Design of four stage pipeline 8-bit adder based on FPGA

Four stage pipeline 8-bit adder


// Company: NanJing University of Information Science & Technology
// Engineer: Yang Cheng Yu
// Create Date: 2020/01/21 20:01:50
// Design Name: add_8bit
// Module Name: add_8bit
// Project Name: 
// Target Devices: 
// Tool Versions: 
// Description: 
// Dependencies: 
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
//Four stage pipeline 8-bit adder
module add_8bit(
	input 				clk,
	input[7:0] 			a_in,		//8-digit input a
	input[7:0] 			b_in,		//8-digit input b
	input 				cin,		//Carry input
	output reg[7:0]  	sum_out,	//Add and output
	output reg 			cout		//Carry output
	reg 					c_0to1bit;		//0-1 bit carry output register
	reg[1:0] 			sum_0to1bit;	//0-1 bit plus output register
	reg 					c_2to3bit;		//2-3 bit carry output register
	reg[1:0] 			sum_2to3bit;	//2-3 bit plus output register
	reg 					c_4to5bit;		//4-5 bit carry output register
	reg[1:0] 			sum_4to5bit;	//4-5 bit plus output register
	reg 					c_6to7bit;		//6-7 bit carry output register
	reg[1:0] 			sum_6to7bit;	//6-7 bit plus output register
	reg[1:0] 			tempa_2to3bit;	//2-3 bit input a register
	reg[1:0] 			tempb_2to3bit;	//2-3 bit input b register
	reg[1:0] 			tempa_4to5bit;	//4-5 bit input a register
	reg[1:0] 			tempb_4to5bit;	//4-5 bit input b register
	reg[1:0] 			tempa_6to7bit;	//6-7 bit input a register
	reg[1:0] 			tempb_6to7bit;	//6-7 bit input b register
	//0-1-bit addition calculation, first level pipeline
	always@(posedge clk)begin
		{c_0to1bit,sum_0to1bit} <= a_in[1:0] + b_in[1:0] + cin;
		tempa_2to3bit <= a_in[3:2];
		tempb_2to3bit <= b_in[3:2];
	//2-3-bit addition calculation, second stage pipeline
	always@(posedge clk)begin
		{c_2to3bit,sum_2to3bit} <= tempa_2to3bit + tempb_2to3bit + c_0to1bit;
		tempa_4to5bit <= a_in[5:4];
		tempb_4to5bit <= b_in[5:4];
	//4-5-bit addition calculation, third level pipeline
	always@(posedge clk)begin
		{c_4to5bit,sum_4to5bit} <= tempa_4to5bit + tempb_4to5bit + c_2to3bit;
		tempa_6to7bit <= a_in[7:6];
		tempb_6to7bit <= b_in[7:6];
	//6-7-bit addition calculation, fourth level pipeline
	always@(posedge clk)begin
		{c_6to7bit,sum_6to7bit} <= tempa_6to7bit + tempb_6to7bit + c_4to5bit;
	//Final result output
	always@(posedge clk)begin
		cout <= c_6to7bit;
		sum_out <= {sum_6to7bit,sum_4to5bit,sum_2to3bit,sum_0to1bit};

RTL view

The essential purpose of using pipeline in this design is to store the carry output of each level.

Simulation code

`timescale 1ns/1ps
`define clock_period 20
module add_8bit_tb;
	reg 			clk		;
	reg[7:0] 	a_in		;
	reg[7:0] 	b_in		;
	reg 			cin		;
	wire[7:0] 	sum_out	;
	wire 			cout		;

add_8bit add_8bit(
	.clk		(clk),
	.a_in		(a_in),
	.b_in		(b_in),
	.cin		(cin),
	.sum_out	(sum_out),
	.cout		(cout)

	initial clk=1;
	initial begin
		a_in = 8'b10010010;
		b_in = 8'b01001101;
		cin = 1'b1;
		a_in = 8'b11110110;
		b_in = 8'b01101001;
		cin = 1'b1;

Gate level simulation waveform

It can be seen from the simulation code that the calculation process costs 86.916ns.

Ordinary 8-bit adder


module add_8bit_common(
	input 				clk,
	input [7:0]			a_in,
	input [7:0] 		b_in,
	input 				cin,
	output reg			cout,
	output reg[7:0] 	sum_out
	always@(posedge clk)begin
		{cout,sum_out} <= cin + a_in + b_in;

RTL view

Simulation code

`timescale 1ns/1ps
`define clock_period 20
module add_8bit_common_tb;
	reg 				clk		;	
	reg[7:0] 		a_in		;	
	reg[7:0] 		b_in		;	
	reg 				cin		;	
	wire 				cout		;	
	wire[7:0] 		sum_out	;
add_8bit_common add_8bit_common(
	.clk		(clk),
	.a_in		(a_in),
	.b_in		(b_in),
	.cin		(cin),
	.cout		(cout),
	.sum_out	(sum_out)
	initial clk=1;
	initial begin

Gate level simulation waveform

The final result is 27.872ns.

If the two schemes are used to calculate 1000 groups of data continuously, it will cost 27872ns in theory,
The pipeline adder needs 86.916 + 20 * 999 = 20066.916ns. Therefore, it can be seen that the pipeline processing method will be faster than the non pipeline circuit in continuous processing of large quantities of data, but it will be slower in processing a small amount of data, especially when the circuit is simple.

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Posted by jscruggs on Tue, 21 Jan 2020 06:57:57 -0800