Day25 class related magic methods

Keywords: iOS Attribute Python Mac

1. Magic properties related to class

#Get the internal member structure of an object or class
#Get the internal doc ument of an object or class
#Get class name function name
#Class gets the class to which the current object belongs
#Get all the parent classes directly inherited by a class, return tuples


2. reflection

#Concept: use string to manipulate the attribute methods in class objects or modules
#(1) reflection in class
#hasattr() detects whether an object / class has a specified member
#getattr() gets the value of an object / class member
#setattr() sets the value of an object / class member
#delattr() deletes the value of an object / class member

#(2) module reflection
sys.modules returns a system dictionary whose key is all the loaded modules



# ### Magic properties related to classes
class Human():

class Man():
class Woman():
class Children(Man,Woman):
    //Function of class: describe a child
    //Member property of class: eye
    //Member method of class: sleep ﹐ beat ﹐ Doudou
    eye = "Blue eyes"
    # Common method
    def eat():
        print("Children like to eat")
    # Binding method
    def sleep(self):
        print("Children like to sleep,Sleep 20 hours a day")

    def drink(self):
        print("Children like to drink water,Drinking water and urine")
    def cry(self, func):
        res = func.__name__
        print(res, type(res))
    # Private binding method
    def __beat_doudou(self):
        print("Children like to fight beans")

# __dict? Gets the internal member structure of an object or class
obj = Children()
res = obj.__dict__
# {}
# {'__module__': '__main__',
# '[doc]:' \ n \ Tclass function: describes the member attribute of a child's \ n \ Tclass: eye \ n \ Tclass member method: sleep \\,
# 'eye': 'blue eyes',
# 'eat': <function at 0x0000000001E83D08>,
# 'sleep': <function Children.sleep at 0x0000000001E83D90>,
# 'drink': <function Children.drink at 0x0000000001E83E18>,
# 'cry': <function Children.cry at 0x0000000001E8B1E0>,
# '_Children__beat_doudou': <function Children.__beat_doudou at 0x0000000001E8B268>}
# __doc > get the internal document of an object or class
res = Children.__doc__

# Function of class: describe a child
# Member property of class: eye
# Member method of class: sleep
# __beat_doudou

# __Name? Get the class name and function name
def myfunc():
    print("I am a function.")
# myfunc <class 'str'>
# __Class? Gets the class to which the current object belongs
res = obj.__class__
# <class '__main__.Children'>
# (<class '__main__.Man'>, <class '__main__.Woman'>)

# __bases - gets all the parent classes directly inherited by a class, and returns tuples
res = Children.__bases__

2.Reflection part code:# Concept: use string to manipulate the attribute methods in class objects or modules
# (1)hasattr() detects whether the object / class has specified members [based on whether it can be called]
res = hasattr(obj, "eye")
# True
res = hasattr(Children, "eat")

# (2)getattr() gets the value of the object / class member
res = getattr(obj, "eye")
# Blue eyes res = getattr(obj,"sleep") print(res) # It returns a binding method # <bound method Children.sleep of <__main__.Children object at 0x0000000001E86DA0>> res() # Children like to sleep for 20 hours a day res = getattr(Children,"eat") print(res) # <function at 0x00000000027C3D08> res() # Children like to eat res = getattr(Children,"sleep") # <function Children.sleep at 0x00000000027C3D90> print(res) # It's not a binding method res(123) # Children like to sleep, 20 hours a day # The third parameter of getattr is optional. If you cannot get this value, you can add a default prompt to prevent error reporting res = getattr(obj,"abc","I'm sorry, this one doesn't") print(res) # I'm sorry, this one doesn't # strvar = input("please enter the function you want to call") # if hasattr(obj,strvar): # res = getattr(obj,strvar) # res() # (3)setattr() sets the value of the object / class member setattr(obj,"hair","Shellfish yellow") print( # Shellfish yellow setattr(Children,"skin","green") print( # green # (4)delattr() deletes the value of an object / class member delattr(obj,"hair") # print( delattr(Children,"skin") # print(


 (2)Reflection of modules
# sys.modules returns a system dictionary whose key is all the loaded modules
import sys
res = sys.modules
print(__name__) #__main__
mymodule = sys.modules[__name__]
print(mymodule) # Module object
# < module '! Main ` from' H: / Python full stack video / Day25 python \x7ftcp protocol, switch, LAN, find MAC / day25 / mymodule. Py '> according to arp

def func1():
    print("This is func1 Method")
def func2():
    print("This is func2 Method")
def func3():
    print("This is func3 Method")

# The user gives me a string and I reflect the corresponding method call
while True:
    strvar  = input("Please enter the method you want to call")
    if hasattr(mymodule,strvar):
        _func_ = getattr(mymodule,strvar)
        print("Eldest brother,No,")


Posted by easmith on Sat, 02 Nov 2019 15:21:04 -0700