Recently on the project, customers asked me to help see a view with slow queries, provided that they had optimized it internally before giving it to me. When I saw their optimization, they simply used hint statements, and it didn't work.
First of all, we will describe the situation of this view. It consists of three SQL unions, totaling about 220 + rows. Some field values are obtained through DBLINK. Details are as follows:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW CUX_DWMS_GROUP_LOT_ITA_V AS select t.batch_no, t.delivery_detail_id, t.order_type, t.virtual_ship_flag, t.ship_number, t.source_header_number, t.source_line_number, t.reference_number, t.party_name, t.ship_add, t.item_number, t.item_name, t.requested_quantity, t.picked_qty, t.requested_quantity_uom, t.pick_person, t.schedule_ship_date, t.ordered_date, t.organization_id, t.organization_code, t.organization_name, t.subinventory, t.ship_method_code, t.ship_method, t.released_status, t.line_status, t.remark, t.creation_date, t.printed_flag, t.box_count, t.pack_method, t.ship_desctiption, t.ddt_type from (SELECT /*+ leading (ooh) index(ooh ONT.OE_ORDER_HEADERS_N11) index (csi CUX.CUX_SHIP_INPUT_INFO_ITA_N01)*/ row_number() over(partition by trh.request_number, wdd.source_header_number, wdd.source_line_number order by wdd.delivery_detail_id desc) rn, trh.request_number batch_no, wdd.delivery_detail_id, ott.attribute2 order_type, ooh.attribute9 virtual_ship_flag, (select csi.print_num from cux_ship_input_info_ita csi where csi.batch_num = trh.request_number and csi.source_header_number = wdd.source_header_number) ship_number, wdd.source_header_number, wdd.source_line_number, wdd.reference_number, ooh.attribute5 party_name, ool.attribute1 || '.' || ool.attribute4 ship_add, msib.segment1 item_number, msib.description item_name, wdd.requested_quantity, nvl(trl.quantity_delivered, 0) picked_qty, wdd.requested_quantity_uom, ooh.attribute6 pick_person, ool.schedule_ship_date, ooh.ordered_date, ood.organization_id, ood.organization_code, ood.organization_name, wdd.ORIGINAL_SUBINVENTORY subinventory, ool.attribute2 ship_method_code, ool.attribute3 ship_method, wdd.released_status, flv.meaning line_status, ooh.attribute2 remark, ooh.creation_date, decode(csi.print_flag, NULL, 'N', 'Y') printed_flag, csi.box_count, --Number csi.pack_method, --Loading method csi.ship_desctiption, --describe (select flv.lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values_vl flv, cmo, ooh1, cux_wms_so_sync_all cws where cmo.freasonsforshipment = flv.MEANING and flv.lookup_type = 'CUX_PRINT_TEMPLATE_MAPPING' and cmo.fodernumber = cws.order_number and cws.mo_number = ooh.order_number and rownum<2 /*group by flv.lookup_code*/) ddt_type FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd, wsh_delivery_assignments wda, oe_order_headers_all ooh, mtl_txn_request_lines trl, mtl_txn_request_headers trh, ont.oe_transaction_types_all ott, oe_order_lines_all ool, mtl_system_items_b msib, org_organization_definitions ood, fnd_lookup_values flv, cux_ship_input_info_ita csi WHERE 1 = 1 AND trh.header_id = trl.header_id AND trl.line_id = wdd.move_order_line_id AND wda.delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id AND ool.header_id = ooh.header_id AND ooh.order_type_id = ott.transaction_type_id AND wdd.source_line_id = ool.line_id AND wdd.source_code = 'OE' AND wdd.inventory_item_id = msib.inventory_item_id AND wdd.organization_id = msib.organization_id AND wdd.organization_id = ood.organization_id AND flv.lookup_type = 'PICK_STATUS' AND flv.lookup_code = wdd.released_status AND flv.enabled_flag = 'Y' AND (SYSDATE BETWEEN flv.start_date_active AND nvl(flv.end_date_active, SYSDATE + 2)) AND flv.language = userenv('LANG') AND ooh.flow_status_code in ('BOOKED', 'CLOSED') AND ood.ORGANIZATION_CODE = '941' AND wdd.released_status in ('Y', 'C') AND csi.batch_num = trh.request_number AND csi.source_header_number = wdd.source_header_number ) t WHERE t.rn = 1 UNION --Sample collar select /*+index (csi CUX.CUX_SHIP_INPUT_INFO_ITA_N01)*/mtrh1.request_number batch_no, 0 delivery_detail_id, 'Move Order' order_type, '' virtual_ship_flag, '' ship_number, '' source_header_number, '' source_line_number, '' reference_number, decode(cic.Accnt_name, 'Overseas internal testing', cic.bus_owner, cic.accnt_name) party_name, cic.addr ship_add, cic.part_num item_number, msi.description item_name, mtrl.quantity requested_quantity, mmt.transaction_quantity picked_qty, msi.primary_uom_code requested_quantity_uom, (select to_char(user_name) from fnd_user where user_id = mmt.created_by) pick_person, mtrh.creation_date schedule_ship_date, mtrh.creation_date ordered_date, mmt.organization_id organization_id, cic.out_inv_org organization_code, (select organization_name from org_organization_definitions where organization_code = cic.out_inv_org) organization_name, mmt.subinventory_code subinventory, '' ship_method_code, '' ship_method, '' released_status, '' line_status, '' remark, sysdate creation_date, csi.print_flag printed_flag, csi.box_count box_count, csi.pack_method pack_method, csi.ship_desctiption ship_desctiption, decode(cic.accnt_name, 'Overseas internal testing', 'B9', 'B4') DDT_TYPE from cic, mtrh, mtrl, mtl_material_transactions mmt, mtl_txn_request_headers mtrh1, mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl1, mtl_system_items_b msi, cux_ship_input_info_ita csi where cic.out_inv_org = '941' and cic.process_status = 'S' and cic.move_order_header_id = mtrh.header_id and cic.move_order_line_id = mtrl.line_id and msi.inventory_item_id = mmt.inventory_item_id and msi.organization_id = mmt.organization_id and mtrh1.header_id = mmt.transaction_source_id and mtrl1.header_id = mtrl1.header_id and mtrl1.line_id = mmt.trx_source_line_id and mmt.transaction_type_id = 160 and mmt.organization_id = 270 and mmt.transaction_quantity > 0 and mtrl1.line_number = mtrl.line_number and mtrh1.request_number = 'W' || mtrh.request_number and mtrh1.request_number=csi.batch_num(+) UNION --Transfer warehouse, for central warehouse and Milan warehouse select /*+index (csi CUX.CUX_SHIP_INPUT_INFO_ITA_N01)*/mtrh.request_number batch_no, 0 delivery_detail_id, 'Move Order' order_type, '' virtual_ship_flag, '' ship_number, '' source_header_number, '' source_line_number, '' reference_number, 'Dahua Technology S.r.l.' party_name, 'Via Brughetti, 9/h - 20813 Bovisio Masciago (MB)' ship_add, msi.segment1 item_number, msi.description item_name, mtrl.quantity requested_quantity, sum(mmt.transaction_quantity) picked_qty, msi.primary_uom_code requested_quantity_uom, (select to_char(user_name) from fnd_user where user_id = mmt.created_by) pick_person, mtrh.creation_date schedule_ship_date, mtrh.creation_date ordered_date, mmt.organization_id organization_id, ood.organization_code organization_code, ood.organization_name organization_name, mmt.subinventory_code subinventory, '' ship_method_code, '' ship_method, '' released_status, '' line_status, '' remark, sysdate creation_date, csi.print_flag printed_flag, csi.box_count box_count, csi.pack_method pack_method, csi.ship_desctiption ship_desctiption, 'S1' DDT_TYPE from mtl_material_transactions mmt, mtl_txn_request_headers mtrh, mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl, mtl_system_items_b msi, org_organization_definitions ood, cux_ship_input_info_ita csi where mtrh.header_id = mmt.transaction_source_id and mtrl.line_id = mmt.trx_source_line_id and mtrh.header_id = mtrh.header_id and mmt.organization_id = mtrh.organization_id and