Deep parsing MySQL binlog

Keywords: MySQL SQL mysqlbinlog Spring

1. overview

Bilog is a binary log maintained by Mysql sever layer, which is completely different from redo/undo log in innodb engine. It is mainly used to record SQL statements that update mysql data or potentially update, and stored on disk in the form of "transaction".

The main functions are:

  • Replication: MySQL Replication opens binlog on the Master side, and Master passes its binary log to slaves and replays it to achieve master-slave data consistency
  • Data recovery: restoring data through the mysqlbinlog tool
  • Incremental backup

2. Bilog management

  • Open the binlog my. CNF configuration and set: log_bin="to store the bin log path directory"
binlog Information Service binlog When turned on, you can view its location information in the configuration file or in the myslq View from the command line:
show variables like '%log_bin%';
| Variable_name                   | Value                               |
| log_bin                         | ON                                  |
| log_bin_basename                | /var/lib/mysql/3306/mysql-bin       |
| log_bin_index                   | /var/lib/mysql/3306/mysql-bin.index |
| log_bin_trust_function_creators | OFF                                 |
| log_bin_use_v1_row_events       | OFF                                 |
| sql_log_bin                     | ON                                  |
binlog File opening binlog After that, it will be produced in the data directory (default) host-bin.n(specific binlog Information) Documents and host-bin.index Index files (records) binlog List of files). When binlog Log full(binlog Size max_binlog_size,Default 1 G),Or the database reboots to produce new files, but you can also manually switch them to regenerate new files( flush logs);In addition, if you are using a large transaction, it may also be possible because a transaction cannot span two files binlog Refresh Files When Files Are Not Full
mysql> show binary logs; //View the list of binlog files.
| Log_name         | File_size |
| mysql-bin.000001 |       177 |
| mysql-bin.000002 |       177 |
| mysql-bin.000003 |  10343266 |
| mysql-bin.000004 |  10485660 |
| mysql-bin.000005 |     53177 |
| mysql-bin.000006 |      2177 |
| mysql-bin.000007 |      1383 |
View the status of binlog: show master status can view the status information of the current binary log file, display the binary file being written, and the current position
 mysql> show master status;
 | File             | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB | Executed_Gtid_Set |
 | mysql-bin.000007 |      120 |              |                  |                   |
  • reset master empties the binlog log file

3. Bilog content

By default, binlog logs are in binary format and cannot be viewed directly. You can view it in two ways:

   a. mysqlbinlog: /usr/bin/mysqlbinlog  mysql-bin.000007
        - mysqlbinlog yes mysql Officially provided one binlog View tools,
        - Can also be used–read-from-remote-server Reading binary logs from remote servers,
        - Can also be used--start-position --stop-position,--start-time= --stop-time Accurate analysis binlog Journal
        //The interception position 1190-1352 binlog is as follows:
        # at 1190//Starting Point of Event
        #171223 21:56:26 server id 123  end_log_pos 1190 CRC32 0xf75c94a7 	Intvar
        SET INSERT_ID=2/*!*/;
        #171223 21:56:26 server id 123  end_log_pos 1352 CRC32 0xefa42fea 	Query	thread_id=4	exec_time=0	error_code=0
        SET TIMESTAMP=1514123786/*!*/;              //The starting point of a transaction (each at is an event)
        insert into tb_person  set name="name__2", address="beijing", sex="man", other="nothing"  //sql statement
        # at 1352
        #171223 21:56:26 server ID 123 end_log_pos 1383 CRC32 0x72c565d3 Xid = 5// execution time, and location stamp, Xid: Event indicates submitted XA transactions
    b.Direct command line parsing
            [IN 'log_name'] //The binlog file name to query
            [FROM pos]  
            [LIMIT [offset,] row_count]  
        1190-135 As follows: mysql> show binlog events in 'mysql-bin.000007' from 1190 limit 2\G
        *************************** 13. row ***************************
           Log_name: mysql-bin.000007
                Pos: 1190
         Event_type: Query  //Event type
          Server_id: 123
        End_log_pos: 1352   //End pose point, the starting point of the next event
               Info: use `test`; insert into tb_person  set name="name__2", address="beijing", sex="man", other="nothing"
        *************************** 14. row ***************************
           Log_name: mysql-bin.000007
                Pos: 1352
         Event_type: Xid
          Server_id: 123
        End_log_pos: 1383
               Info: COMMIT /* xid=51 */

4. Bilog format

Mysql binlog log has three formats: ROW, Statement and MiXED; binglog format can be viewed through my.cnf configuration file and == set global binlog_format='ROW/STATEMENT/MIXED'==== command line == show variables like'binlog_format'== command.

