Detailed configuration of JQuery datatables and aoColumns parameters

Keywords: Mobile JQuery JSON Attribute

JQuery  datatables api

 var docrTable = $('#aaa').dataTable({  
     "destroy":true,  //No error will be reported.
     "bProcessing" : true, //Whether the'progress'prompt is displayed when the Data Tables load the data  
            "bServerSide" : true, //Whether to start server-side data import  
            "bStateSave" : true, //Whether or not to turn on the client state recording function, which will not revert the personalization settings to the initialization state when ajax refreshes the records  
            "bJQueryUI" : true, //Whether to use jQury's UI theme  
            "sScrollY" : 450, //High Data Tables  
            "sScrollX" : 820, //Width of DataTables  
            "aLengthMenu" : [20, 40, 60], //Change Display Record Number Options  
            "iDisplayLength" : 40, //Number of records displayed by default  
            "bAutoWidth" : false, //Adaptive Width  
            //"BScrollInfinite": false, // / Start initialization scrollbar  
            "bScrollCollapse" : true, //Whether to turn on the highly adaptive DataTables, when the number of data bars is not enough paging data bars, whether the plug-in height changes with the number of data bars  
            "bPaginate" : true, //Whether to display (apply) Paginator  
            "bInfo" : true, //Whether to display footer information, the data tables plug-in shows the number of records in the lower left corner  
            "sPaginationType" : "full_numbers", //Detailed Paging Groups to Support Direct Jump to a Page  
            "bSort" : true, //Whether to start the sorting function for each field  
            "aaSorting" : [[1, "asc"]], //Default sorting, column 2, ascending  
            "bFilter" : true, //Whether to start filtering and searching functions  
                    "aoColumns" : [{  
                        "mDataProp" : "USERID",  
                        "sDefaultContent" : "", //The default value of this column is ", in case there is no such value in the data, the DataTables will report errors when loading the data.  
                        "bVisible" : false //This column is not displayed  
                    }, {  
                        "mDataProp" : "USERNAME",  
                        "sTitle" : "User name",  
                        "sDefaultContent" : "",  
                        "sClass" : "center"  
                    }, {  
                        "mDataProp" : "EMAIL",  
                        "sTitle" : "Mail box",  
                        "sDefaultContent" : "",  
                        "sClass" : "center"  
                    }, {  
                        "mDataProp" : "MOBILE",  
                        "sTitle" : "Mobile phone",  
                        "sDefaultContent" : "",  
                        "sClass" : "center"  
                    }, {  
                        "mDataProp" : "PHONE",  
                        "sTitle" : "Landline",  
                        "sDefaultContent" : "",  
                        "sClass" : "center"  
                    }, {  
                        "mDataProp" : "NAME",  
                        "sTitle" : "Full name",  
                        "sDefaultContent" : "",  
                        "sClass" : "center"  
                    }, {  
                        "mDataProp" : "ISADMIN",  
                        "sTitle" : "User privileges",  
                        "sDefaultContent" : "",  
                        "sClass" : "center"  
                    "oLanguage": { //Internationalization Configuration  
                "sProcessing" : "Data is being retrieved, please wait a moment....",    
                "sLengthMenu" : "display _MENU_ strip",    
                "sZeroRecords" : "There is nothing you want to search for",    
                "sInfo" : "from _START_ reach  _END_ Total number of records _TOTAL_ strip",    
                "sInfoEmpty" : "The number of records is 0.",    
                "sInfoFiltered" : "(Total number of records _MAX_ strip)",    
                "sInfoPostFix" : "",    
                "sSearch" : "search",    
                "sUrl" : "",    
                "oPaginate": {    
                    "sFirst" : "First page",    
                    "sPrevious" : "Previous page",    
                    "sNext" : "next page",    
                    "sLast" : "last page"    
                    "fnRowCallback" : function(nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex) {  
                        /* Used to overwrite user privileges */  
                        if (aData.ISADMIN == '1')  
                            $('td:eq(5)', nRow).html('Administrators');  
                        if (aData.ISADMIN == '2')  
                            $('td:eq(5)', nRow).html('Data download');  
                        if (aData.ISADMIN == '3')  
                            $('td:eq(5)', nRow).html('General user');  
                        return nRow;  
                    "sAjaxSource" : "../use/" + new Date().getTime(),  
                        //Server side, data callback processing  
                            "fnServerData" : function(sSource, aDataSet, fnCallback) {  
                                    "dataType" : 'json',  
                                    "type" : "POST",  
                                    "url" : sSource,  
                                    "data" : aDataSet,  
                                    "success" : fnCallback  
                $("#docrevisontable tbody").click(function(event) {/ / when clicking a record in the table, the record's cId and cName will be written to the hidden field.  
                    $(docrTable.fnSettings().aoData).each(function() {  
                    var aData = docrTable.fnGetData(;  
                $('#Docrevisontable_filter'. HTML ('< span > user management list');  
                $('#Docrevisontable_filter'). append ('<input type= "button" class= "addBtn" id= "addBut" value= "create"/>');  
                $('#Docrevisontable_filter'). append ('<input type= "button" class= "addBtn" id= "addBut" value= "modification"/>');  
                $('#Docrevisontable_filter'). append ('<input type= "button" class= "addBtn" id= "addBut" value= "delete"/>');  