msi.inventory_item_id = mtrl.inventory_item_id and msi.organization_id = mmt.organization_id and ood.ORGANIZATION_ID = mmt.ORGANIZATION_ID and mmt.transaction_type_id = 115 --Subinventory transfer and mmt.organization_id = 270 and mmt.transaction_quantity > 0 and ((mtrl.to_subinventory_code = '91.02.01' and mtrl.from_subinventory_code = '91.02.02') or (mtrl.to_subinventory_code = '91.02.02' and mtrl.from_subinventory_code = '91.02.01')) and mtrh.request_number = csi.batch_num and not exists (select 1 from mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl1 where mtrl1.line_id = mtrl.line_id and mtrl1.line_status = ('7')) --Ensure that the single line of handling is not open --and mtrh.request_number = 'W10194646' group by mtrh.request_number, msi.segment1, msi.description, mtrl.quantity, msi.primary_uom_code, mmt.created_by, mtrh.creation_date, mtrh.creation_date, mmt.organization_id, ood.organization_code, ood.organization_name, mmt.subinventory_code , csi.print_flag, csi.box_count, csi.pack_method, csi.ship_desctiption;
Secondly, the view was queried in plsql. After 200 + minutes, the result was not executed. Finally, the trace log file was typed out after running. The result of this SQL is only 6 pieces of data. Why does it take so long?
Finally, let me talk about my sql optimization idea.
- Generally, Sql optimization has to start from the root and adjust the SQL. Most technical or consultants or customers only pay attention to the execution results while writing the SQL, regardless of their performance in time/space, so most SQL can not withstand deliberation, so the premise of adjusting the SQL is to ensure that the results are correct. The purpose of SQL adjustment is to make use of the data set driver in Oracle to make the result set with small amount of data predominate and associate other tables or objects. 2. Let where clause condition index and try to index the result set with small amount. The adjusted view is as follows:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW CUX_DWMS_GROUP_LOT_ITA_V AS select t.batch_no, t.delivery_detail_id, t.order_type, t.virtual_ship_flag, t.ship_number, t.source_header_number, t.source_line_number, t.reference_number, t.party_name, t.ship_add, t.item_number, t.item_name, t.requested_quantity, t.picked_qty, t.requested_quantity_uom, t.pick_person, t.schedule_ship_date, t.ordered_date, t.organization_id, t.organization_code, t.organization_name, t.subinventory, t.ship_method_code, t.ship_method, t.released_status, t.line_status, t.remark, t.creation_date, t.printed_flag, t.box_count, t.pack_method, t.ship_desctiption, t.ddt_type from (SELECT row_number() over(partition by trh.request_number, wdd.source_header_number, wdd.source_line_number order by wdd.delivery_detail_id desc) rn, trh.request_number batch_no, wdd.delivery_detail_id, (select ott.attribute2 from ont.oe_transaction_types_all ott where ooh.order_type_id = ott.transaction_type_id) order_type, ooh.attribute9 virtual_ship_flag, (select csi.print_num from cux_ship_input_info_ita csi where csi.batch_num = trh.request_number and csi.source_header_number = wdd.source_header_number) ship_number, wdd.source_header_number, wdd.source_line_number, wdd.reference_number, ooh.attribute5 party_name, ool.attribute1 || '.' || ool.attribute4 ship_add, msib.segment1 item_number, msib.description item_name, wdd.requested_quantity, nvl(trl.quantity_delivered, 0) picked_qty, wdd.requested_quantity_uom, ooh.attribute6 pick_person, ool.schedule_ship_date, ooh.ordered_date, ood.organization_id, ood.organization_code, ood.organization_name, wdd.original_subinventory subinventory, ool.attribute2 ship_method_code, ool.attribute3 ship_method, wdd.released_status, (select flv.meaning from fnd_lookup_values_vl