  • Row level: The advantage of keeping only the details of the modified records and not the context-related information of sql statements is that it can record the modification details of each row of data very clearly without recording the context-related information. Therefore, there will be no problem that the triggers of procedure, function and trigger can not be copied correctly under certain circumstances, and any situation can be copied. It can speed up the efficiency of replaying logs from libraries and ensure the consistency of data from libraries.
    Disadvantage: Since all executed statements will be recorded in the log with the modification details of each row, a large amount of log content may be generated and there will be more interference; for example, an update statement, if multiple records are modified, every modification in the binlog will be recorded, which results in a large number of binlog logs, especially when statements such as alter table are executed. When the structure of the table is changed, every record of the table is changed. Then every record of the table is recorded in the log, which is equivalent to rebuilding the table.
    The sql encoding generated by tip:-row mode needs to be decoded and cannot be generated by conventional methods, and the sql statement can only be displayed by adding corresponding parameters (- base64-output = decode-rows-v); - The new version of binlog defaults to ROW level, and 5.6 adds a new parameter: binlog_image; after binrow_image is set to minimal, the binlog record is only the column of influence. Significantly reduced log content
  • Statement level: Every sql that modifies data is recorded in binlog. It only needs to record the details of execution statement and context environment to avoid recording the changes of each line. In some cases, compared with ROW level, it can greatly reduce binlog log log volume, save IO and improve performance; it can also be used for real-time restore; at the same time, master and slave versions can be different. Sample, slave server version can be higher than master server version
    Disadvantage: In order to ensure that sql statements can be executed correctly on slave, context information must be recorded to ensure that all statements can get the same results on slave as when executed on master side. In addition, when master-slave replication occurs, some functions (such as sleep) and stored procedures will appear inconsistent with master results on slave, while Row level records the changes of each line in detail. No such inconsistencies will ever occur.
  • Mixed level: After comparing the two levels above, we can find that ROW level and statement level have their own advantages. If we can choose between them according to sql statement, they will have better performance and effect. Mixed level is the combination of the two levels above. However, the new version of MySQL has also been optimized for row level mode. Not all modifications will be recorded by row level. For example, when table structure changes, they will be recorded by state mode. If the sql statement is indeed a statement that modifies data such as update or delete, then all row changes will be recorded; therefore, row level is generally used now.
  • If INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE are used to operate the table directly, the log format is recorded according to the binlog_format setting.
    If you use GRANT, REVOKE, SET PASSWORD and other management statement s to do, then in any case, use the state mode to record.

5. copy

Replication is one of the most important functions of mysql. The high availability, load balancing and read-write separation of MySQL Cluster are all based on replication. There are two ways of replication from 5.6, based on binlog and based on GTID (Global Transaction Indicator). Next, we will introduce the master-slave replication based on binlog. The basic process of replication is as follows:

   a.Master records data changes in binary logs
    B. The IO process on Slave connects to Master and requests log content after the specified location of the specified log file (or the initial log)
    After receiving a request from Slave's IO process, the replicated IO process reads the log information after the specified location of the log according to the request information and returns it to Slave's IO process.
        In addition to the information contained in the log, the return information includes the name of the bin-log file that has been returned to the Master and the location of the bin-log.
    After receiving the information, the IO process of d.Slave adds the received log content to the end of relay-log file of Slave end in turn, and reads the bin-log of Master end.
        File names and locations are recorded in master-info files so that Master can clearly tell the log content from where a bin-log starts to be when he reads it next time.
    When the Sql process of e.Slave detects new content added to relay-log, it immediately parses the relay-log content as executable content when it is actually executed on the Master side and executes it on its own.

Next, an example is used to demonstrate binlog-based master-slave replication:

