Design mode 4 factory mode of multi factories

Keywords: Java

Multi factory mode

When we do a more complex project, we often encounter the situation that it takes a lot of energy to initialize an object. All product classes are initialized in a factory method, which makes the code structure unclear.
Considering the need for clear structure, we define a creator for each product, and then the caller will choose which factory method to associate with.

uml class diagram


  1. Abstract factory class
public abstract class AbstractMultiMachineFactory {
   abstract public Machine createMaching();
  1. Specific factory

Bicycle factory

public class BikeFactory extends AbstractMultiMachineFactory{
    public Machine createMaching() {
        return new Bike();

Car factory

public class CarFactory extends AbstractMultiMachineFactory{
    public Machine createMaching() {
        return new Car();

Truck factory

public class TruckFactory extends AbstractMultiMachineFactory{
    public Machine createMaching() {
        return new Truck();

Product category immovable

Design mode 2 factory method mode

Customer test

public class ClientTest {
    public void createMachine(){
        // Containers packed to customers
        List<Machine> list = new ArrayList<>() ;

         * 1.Customers place orders and start building cars (2 cars, 2 trucks, 2 bicycles)
        // Automobile production line
        CarFactory carFactory = new CarFactory() ;
        for(int i=0;i<2;i++){
        // Truck production line
        TruckFactory truckFactory = new TruckFactory() ;
        for(int i=0;i<2;i++){
        // Bicycle production line
        BikeFactory bikeFactory = new BikeFactory() ;
        for(int i=0;i<2;i++){

        //The customer begins to test the performance of each vehicle
        list.forEach(ele -> {
            ele.start() ;
            if(ele instanceof Car){
                ((Car) ele).blow();
            if(ele instanceof Truck){
                ((Truck) ele).blow();

Source code

Singleton mode

Simple factory mode

Factory method mode

Blog series

One example of design pattern

Design mode 2 factory method mode

Design mode 3: simple factory mode

Posted by Simplicity on Wed, 29 Apr 2020 23:10:31 -0700