flv where 1 = 1 AND flv.lookup_type = 'PICK_STATUS' AND flv.lookup_code = wdd.released_status AND flv.enabled_flag = 'Y' AND (SYSDATE BETWEEN flv.start_date_active AND nvl(flv.end_date_active, SYSDATE + 2))) line_status, ooh.attribute2 remark, ooh.creation_date, decode(csi.print_flag, NULL, 'N', 'Y') printed_flag, csi.box_count, --Number csi.pack_method, --Loading method csi.ship_desctiption, --describe (select flv.lookup_code from fnd_lookup_values_vl flv, cmo, cux_wms_so_sync_all cws -- Not go T2 Indexes where cmo.freasonsforshipment = flv.MEANING and flv.lookup_type = 'CUX_PRINT_TEMPLATE_MAPPING' and cmo.fodernumber = cws.order_number and cws.mo_number = ooh.order_number and rownum = 1) ddt_type FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd, oe_order_headers_all ooh, oe_order_lines_all ool, mtl_txn_request_lines trl, mtl_txn_request_headers trh, mtl_system_items_b msib, org_organization_definitions ood, cux_ship_input_info_ita csi WHERE 1 = 1 and wdd.source_header_id = ooh.header_id AND wdd.source_line_id = ool.line_id AND wdd.source_code = 'OE' AND wdd.released_status in ('Y', 'C') and wdd.inventory_item_id = ool.inventory_item_id AND wdd.move_order_line_id = trl.line_id and wdd.inventory_item_id = trl.inventory_item_id and wdd.organization_id = trl.organization_id AND wdd.inventory_item_id = msib.inventory_item_id AND wdd.organization_id = msib.organization_id AND wdd.organization_id = ood.organization_id AND trh.header_id = trl.header_id AND ooh.header_id = ool.header_id AND ooh.flow_status_code in ('BOOKED', 'CLOSED') AND ood.organization_id = 270 AND csi.batch_num = trh.request_number AND csi.source_header_number = wdd.source_header_number) t WHERE t.rn = 1 UNION --Sample collar select wms_temp.request_number batch_no, 0 delivery_detail_id, 'Move Order' order_type, '' virtual_ship_flag, '' ship_number, '' source_header_number, '' source_line_number, '' reference_number, decode(ebs_temp.accnt_name, 'Overseas internal testing', ebs_temp.bus_owner, ebs_temp.accnt_name) party_name, ebs_temp.addr ship_add, ebs_temp.part_num item_number, wms_temp.description item_name, ebs_temp.quantity requested_quantity, wms_temp.transaction_quantity picked_qty, wms_temp.primary_uom_code requested_quantity_uom, (select to_char(user_name) from fnd_user where user_id = wms_temp.created_by) pick_person, ebs_temp.creation_date schedule_ship_date, ebs_temp.creation_date ordered_date, wms_temp.organization_id organization_id, ebs_temp.out_inv_org organization_code, (select organization_name from org_organization_definitions where organization_code = ebs_temp.out_inv_org) organization_name, wms_temp.subinventory_code subinventory, '' ship_method_code, '' ship_method, '' released_status, '' line_status, '' remark, sysdate creation_date, csi.print_flag printed_flag, csi.box_count box_count, csi.pack_method pack_method, csi.ship_desctiption ship_desctiption, decode(ebs_temp.accnt_name, 'Overseas internal testing', 'B9', 'B4') ddt_type from (select cic.addr, cic.part_num, mtrl.quantity, mtrh.creation_date, mtrh.request_number, mtrl.line_number, cic.out_inv_org, cic.bus_owner, cic.accnt_name from cic, mtrh, mtrl where cic.out_inv_org = '941' and cic.process_status = 'S' and cic.move_order_header_id = mtrh.header_id and cic.move_order_line_id = mtrl.line_id and mtrh.header_id = mtrl.line_id) ebs_temp, (select mtrh1.request_number, mtrl1.line_number, msi.description, mmt.transaction_quantity, msi.primary_uom_code, mmt.created_by, mmt.organization_id, mmt.subinventory_code from mtl_material_transactions mmt, mtl_txn_request_headers mtrh1, mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl1, mtl_system_items_b msi where 1 = 1 and msi.inventory_item_id = mmt.inventory_item_id and msi.organization_id = mmt.organization_id and mtrh1.header_id = mmt.transaction_source_id and mtrl1.header_id = mtrl1.header_id and mtrl1.line_id = mmt.trx_source_line_id and mmt.transaction_type_id = 160 and mmt.organization_id = 270 and mmt.transaction_quantity > 0) wms_temp, cux_ship_input_info_ita csi where 1 = 1 and wms_temp.line_number = ebs_temp.line_number and wms_temp.request_number = 'W' || ebs_temp.request_number and wms_temp.request_number = csi.batch_num(+) UNION --Transfer warehouse, for central warehouse and Milan warehouse select mmt_temp.batch_no, 0 delivery_detail_id, 'Move Order' order_type, '' virtual_ship_flag, '' ship_number, '' source_header_number, '' source_line_number, '' reference_number, 'Dahua Technology S.r.l.' party_name, 'Via Brughetti, 9/h - 20813 Bovisio Masciago (MB)' ship_add, mmt_temp.item_number, mmt_temp.item_name, mmt_temp.requested_quantity, mmt_temp.picked_qty, mmt_temp.requested_quantity_uom, (select to_char(user_name) from fnd_user where user_id = mmt_temp.created_by) pick_person, mmt_temp.creation_date schedule_ship_date, mmt_temp.creation_date ordered_date, mmt_temp.organization_id, ood.organization_code organization_code, ood.organization_name organization_name, mmt_temp.subinventory, '' ship_method_code, '' ship_method, '' released_status, '' line_status, '' remark, sysdate creation_date, csi.print_flag printed_flag, csi.box_count box_count, csi.pack_method pack_method, csi.ship_desctiption ship_desctiption, 'S1' ddt_type from (select mtrh.request_number batch_no, msi.segment1 item_number, msi.description item_name, mtrl.quantity requested_quantity, sum(mmt.transaction_quantity) picked_qty, msi.primary_uom_code requested_quantity_uom, mmt.created_by, mtrh.creation_date, mmt.organization_id, mmt.subinventory_code subinventory from mtl_material_transactions mmt, mtl_txn_request_headers mtrh, inv.mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl, mtl_system_items_b msi where 1 = 1 and mmt.transaction_source_id = mtrh.header_id and mmt.trx_source_line_id = mtrl.line_id and mmt.organization_id = mtrl.organization_id and mmt.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id and mmt.organization_id = msi.organization_id and mtrh.header_id = mtrl.header_id and mmt.transaction_type_id = 115 --Subinventory transfer and mmt.transaction_quantity > 0 and mmt.organization_id = 270 and ((mtrl.to_subinventory_code = '91.02.01' and mtrl.from_subinventory_code = '91.02.02') or (mtrl.to_subinventory_code = '91.02.02' and mtrl.from_subinventory_code = '91.02.01')) and mtrl.line_status <> '7' --Ensure that the single line of handling is not open group by mtrh.request_number, msi.segment1, msi.description, mtrl.quantity, msi.primary_uom_code, mmt.created_by, mtrh.creation_date, mmt.organization_id, mmt.subinventory_code) mmt_temp, org_organization_definitions ood, cux_ship_input_info_ita csi where 1 = 1 and mmt_temp.batch_no = csi.batch_num and mmt_temp.organization_id = ood.organization_id;
After adjustment, cost decreased from 383.4w to 1.8w.
- Query the view again after sql adjustment, its execution time is not ideal, so it has to be analyzed through trace file.
Here is the sub-query on the select result. The T2 index of the table is built on the order_number field, and there is also dblink. First, it is strongly recommended that customers adjust the value sql here. The worst way is to specify the index with hint.
This also needs to be adjusted, but look at its sql and index field on the table [move_order_line_id], it is not inappropriate, if you must adjust, only adjust the index, build on move_order_line_id and release_status to reduce the result set, but the individual is not very recommend, reason for follow-up.
If adjusted, the execution time is controlled within 20-50 seconds.