   a.To configure master
        //It mainly includes setting up replication account and granting REPLICATION SLAVE permission. The specific information will be stored in file, and opening binlog.
        mysql> CREATE USER 'test'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
        mysql> GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'test'@'%';
        mysql> show variables like "log_bin";
            | Variable_name | Value |
            | log_bin       | ON    |
        //View the master's current binlog MySQL status: MySQL > show master status;
            | File             | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB | Executed_Gtid_Set |
            | mysql-bin.000003 |      120 |              |                  |                   |
        //Build tables to insert data:
            CREATE TABLE `tb_person` (
        	   `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
               `name` varchar(36) NOT NULL,                           
               `address` varchar(36) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',    
               `sex` varchar(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Man' ,
        	   `other` varchar(256) NOT NULL ,
               PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
        	 insert into tb_person  set name="name1", address="beijing", sex="man", other="nothing";
        	 insert into tb_person  set name="name2", address="beijing", sex="man", other="nothing";
        	 insert into tb_person  set name="name3", address="beijing", sex="man", other="nothing";
        	 insert into tb_person  set name="name4", address="beijing", sex="man", other="nothing";
    b.To configure slave
        Slave Configuration is similar master,Additional settings required relay_log Parameters, slave There is no need to open binary logs if slave For others slave Of master,Must set up bin_log
    c.Connect master
        mysql> CHANGE MASTER TO
           MASTER_LOG_POS=120; slave status;
        mysql> show slave status\G
        *************************** 1. row ***************************
                       Slave_IO_State:   ---------------------------- slave io State, indicating that it has not been started
                          Master_User: test  
                          Master_Port: 20126  
                        Connect_Retry: 60   ------------------------- master Sleep time before downtime or connection loss from the slave server thread retries to connect to the primary server
                      Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000003  ------------ Current read master binlog file
                  Read_Master_Log_Pos: 120  ------------------------- slave read master binlog file location
                       Relay_Log_File: relay-bin.000001  ------------ playback binlog
                        Relay_Log_Pos: 4   -------------------------- playback relay log position
                Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000003  ------------ playback log Corresponding maser binlog file
                     Slave_IO_Running: No
                    Slave_SQL_Running: No
                  Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 0  --------------------------- Be relative to master From library sql The location to which the thread executes
                Seconds_Behind_Master: NULL
        Slave_IO_State, Slave_IO_Running, and Slave_SQL_Running by NO Explain slave The replication process has not yet started.
    e.Start replication
        start slave
    f.Observe again slave state
        mysql> show slave status\G
        *************************** 1. row ***************************
                       Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event -- wait for master New event
                          Master_User: test
                          Master_Port: 20126
                        Connect_Retry: 60
                      Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000003
                  Read_Master_Log_Pos: 3469  ---------------------------- 3469  Be equal to Exec_Master_Log_Pos,Completed playback
                       Relay_Log_File: relay-bin.000002                    ||
                        Relay_Log_Pos: 1423                                ||
                Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000003                    ||
                     Slave_IO_Running: Yes                                 ||
                    Slave_SQL_Running: Yes                                 ||
                  Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 3469  -----------------------------3469  Be equal to slave read master binlog Playback completed
                Seconds_Behind_Master: 0
        //You can see that slave's I/O and SQL threads are already running, and Seconds_Behind_Master=0. The increase in Relay_Log_Pos means that some events are captured and executed.
        //Finally, see how to correctly judge the delay of SLAVE and determine whether slave catches up with master's binlog:
        1,First look Relay_Master_Log_File and Maser_Log_File Is there any difference?
        2,If Relay_Master_Log_File and Master_Log_File If it's the same, come on. Exec_Master_Log_Pos and Read_Master_Log_Pos Differences, Contrasts SQL Thread ratio IO How many threads are slow? binlog Event;
        3,If Relay_Master_Log_File and Master_Log_File Unlike that, it means that the delay may be large and needs to be from MASTER Get on binlog status,Judging the current binlog and MASTER The gap between them;
        4,If none of the above can detect problems, you can use it pt_heartbeat Tools to monitor delays in master and standby replication.
    g.query slave Data, Master-Subordinate Consistency
        mysql> select * from tb_person;
            | id | name  | address | sex | other   |
            |  5 | name4 | beijing | man | nothing |
            |  6 | name2 | beijing | man | nothing |
            |  7 | name1 | beijing | man | nothing |
            |  8 | name3 | beijing | man | nothing |
//There are many other contents about mysql replication, such as different synchronization methods, replication formats, what are the differences, what are the characteristics, and under what circumstances should be used.... Here we will not introduce them one by one.

6. recovery

   Recovery is binlog One of the two main roles is to demonstrate how to use it with examples. binlog Restore data:
    a.First, look at the present binlog position
        mysql> show master status;
        | File             | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB | Executed_Gtid_Set |
        | mysql-bin.000008 |     1847 |              |                  |                   |
    b.Direction table tb_person Insert two records:
        insert into tb_person  set name="person_1", address="beijing", sex="man", other="test-1";
        insert into tb_person  set name="person_2", address="beijing", sex="man", other="test-2";
    c.Record current binlog Location:
        mysql> show master status;
        | File             | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB | Executed_Gtid_Set |
        | mysql-bin.000008 |     2585 |              |                  |                   |
    d.Query data 
        mysql> select *  from tb_person where name ="person_2" or name="person_1";
        | id | name     | address | sex | other  |
        |  6 | person_1 | beijing | man | test-1 |
        |  7 | person_2 | beijing | man | test-2 |
    e.Delete one: delete from tb_person where name ="person_2";
        mysql> select *  from tb_person where name ="person_2" or name="person_1";
        | id | name     | address | sex | other  |
        |  6 | person_1 | beijing | man | test-1 |
    f. binlog Restore (specify) pos Point recovery/Partial recovery)
        mysqlbinlog   --start-position=1847  --stop-position=2585  mysql-bin.000008  > test.sql
        mysql> source /var/lib/mysql/3306/test.sql
    d.Data recovery completed 
        mysql> select *  from tb_person where name ="person_2" or name="person_1";
        | id | name     | address | sex | other  |
        |  6 | person_1 | beijing | man | test-1 |
        |  7 | person_2 | beijing | man | test-2 |
        //Recovery is to have mysql execute sql statements that are saved in the binlog log log for a specified paragraph interval one by one


Categories: Mysql
Tags: Mysql

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Posted by hwttdz on Wed, 08 May 2019 07:45:40 -0700