django custom filters and labels

Keywords: Python Android iOS Java

Custom filters and labels are written in the python file (.py), so first create a new folder name, and then create a new folder under this folder, the name is generally written template tags, write this name, in order to facilitate the connection with the system, and finally create a new Python file under template tags, take a name This is, and then register the new outermost folder name into the APPS in
Filters and labels are usually written in templates, so prepare a template and some data first.

Create a new template and name it test2.html in

context(context)The data in the test2.html Stencil

def func(request):
return render(request,'test/test2.html', context={

    'time_format':'%Y %m %d %H:%M:%S',
    'showList':['android', 'ios', 'java', 'ai', 'python'],


test2.html in

Import custom file names on top
{% load common_extra %}

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    < title > custom tags and filters </title >

Custom Sorting Filter
{{ list|my_sort }} <br>
Customized Uppercase Filter
{{ name|myUpper }} <br>
Custom Replacement String Character Filter
{{ name|myReplace:'i' }} <br>


Custom access to current time label
{% current_time %}


Customize Getting Current Time Label Passing Parameters
{% current_time2 '%Y %m %d %H:%M:%S' %}


A custom simple addition filter
{% add 10 100 %}


A custom filter to get the current time, using context data
{% current_time3 %}


Customizing Inclusion Labels Using showTest.html Template
{% showHtml %}


Customize inclusion tags using showTest.html template transfer parameters
{% showHtml2 'android' %}


Customize inclusion tags using showTest.html template using context data
{% showHtml3 %}

</html> file

Import template package
from django import template
//Getting Library Objects
register = template.Library()

# Custom filter

//Custom Sorting
def my_sort(value):
    a = sorted(value)
    return a

//Custom capitalization
def myUp(value):
    return value.upper() + '  custom'

//Custom substitution characters
def myReplace(value, arg):
    return value.replace(arg, 'k')

# Customize Simple Labels

//Import time packet
import datetime

//Customize Simple Tags without Parameters
def current_time():

    format_string = "%Y year %m month %d day %H:%M:%S"

//With parameters
def current_time2(timeFormat):


def add(a, b):
    c = a + b
    return c

//Using contextual data    
@register.simple_tag(takes_context=True)#Allow use of context
def current_time3(context):#This parameter name must be context
    format = context.get('time_format')

# Custom Inclusion Label
//Including tags is one thing to be displayed in one module and rendered in another module.

# No parameters
def showHtml():
    arr = ['java', 'ios', 'python', 'web', 'php', 'c']
    return {'array':arr}

#Including parameters
def showHtml2(arr):

    return {'array':arr}

# Use contextual data
@register.inclusion_tag('test/showTest.html', takes_context=True)
def showHtml3(context):
    list = context.get('showList')
    return {'array':list}

showTest.html in

{% for i in array %}

    <button>{{ i }}</button><br>

{% endfor %}

Posted by on Fri, 09 Aug 2019 01:30:57 -0700