Development of an H5 game

Keywords: Mobile

Role control

After the map and character are created, you can use the mouse, keyboard, or instructions from the server to run, fight Wait for the animation action. If you simply control the execution of the animation directly, there will be another one playing before the action is finished. Multiple operations will only execute the last one. Make the animation look very chaotic and uncontrollable
At this time, we need to add a set of state to the animation, and then design a set of mechanism that can issue a command - > execute a command according to the State - > change the State - > the command is executed. In this way, the animation looks very natural, and then the control is relatively simple


To facilitate control, we further encapsulate some data such as roleobject and roledata

 * role
class Role implements IPooledObject {
	protected _roleData:RoleData;//Role data
	protected _roleObject:RoleObject;//Character display object
	protected _pauseState:boolean = false;
	protected _pauseObject:boolean = false;
	protected _playRate:number = 1;
	protected _controller:ActionStateController;//Action state controller
	protected _actionCommandProcessor:ActionCommandProcessor;// Action command processor
	protected _roleActionListener:IRoleActionListener;//Role action monitor interface
	protected _roleActionCommandListener:IRoleActionCommandListener;//Role action command listener interface
	protected _roleMapListener:IRoleMapListener;

Role status

The status is as follows, which can be adjusted according to the needs of the game
NONE = 0, none
IDLE = 1, idle
MOVE = 2, move
ATTACK = 3, attack
BE_ATTACK = 4, attacked
DEADING = 5, dying
DEAD = 6, dead
COLLECT = 7, collect
ACTIVE = 8, active
How to handle state

	 * state
	public get state():RoleActionState {
		return this._state;

	 * Get whether it is the current state
	protected isCurrentState():boolean {
		return this.roleData.isInState(this._state);
     * Is it in the current state
    public isInState(state:RoleActionState):boolean {
        return this.state == state;

     * Whether the previous state is the specified state
    public isInStateLast(state:RoleActionState):boolean {
        return this.lastState == state;

     * Whether the status can be set
    public canSetState(state:RoleActionState):boolean {
        return this.state != state;

     * Set status
    public setState(state:RoleActionState):boolean {
        if (this.state != state) {
            if (this.state != RoleActionState.NONE && this.state != RoleActionState.IDLE) {
                this.lastNoneEmptyState = this.state;
            this.lastState = this.state;
            this.state = state;
            return true;
        } else {
            this.lastState = this.state;
            return false;

     * Cancel status or not
    public canCancelState(state:RoleActionState):boolean {
        return this.state == state;

     * Cancel status
    public cancelState(state:RoleActionState):boolean {
        if (this.state == state) {
            return true;
        return false;

     * Is it idle
    public isIdleState():boolean {
        return this.state == RoleActionState.NONE || this.state == RoleActionState.IDLE;

Perform animation


Command is the process of changing the execution of a character's actions on a server or player,

Command classification

The command is set to correspond to the action of the animation. Move has move command, attack has attack command

Command processor

It is used to manage commands, add and remove commands, stop commands, clean commands, etc

 * Action command processor
class ActionCommandProcessor implements IActionCommandListener {

    public role:Role;
    public currentCommand:IActionCommand;
    protected _nextCommands:Array<IActionCommand>;

    public constructor(role:Role) {
        this.role = role;
        this._nextCommands = new Array<IActionCommand>();

     * Whether the action command is being executed
    public get isCommandRunning():boolean {
        return this.currentCommand != null;

     * Include action command or not
    public hasCommand(clazz:any):boolean {
        if (this.currentCommand != null && this.currentCommand instanceof clazz) {
            return true;
        return this.hasDelayCommand(clazz);

     * Include delay command or not
    public hasDelayCommand(clazz:any):boolean {
         for (var command of this._nextCommands) {
            if (command instanceof clazz) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Remove delay command
    public removeDelayCommand(clazz:any):boolean {
        var result:boolean = false;
        for (var i = this._nextCommands.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (this._nextCommands[i] instanceof clazz) {
                this._nextCommands.splice(i, 1);
                result = true;
        return result;

     * Start command execution
    public startCommand(command:IActionCommand, isDelay:boolean = false):boolean {
        if (this.currentCommand != null) {
            if (isDelay) {
            return false;
        this.currentCommand = command;
        this.currentCommand.role = this.role;
        return true;

