Detailed explanation of CSS composite selector - HTML

Keywords: css3 html css


1. Descendant selector

2. Sub element selector

3. Union selector

4. Pseudo class selector

4.1 link pseudo class

4.2: ficus pseudo class selector

In CSS, selectors are divided into basic selectors and conforming selectors according to selector types. Compound selectors are formed by combining basic selectors based on basic selectors

1. Descendant selector

The descendant selector, also known as the include selector, can select the child elements in the parent element. The writing method is to write the outer label in front and the inner label in the back, separated by a space in the middle. When tags are nested, inner tags become descendants of outer tags

Element 1 element 2 {style declaration}    Element 2 must be a descendant of element 1. Element 2 can be a son or grandson, as long as it is a descendant.

Code example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">
			ol li{
			ul li a{
			<li>ol My child</li>
			<li>ol My child</li>
			<li>ol My child</li>
			<li>ul My child</li>
			<li>ul My child</li>
			<li>ul My child</li>
			<li><a href="#"> UL child's link</a></li>

Operation results:

Element 1 and element 2 can be any base selector  

Code example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">
			.nav li a{
			<li>ul My child</li>
			<li>ul My child</li>
			<li>ul My child</li>
		<ul class ="nav">
			<li>ul My child</li>
			<li>ul My child</li>
			<li>ul My child</li>
			<li><a href="#"> UL child's link</a></li>

Operation results:

2. Sub element selector

The sub element selector (sub selector) can only select the nearest level element of an element, which is simply understood as selecting parent and son

Element 1 > element 2 {style description}

Element 2 must be a real son, and his grandchildren and great grandchildren are not under his control

3. Union selector

The union selector can select multiple groups of labels and define the same style for them at the same time. Usually used for collective statements

Element 1,

Element 2 {style}

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">
			ul li {
				color: red;
		<div>Bald head strength</div>
		<p>Xiong er</p>
			<li>Peppa Pig</li>

Operation results:


4. Pseudo class selector

Pseudo class selectors are used to add special effects to some selectors, such as adding special effects to links, or adding special effects to the first and Nth elements

The greatest writing feature of pseudo class selectors is that they are represented by colons (:), such as: hover,: first Chile.

4.1 link pseudo class

a:link                 Select all links that are not accessed

a:visited            Select all links that have been accessed

a:hover             Select the link on which the mouse pointer is located

a:active            Select the active link (click the link that does not pop up)

Code example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="utf-8">
			/* Mouse not clicked */
			/* Mouse click */
			/* Mouse passing */
			/* Mouse click, but not release */
		<div><a href="#"> piggy page </a></div>


Precautions for linking pseudo classes:

1. To ensure effectiveness, please declare in the order of LVHA: link    : visited    : hover    : active

2. Because the link has a default style in the browser, all links need to be assigned a separate style in actual development

4.2: ficus pseudo class selector

The: focus pseudo class selector is used to select the form element that gets the focus

The focus is the cursor. Generally, the < input > type form element can be obtained. Therefore, this selector is mainly used for form elements




Posted by Mohammad on Sat, 30 Oct 2021 21:56:09 -0700