1. Define event 1
Event Publisher: publish event (the object that triggered the event)
Event subscriber: accept the event and handle it accordingly (capture and handle the event)
Define event: access modifier event delegate type event name
1. The modifier is generally public and visible to other classes
2. The delegation type can be user-defined or predefined EventHandler
int main() { friend f1 = new friend (); friend f2 = new friend (); bridge.myevent +=f1.thing; bridge.myevent +=f2.thing; //Subscription events bridge.myevent -=f2.thing; //Remove events bridge.sendthing (); //Publishing events. Methods that call a delegation chain through a delegation chain call events indirectly through public methods } //Event can't call bridge.myevent() directly outside the class. It will report an error! class bridge { public delegate void mydele(); public static event mydele myevent; public static void sendthing() { myevent(); } //public Method } class friend { public void thing() { Console.WriteLine ("wo zhi dao le !"); } }
1. Define events2
Prototype: public delegate void EventHandler (object sender, EventArgs e);
You can use the delegation type EventHandler provided by the system
public event EventHandler myevent; //bridge public void sendthing(string time,string place) { EventArgs e = new EventArgs(time,place); myevent (this,e); //Who sent this } public class Myeventargs :EventArgs //Extend EventArgs to pass parameters { protected string time; protected string place; public Myeventargs(string time,string place) { this.time = time; = place; } } public void thing(object sender,EventArgs e) //friend { Console.WriteLine ("{0}Received{1}Notice.,time{2}place{3} ", name,((bridge)sender).name,((Myeventargs)e).time,((Myeventargs)e).place); } int main() { bridge b = new bridge ("xin", 22); //main friend f1 = new friend ("a", 21); b.myevent += f1.thing; b.sendthing ("2017", "beijing"); }