Detectron2 keypoint_rcnn network c + + version deployment

Keywords: Anaconda network Python vim

Previously, we used the keypoint of detectron 2_ RCNN trains its own data set to complete the detection of object feature points. This article is to turn the pytorch model into the form of c + + call.

Detectron 2 provides routines for converting the pytorch model to c + + calls: Deployment , gpu version model conversion requires Python version > = 1.5.0, onnx version > = 1.6. Follow the official demo conversion.

  • The installation command of pytorch is as follows:
# conda switches Tsinghua source, much faster

vim ~/.condarc

  - defaults
show_channel_urls: true

conda clean -i 

# Create conda environment

conda create -n detectron2-pytorch1.5 python=3.7
source activate detectron2-pytorch1.5
conda install pytorch=1.5.0 torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
# If the speed is still slow, remove "- c pytorch"
  • Compiling reference of detectron 2 Official documents
  • Download the pytorch model from onnx to caffe2 libtorch And complete the conversion.
conda install protobuf numpy
pip install onnx

./ --config-file ../configs/COCO-Keypoints/keypoint_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml --output ./caffe2_model_gpu  MODEL.WEIGHTS ../output/model_final.pth  MODEL.DEVICE cuda

cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/home/jiajie/pytorch/libtorch ..

./build/caffe2_mask_rcnn --predict_net=./model.pb --init_net=./model_init.pb --input=crop_imglab_45.png

caffe2_mask_rcnn.cpp The code of is as follows. The official demo only adds the output part of feature points I need:

// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved

#include <c10/util/Flags.h>
#include <caffe2/core/blob.h>
#include <caffe2/core/common.h>
#include <caffe2/core/init.h>
#include <caffe2/core/net.h>
#include <caffe2/core/workspace.h>
#include <caffe2/core/context_gpu.h>
#include <caffe2/utils/proto_utils.h>

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <cassert>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>

C10_DEFINE_string(predict_net, "", "path to model.pb");
C10_DEFINE_string(init_net, "", "path to model_init.pb");
C10_DEFINE_string(input, "", "path to input image");

using namespace std;
using namespace caffe2;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  caffe2::GlobalInit(&argc, &argv);
  string predictNetPath = FLAGS_predict_net;
  string initNetPath = FLAGS_init_net;
  cv::Mat input = cv::imread(FLAGS_input, cv::IMREAD_COLOR);

  const int height = input.rows;
  const int width = input.cols;
  // FPN models require divisibility of 32
  assert(height % 32 == 0 && width % 32 == 0);
  const int batch = 1;
  const int channels = 3;

  // initialize Net and Workspace
  caffe2::NetDef initNet_, predictNet_;
  CAFFE_ENFORCE(ReadProtoFromFile(initNetPath, &initNet_));
  CAFFE_ENFORCE(ReadProtoFromFile(predictNetPath, &predictNet_));

  Workspace workSpace;
  for (auto& str : predictNet_.external_input()) { 

   for (auto& str : predictNet_.external_output()) {
    cout<<"name is: "<<str<<endl;

  // setup inputs
  auto data = BlobGetMutableTensor(workSpace.GetBlob("data"), caffe2::CPU);
  data->Resize(batch, channels, height, width);
  float* ptr = data->mutable_data<float>();
  // HWC to CHW
  for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
    for (int i = 0; i < height * width; ++i) {
      ptr[c * height * width + i] = static_cast<float>([3 * i + c]);

  auto im_info =
      BlobGetMutableTensor(workSpace.GetBlob("im_info"), caffe2::CPU);
  im_info->Resize(batch, 3);
  float* im_info_ptr = im_info->mutable_data<float>();
  im_info_ptr[0] = height;
  im_info_ptr[1] = width;
  im_info_ptr[2] = 1.0;

  // run the network

  // run 3 more times to benchmark
  int N_benchmark = 3;
  auto start_time = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  for (int i = 0; i < N_benchmark; ++i) {
  auto end_time = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
  auto ms = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(
                end_time - start_time)
  cout << "Latency: " << ms * 1.0 / 1e6 / N_benchmark << " seconds" << endl;

  // parse Mask R-CNN outputs
  auto& bbox = BlobGetTensor(*workSpace.GetBlob("bbox_nms"), caffe2::CPU);
  auto& scores = BlobGetTensor(*workSpace.GetBlob("score_nms"), caffe2::CPU);
  auto& labels = BlobGetTensor(*workSpace.GetBlob("class_nms"), caffe2::CPU);
  auto& kps_score = BlobGetTensor(*workSpace.GetBlob("kps_score"), caffe2::CPU);

  caffe2::Tensor bbox(
      workSpace.GetBlob("bbox_nms")->Get<caffe2::Tensor>(), caffe2::CPU);
  caffe2::Tensor scores(
      workSpace.GetBlob("score_nms")->Get<caffe2::Tensor>(), caffe2::CPU);
  caffe2::Tensor labels(
      workSpace.GetBlob("class_nms")->Get<caffe2::Tensor>(), caffe2::CPU);
  caffe2::Tensor kps_score(
      workSpace.GetBlob("kps_score")->Get<caffe2::Tensor>(), caffe2::CPU);

  cout << "bbox:" << bbox.DebugString() << endl;
  cout << "scores:" << scores.DebugString() << endl;
  cout << "labels:" << labels.DebugString() << endl;
  //(#ROIs, #keypoints, POOL_H, POOL_W)
  cout << "kps_score: " << kps_score.DebugString() << endl;

