Organize common DOM operations
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Framework is used a lot. Do you remember those pure JS grammars that operate on DOM? Look at this article and review it.
Operating className
To add class to the element, use the classList attribute, which returns the DOMTokenList object. The object has an add method to add class. If not, use className for string splicing.
function addClass(el, className) { el.classList ? el.classList.add(className) : el.className += ` ${className}` }
Check for the existence of a class
function hasClass(el, className) { return el.classList ? el.classList.contains(className) : el.className.split(' ').includes(className) }
Delete a class of elements
function removeClass(el, className) { if (el.classList) { el.classList.remove(className) } else { const classList = el.className.split(' ') classList.splice(classList.indexOf(className), 1) el.className = classList } }
toggle sets or cancels class as appropriate
function toggleClass(el, className) { if (el.classList) { el.classList.toggle(className) } else { const classList = el.className.split(' ') if (classList.includes(className)) { classList.splice(classList.indexOf(className), 1) el.className = classList.join(' ') } else { el.className += ` ${className}` } } }
Attributes and values of elements
Getting attributes of html elements through getAttribute
Setting attributes of html elements through setAttribute
el.setAttribute(attrName, attrValue)
Delete attributes of html elements by removeAttribute
Get the element html code; pass in true to get outerHTML
function html(el, ifOuter = false) { return ifOuter ? el.outerHTML : el.innerHTML }
Override previous values through outerHTML or innerHTML
outerHTML/innerHTML = newHTMLString
Get the element contentText, considering compatibility innerText
el.contentText || el.innerText
Override previous values by contentText or innerText assignments
el.contentText/innerText = newVal
Parse the HTML string and create a document-fragment using the createContextual Fragment method
function parse(htmlString) { const range = document.createRange() const parse = range.createContextualFragment.bind(range) return parse(htmlString) }
Operating parent-child relationship nodes
Get the parent element
Starting from el, from inside to outside, get the first ancestor element (including itself) that matches selector. Using matches method, compatibility needs to be handled well.
function closest(el, selector) { const matchesSelector = el.matches || el.webkitMatchesSelector || el.mozMatchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector if (, selector)) { return el } else { el = el.parentElement return closest(el, selector) } }
Add a new element after the element and use the appendChild method directly.
function appendChild(parentNode, newEl) { parentNode.appendChild(newEl) }
Insert a new element in front of the element and use insertBefore directly. Note that you need to call it on parentNode. refEl represents the reference node.
function insertBefore(parentNode, newEl, refEl) { parentNode.insertBefore(newEl, refEl) }
Get all non-annotated nodes under the element
function children(el) { return [...el.children].filter(item => item.nodeType != 8) }
Or use query Seclector All
Delete all child elements of an element
function remove(el) { el.firstChild && el.removeChild(el.firstChild) && remove(el) }
Check whether an element is included under the element, and pass in the selector selector string or node
function hasChild(el, child) { if (typeof child === 'string') { return el.querySelector(child) !== null } else { return el !== child && el.contains(child) } }
Check whether the element has child elements
Delete the child elements specified by the element
function removeChild(parentNode, childNode) { return parentNode.removeChild(childNode) }
Replace one node with another
function replaceChild(parentNode, newNode, oldNode) { return parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, oldNode) }
Get the first child node of the element
Get the first child node of the element
Operating Brotherhood Nodes
Get a node whose next or previous nodeType is ELEMENT_NODE and recursively call next/prevElementSibling using next/prevElementSibling compatibility
function elementSibling(el, prev = false) { if (prev) { if (el.previousElementSibling) return el.previousElementSibling el = el.previousSibling if (el && el.nodeType === 1) { return el } else { return elementSibling(el, true) } } else { if (el.nextElementSibling) return el.nextElementSibling el = el.nextSibling if (el && el.nodeType === 1) { return el } else { return elementSibling(el) } } }
Get all sibling nodes except yourself, including next/prev
function siblings(el) { return [...el.parentNode.children].filter(item => item !== el) }
Add html code inside or outside the element; insert Adjacent html receives two parameters, one is the relative position, and the other is the html string.
- 'beforebegin': Before the element itself.
- 'afterbegin': Just inside the element, before its first child.
- 'beforeend': Just inside the element, after its last child.
- 'afterend': After the element itself.
<!-- beforebegin --> <p> <!-- afterbegin --> foo <!-- beforeend --> </p> <!-- afterend -->
function insertAdjacentHTML(el, pos, html) { el.insertAdjacentHTML(pos, html) }
Node filtering and traversal
Cloning node, if Deep afferent is deep cloning
function cloneNode(el, ifDeep = true) { return el.cloneNode(ifDeep) }
Get the list of elements according to css Selector and trigger callback functions for each element
function forEach(selector, cb) { [...document.querySelectorAll(selector)].forEach(cb) }
Obtaining elements that meet the filter callback function conditions according to selector
function filter(selector, cb) { return [...document.querySelectorAll(selector)].filter(cb) }
Check whether the element is the element selected by the selector
function matchSelector(el, selector) { if (el.matches) { return el.matches(selector) } else { return [...el.parentNode.querySelectorAll(selector)].some(item => item === el) } }
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