django's addition, deletion, modification and query of database

Keywords: MySQL Django

Django's operation on the database (addition, deletion, modification and query)

1. Add data method

>>>from entry name.models import Table name to import
>>>Variable name = In which table do you want to add the name of the data table(
	Added data,for example:name = 'Xiao Ming',
	age = '18'

for instance:

>>>from list.models import Book
>>>book = Book(
	name = 'Water Margin'
	author = 'Shi Naian'

Results: a new piece of data was added in the Book, the title of the Book was water margin, and the author was Shi Naian

2.create method

>>>In which table do you want to add the name of the data table.objects.create(
		Data to be added,for example: name = 'Song Jiang'

for instance:

>>>from list.modles import Person
		name = 'Song Jiang',
		age = '38'

Results: a new piece of data was added in the Person table. The name was Song Jiang and the age was 38

2. Modify data method

>>>from entry name.models import Table name to import
>>>Variable name = Table name.objects.get(Which data conditions need to be modified)
>>>Variable name.Data key to be modified = value
>>> Variable

for instance:

>>>from list.models import Person
>>>person = Person.objects.get(name='Song Jiang')
>>> = 'Li Kui'

Result: Song Jiang's name was changed to Li Kui

2.update method

>>>from entry name.models import Table name to import
>>>Table name.objects.filter(Which data search criteria need to be modified).update(Data key to be modified = value)

for instance:

>>>from list.models import Person
Person.objects.filter(name='Li Kui').update(name='Song Jiang')

Results: Li Kui's name was changed to Song Jiang

3. Delete data

1.delete method

>>>from entry name.models import Table name to import
>>>Variable name = Table name.objects.get(Conditions for which data to delete)
>>>Variable name.delete()

for instance:

>>>from list.models import Person
>>>person = Person.objects.get(name='Song Jiang')

Result: Song Jiang was deleted

2.objects.filter().delete() method

>>>from entry name.models import Table name to import
>>>Table name.objects.filter(Conditions for which data to delete).delete()

for instance:

>>>from list.models import Book
>>>Book.objects.filter(name='Water Margin').delete()

Results: the book of outlaws of the marsh was deleted

Query data

1. Basic condition query

Basic query:


Query a single result. If it does not exist, the model class and DoseNotExist exception will be thrown


Query multiple results


Number of query results

Table name to query.objects.get(query criteria)
Table name to query.objects.all()
Table name to query.objects.count()

Filter query:


Filter out multiple results


Excluding those that meet the conditions, the remaining results

Exact query:

exact: indicates judgment, etc

Table name.objects.filter(condition_exact =' 1')
Table name.objects.exclude(condition_exact = '1')

Items with query criteria of 1

Items with query criteria other than 1

Fuzzy query:

contains: include

Table name.objects.filter(condition_contains ='1')
Table name.objects.exclude(condition_contains = '1')

Query items containing 1

The query does not contain items for 1

Startswitch and endswitch: start and end with the specified
>>> Table name.object.filter(condition_endswith='pass')

Result: query items ending with pass

Empty query:

isnull: is it null

>>> Table name.objects.filter(condition_isnull = True)

Items with empty query criteria

Range query:

In: is it included in the scope

>>>Table name.objects.filter(condition_in = [1,3,5])

Query items within [1,3,5]

Comparison query:

gt: greater than (greater then)

gte: greater then equal

lt: less than (less then)

lte: less than or equal

>>>Table name.objects.filter(condition_gt=3)

Items with query criteria greater than 3

Date query:

year,month,day,week_day, hour, minute, second: calculate the attributes of date time type.

Table name.objects.filter(condition_date_gt='1990-1-1')

Queries for items after 1 January 1990


lte: less than or equal

>>>Table name.objects.filter(condition_gt=3)

Items with query criteria greater than 3

Date query:

year,month,day,week_day, hour, minute, second: calculate the attributes of date time type.

Table name.objects.filter(condition_date_gt='1990-1-1')

Queries for items after 1 January 1990

Posted by lukeurtnowski on Mon, 29 Nov 2021 12:33:51 -0800