  //vector<float> kps_vec;

  //const float* kps =<float>() + 0 * kps_score.size_from_dim(1);
  //const float* kps_1 = kps + 0 * kps_score.size_from_dim(2);
  //cout <<"the size is: "<< kps_score.size_from_dim(0) << endl;

  int num_instances = bbox.sizes()[0];
  for (int i = 0; i < num_instances; ++i) {
    float score =<float>()[i];
    if (score < 0.9)
      continue; // skip them

    const float* box =<float>() + i * 4;
    int label =<float>()[i];

    cout << "Prediction " << i << ", xyxy=(";
    cout << box[0] << ", " << box[1] << ", " << box[2] << ", " << box[3]
         << "); score=" << score << "; label=" << label << endl;

    // Feature points are extracted from heatmaps

    const float* kps =<float>() + i * kps_score.size_from_dim(1);

    float bbx_offset_x = box[0];
    float bbx_offset_y = box[1];

    float bbx_width = (box[2]-box[0])>0?(box[2]-box[0]):1;
    float bbx_heights = (box[3]-box[1])>0?(box[3]-box[1]):1;

    int widths_ceil = ceil(bbx_width);
    int heights_ceil = ceil(bbx_heights);
    //cout<<"widths_ceil size: "<<widths_ceil<<endl;
    //cout<<"heights_ceil size: "<<heights_ceil<<endl;

    int num_keypoints = kps_score.size_from_dim(1)/kps_score.size_from_dim(2);
    //cout << "num_keypoints:  " << num_keypoints << endl;

    float xy_preds[num_keypoints*2] = {0};

    float width_corrections = bbx_width / widths_ceil;
    float height_corrections = bbx_heights / heights_ceil;
    cv::Size dsize = cv::Size(widths_ceil,heights_ceil);

    //bilinear interpolation 
    for(int n = 0;n<num_keypoints;++n)
      cv::Mat src_map = cv::Mat::zeros(56,56,CV_32FC1);
      cv::Mat resize_roi_map = cv::Mat::zeros(dsize,CV_32FC1);
      //cout<<"intput size: "<<src_map.cols<<" , "<<src_map.rows<<endl;
      //cout<<"output size: "<<resize_roi_map.cols<<" , "<<resize_roi_map.rows<<endl;

      for(int j = 0;j<src_map.rows;++j)
        for(int k = 0;k<src_map.cols;++k)
          *((float*)(*src_map.step[0]+k*src_map.step[1])) = kps[n*56*56+j*src_map.cols+k];

      double maxVal1 = 0; 
      cv::Point maxLoc1;

      cv::minMaxLoc(src_map, NULL, &maxVal1, NULL, &maxLoc1);
      cout << "Maximum value: "< maxval1 < endl;
      cout << "Maximum value position: "< maxloc1 < endl;
      cv::resize(src_map, resize_roi_map, dsize, 0, 0);
      //Default bilinear interpolation
      cout<<"output data size :"<<resize_roi_map.size()<<endl;
      double maxVal = 0; 
      cv::Point maxLoc;
      cv::minMaxLoc(resize_roi_map, NULL, &maxVal, NULL, &maxLoc);
      //Cout < < interpolation max.: < maxval < < endl;
      //Cout < < interpolation maximum position: < maxloc < < endl;

      float x_int = float(maxLoc.x);
      int y_int = maxLoc.y;
      //Minimize rounding error
      float x = (float(maxLoc.x) + 0.5) * width_corrections;
      float y = (float(maxLoc.y) + 0.5) * height_corrections;
      cout<<"x: "<<x<<" y: "<<y<<endl;
      xy_preds[n*2] = bbx_offset_x + x ;
      xy_preds[n*2 + 1] = bbx_offset_y + y ;

    for(int i = 0;i<num_keypoints;++i)
      cout<<"pred_x: "<<xy_preds[i*2+0]<<" pred_y: "<<xy_preds[i*2+1]<<endl;
  return 0;

Since the converted network output is only the original output format, some post-processing is needed to get the position of feature points in the image. The original output is:

 caffe2::Tensor kps_score(
      workSpace.GetBlob("kps_score")->Get<caffe2::Tensor>(), caffe2::CPU);

Output kps_score is numinstance * numkeypoint * Heatmap_ width * heatMap_ The array format of height. For each keypoint, the network will output a \ (56 * 56 \) Heatmap. First, resize the heapMap to the same size as the corresponding bbox through bilinear interpolation, and record it as heapMap_resize, where heapMap_ The location of the maximum value element in resize is the local of the keypoint_ Position, plus the offset of the upper left corner of the corresponding bbox, is the coordinate of the keypoint in the image.

Posted by NArc0t1c on Sat, 23 May 2020 07:11:54 -0700