Use an error to delete a portion until it is available.

The parameters of aoColumns are:

User parameter name Source parameter name English explanation Chinese explanation




Cell type to be created for a column  Set the type of column label (ex: th, td)


Class to assign to each cell in the column Set the class attribute value of the column


Add padding to the text content used when calculating the optimal with for a table. Setting the fill content to calculate and optimize the text content used for a table does not generally require setting


Cell created callback to allow DOM manipulation Set the callback function after the cell is created, set the background color or add rows.


Set the data source for the column from the rows data object / array Set values in cells


Set default, static, content for a column Set default values for columns


Set a descriptive name for a column Set the descriptive name of the column


Enable or disable ordering on this column Set whether columns can be sorted


Define multiple column ordering as the default order for a column Setting the default order of columns when ordering multiple columns
orderDataType sSortDataType  Live DOM sorting type assignment  


Order direction application sequence Setting the default sorting of columns can change the order of column sorting


Render (process) the data for use in the table  


Enable or disable filtering on the data in this column Set whether column data is filtered
title sTitle  Set the column title Set the title of the column
type sType

Set the column type - used for filtering and sorting string processing.

Four types (string, numeric, date and html (which will strip HTML tags before ordering)) are currently available.

Sets the type of column for string processing for filtering and sorting.
visible bVisible Enable or disable the display of this column Set whether the column is displayed
width sWidth Column width assignment Define the width of the column

The general configuration of bloggers is as follows:

 var docrTable = $('#docrevisontable').dataTable({  
     "destroy":true,  //No error will be reported.
     "bProcessing" : false, //Whether the'progress'prompt is displayed when the Data Tables load the data
     "bInfo" : true, //Whether to display footer information, the data tables plug-in shows the number of records in the lower left corner  
     "sPaginationType" : "full_numbers", //Detailed Paging Groups to Support Direct Jump to a Page  
     "bSort" : true, //Whether to start the sorting function for each field  
     "aaSorting" : [[0, "asc"]], //Default sorting, column n, ascending  
     "aLengthMenu" : [10, 20, 50], //Change Display Record Number Options  
     "iDisplayLength" : 10, //Number of records displayed by default  
     "aoColumns" : [
    		"bVisible" :true,  //Visible
    		"bSearchable": false, //Participation in search
    		"bSortable":false,    //Is it sorted?
    		"sWidth":200     //Set width
      "oLanguage": { //Display settings
         "sProcessing" : "Data is being retrieved, please wait a moment....",    
         "sLengthMenu" : "display _MENU_ strip",    
         "sZeroRecords" : "There is nothing you want to search for",    
         "sInfo" : "from _START_ reach  _END_ Total number of records _TOTAL_ strip",    
         "sInfoEmpty" : "The number of records is 0.",    
         "sInfoFiltered" : "(Total number of records _MAX_ strip)",    
         "sInfoPostFix" : "",    
         "sSearch" : "search",    
         "oPaginate": {    
             "sFirst" : "First page",    
             "sPrevious" : "Previous page",    
             "sNext" : "next page",    
             "sLast" : "last page"    


Posted by Bit343 on Mon, 30 Sep 2019 12:38:30 -0700