Development and basic use of android-opengles 3.0

Keywords: Android

GLSurfaceView configuration

First determine the version of opengles used, then set the specified renderer, and finally display it on Activity.

Note that in Activity's life cycle function, you control the start and pause of GLSurfaceView rendering.

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    private static final String TAG = "opengl-demos";
    private static final int GL_VERSION = 3;

    private GLSurfaceView glSurfaceView;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        //Initialize GLSurfaceView
        glSurfaceView = new GLSurfaceView(this);
        //Check whether OpenGLES 3.0 is supported
        if (!checkGLVersion()){
            Log.e(TAG, "not supported opengl es 3.0+");
        //Using opengles 3.0
        //Setting up the renderer
        glSurfaceView.setRenderer(new DemoRender());
        //Display GLSurfaceView to Activity


    private boolean checkGLVersion(){
        ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
        ConfigurationInfo ci = am.getDeviceConfigurationInfo();
        return ci.reqGlEsVersion >= 0x30000;

    protected void onResume() {
        //Execution rendering

    protected void onPause() {
        //Pause rendering

Implementing Render

Implementing GLSurfaceView.Renderer interface can customize the renderer.

Three methods are defined in the interface:

  • OnSurface Created: When Surface is created, the method is called by GLSurfaceView. Programs are called when they are created, and app s can be called when they are switched.
  • OnSurface Changed: Called when the size of Surface changes, such as when the horizontal and vertical screen is switched.
  • onDrawFrame: Draw frames.
public class DemoRender implements GLSurfaceView.Renderer {
    public void onSurfaceCreated(GL10 gl, EGLConfig config) {
        //The color used to clear the screen
        GLES30.glClearColor(1.0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);

    public void onSurfaceChanged(GL10 gl, int width, int height) {
        //Set palatable size

    public void onDrawFrame(GL10 gl) {
        //Use the color specified by glClearColor to erase the screen

This article combs the basic process of using opengles under android and the use of core classes, showing a pure color window.


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Posted by ashrust on Tue, 08 Oct 2019 09:23:20 -0700