Degraded configuration of OpenFeign

Keywords: Java Spring Boot Spring Cloud RESTful


When we need to call other microservices or third-party interfaces, we may use Dubbo or Spring's own component RestTemplate, but compared with the previous two, I prefer to use Feign, a component of Spring cloud. In my opinion, Feign is more flexible.

OpenFeign basic use

I'm too lazy to write a micro service myself. Here I searched a third-party interface on the Internet:
Take this interface as an example

Dependencies required to use OpenFeign

    <!-- SpringBoot Dependent configuration of-->
    <!--Remote interface call-->

        <!-- SpringCloud Microservices -->

Here, the 2.5.0 SpringBoot version I use is 2020.0.3

Write Feign related logic

1. First, you need to add @ EnableFeignClients to the main method class

2. Write feign's interface

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;

@FeignClient(url="", name = "music")
public interface RemoteMusicService {
    public Object getMusic(@RequestParam("type") String type, @RequestParam("id") String id);

3. Write a controller to call RemoteMusicService

import com.swagger.demo.remoteAPI.RemoteMusicService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

public class TestOpenFeign {

    private RemoteMusicService remoteMusicService;

    public Object getMusic(String type, String id) {
        return remoteMusicService.getMusic(type, id);


The test results after operation are as follows:

OpenFeign settings downgrade

When it comes to fusing and demotion, of course, the first thing we think of is Hystrix. Yes, we need it this time

1. Dependencies to add

<!--Fuse degraded use-->

2. Add support for Hystrix on the main method class

3. Add configuration in the application configuration file (enable Feign's support for Hystrix)


Note that my spring cloud version is 2020.0.3, and the configuration here is feign.circuitbreaker.enabled=true; If you are using a spring cloud version before 2020, the configuration information is feign.hystrix.enabled=true. (the problem with this version is still quite serious. I've planted it here before)

4. Set degradation for RemoteMusicService interface
There are two degradation methods here: fallback and fallbackFactory. Both can be degraded when the interface call fails. The latter can output more detailed information than the former. Next, let's all test it.

fallback mode:
First, write a fallback class and implement the corresponding degraded interface

import com.swagger.demo.remoteAPI.RemoteMusicService;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class MusicFallback implements RemoteMusicService {
    public Object getMusic(String type, String id) {
        System.out.println("Ha ha, ha ha, reported wrong");
        return "Ha ha ha";

Don't forget to add @ Component here. When demoting, you need to get the bean object in the spring container
Add fallback configuration for RemoteMusicService:

Test output:

FallbackFactory mode:
First, write a FallbackFactory class and implement FallbackFactory < < corresponding degraded interface >

import com.swagger.demo.remoteAPI.RemoteMusicService;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class MusicFallbackFactory implements FallbackFactory<RemoteMusicService> {
    public RemoteMusicService create(Throwable cause) {
        // Similar to fallback, you need to return an object corresponding to the interface
        return new RemoteMusicService() {
            public Object getMusic(String type, String id) {
                System.out.println("Ha ha, ha ha, reported wrong");
                return "Hahaha 123";

Add MusicFallbackFactory configuration for RemoteMusicService:

Test output:

Posted by possiblyB9 on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 06:26:50 -0700