     * Stop command execution
    public stopCommand(immediate:boolean = false):void {
        if (this.currentCommand != null) {
            if (this.currentCommand.canStop == false && immediate == false) {
            if (immediate) {
                this.currentCommand = null;

     * List of cleanup commands
    protected clearNextCommands():void {
        for (var command of this._nextCommands) {
        this._nextCommands.length = 0;

     * to update
    public update(deltaTime:number):void {
        if (this.currentCommand != null) {

     * Remove target 
    public removeTarget(target:Role):void {
        if (this.currentCommand != null) {

     * Action command complete
    public onActionCommandComplete(command:IActionCommand):void {
        if (this.currentCommand == command) {
            this.currentCommand = null;
            if (this._nextCommands.length > 0) {
                var tmpCommand:IActionCommand = this._nextCommands.shift();
        } else {

     * Reset
    public reset():void {
        if (this.currentCommand != null) {
            this.currentCommand = null;

Command execution

The core logic of specific execution of each command is to create corresponding action data and then execute the action

	public start():void {

		if (this.position != null) {
			GameModules.role.setRolePosition(this.role, this.position);
		var attackAction:AttackAction = ObjectPoolManager.inst.getObject(AttackAction) as AttackAction;
		attackAction.skillResID = this.skillResID;
		attackAction.direction = this.direction;
		attackAction.targets = this.targets;
		attackAction.targetPositions = this.targetPositions;
		attackAction.position = this.position;
		attackAction.destPosition = this.destPosition;
		attackAction.moveTime = this.moveTime;
		attackAction.animationLoop = this.animationLoop;
		attackAction.actionCallback = this._finishCallback;
		attackAction.onlyAction = this.onlyAction;

Action data is basically divided by action

Action execution

Action classification

In command this.doAction Because the action involves playing speed, direction, zoom A lot of different needs of processing. So for different needs of the implementation of action design action classification

Action control

Similar to the command processor, it controls the switching of actions

	 * Update controller
	public update(deltaTime:number):void {
		if (this._currentController != null) {
		} else if (this._defaultController != null) {

	 * Enable controller
	public activateController(state:RoleActionState, action:IRoleAction, ignoreState:boolean = false):void {
		var controller:IRoleActionController = this._controllerDict[state];
		if (controller != null) {
			if (controller.activate(action, ignoreState)) {
				if (this._currentController != null && this._currentController != controller) {
				this._currentController = controller;

	 * Disable controller
	public deactivateController(state:RoleActionState):void {
		var controller:IRoleActionController = this._controllerDict[state];
		if (controller != null) {
			if (controller.deactivate()) {
				if (this._currentController == controller) {
					this._currentController = null;

Action execution

In short, it's OK to play the animation directly in the action class

	protected activateInner(action:IRoleAction):boolean {
		this._moveAction = action as MoveAction;
		if (this._moveAction != null) {
			this._maxTime = this._moveAction.moveTime;
			// calculation speed
			// Set roleData
			this.roleData.direction = this._moveAction.direction;
			// Play action
			this.roleObject.playAction(this._moveAction.action, this._moveAction.direction);
			this.roleObject.frameIndex = this.roleData.moveFrame;
			// Set transparency
			if ( {
			} else {
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;

	protected caculateMoveSpeed():void {
		this._speedX = (this._moveAction.destPosition.realX - this.roleObject.position.x) / this._moveAction.moveTime;
		this._speedY = (this._moveAction.destPosition.realY - this.roleObject.position.y) / this._moveAction.moveTime;

	protected updateInner(deltaTime:number):void {
		if (this.isMaxTime()) {
			this.roleObject.setPositionXYZ(this._moveAction.destPosition.realX, this._moveAction.destPosition.realY);
		} else {
			this.roleObject.setPositionOffsetXYZ(this._speedX * deltaTime, this._speedY * deltaTime);
		if (this._role.roleMapListener != null) {
			this._role.roleMapListener.onRolePositionChanged(this._role, this.roleObject.position.x, this.roleObject.position.y);

This code is a mobile animation playback, from the previous chapters know
this.roleObject.playAction (this._ moveAction.action , this._ moveAction.direction ); it is the real play sequence frame animation
The logic of other places involved
Transparency of roles
Role position changes on the map
For example, playing attack involves skill effect, which is more complex. So it is necessary to do action processing. For complex attacks, the next chapter is expected to talk about the realization of attack skill effect

Posted by kenwvs on Tue, 16 Jun 2020 21:56:05 -0700