; pmsSearchSkuInfos.add(source); } System.out.println(pmsSearchSkuInfos.size()); }
5 search service completion + sorting + highlighting
(front end code omitted)
pojo defining query parameters
public class PmsSearchParam implements Serializable { private String catalog3Id; private String keyword; private List<PmsSkuAttrValue> skuAttrValueList; }
@Controller @CrossOrigin public class SearchController { @Reference private SearchService searchService; @RequestMapping("/list.html") public String list(PmsSearchParam pmsSearchParam, ModelMap map){ //Three level classification id, keyword //Call search service and return search results List<PmsSkuSearchInfo> pmsSkuSearchInfos = searchService.list(pmsSearchParam); map.put("skuLsInfoList",pmsSkuSearchInfos); return "list"; } }
@Service public class SearchServiceImpl implements SearchService { @Autowired private JestClient jestClient; @Override public List<PmsSkuSearchInfo> list(PmsSearchParam pmsSearchParam) { String dslStr = getSearchDsl(pmsSearchParam); System.err.println(dslStr); // Executing complex query with api List<PmsSkuSearchInfo> pmsSearchSkuInfos = new ArrayList<>(); Search search = new Search.Builder(dslStr).addIndex("gmall0105").addType("PmsSkuInfo").build(); SearchResult execute = null; try { execute = jestClient.execute(search); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } List<SearchResult.Hit<PmsSkuSearchInfo, Void>> hits = execute.getHits(PmsSkuSearchInfo.class); for (SearchResult.Hit<PmsSkuSearchInfo, Void> hit : hits) { PmsSkuSearchInfo source = hit.source; //Get highlights Map<String, List<String>> highlight = hit.highlight; String skuName = highlight.get("skuName").get(0); source.getSkuName(); pmsSearchSkuInfos.add(source); } System.err.println(pmsSearchSkuInfos.size()); return pmsSearchSkuInfos; } private String getSearchDsl(PmsSearchParam pmsSearchParam) { List<PmsSkuAttrValue> skuAttrValueList = pmsSearchParam.getSkuAttrValueList(); String keyword = pmsSearchParam.getKeyword(); String catalog3Id = pmsSearchParam.getCatalog3Id(); // The dsl tool of jest SearchSourceBuilder searchSourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder(); // bool BoolQueryBuilder boolQueryBuilder = new BoolQueryBuilder(); // filter if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(catalog3Id)){ TermQueryBuilder termQueryBuilder = new TermQueryBuilder("catalog3Id",catalog3Id); boolQueryBuilder.filter(termQueryBuilder); } if (skuAttrValueList != null) { for (PmsSkuAttrValue pmsSkuAttrValue : skuAttrValueList) { TermQueryBuilder termQueryBuilder = new TermQueryBuilder("skuAttrValueList.valueId", pmsSkuAttrValue.getValueId()); boolQueryBuilder.filter(termQueryBuilder); } } // must if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(keyword)) { MatchQueryBuilder matchQueryBuilder = new MatchQueryBuilder("skuName", keyword); boolQueryBuilder.must(matchQueryBuilder); } // query searchSourceBuilder.query(boolQueryBuilder); // from searchSourceBuilder.from(0); // size searchSourceBuilder.size(20); // highlight: highlight HighlightBuilder highlightBuilder = new HighlightBuilder(); highlightBuilder.preTags("<span style='color:red;'>");//prefix highlightBuilder.field("skuName"); highlightBuilder.postTags("</span>");//Suffix searchSourceBuilder.highlight(highlightBuilder); //sort searchSourceBuilder.sort("id", SortOrder.DESC); String dslStr = searchSourceBuilder.toString(); return dslStr; } }